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About Brigade

  • Birthday 09/30/1993

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  • Anal [Death Grip]
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  1. Looks like all his mods are on AFK mods and TES Alliance. I know that the first one has open sign up, so they should be easy enough to find.
  2. This all just seems like things that are already handled better, and in a more stable manner by Lovers. Actually, just about every part of this mod is handled by RaperS except for the bit about the guards, which is handled by a couple other lovers mods, and all are compatible with deadly reflex at least.
  3. Well, I've played Oblivion to death lately, and managed to make two characters who have done pretty much everything in the game between the two of them. At this point, I don't care if the mod corrupts my entire Oblivion install, as long as the bugs aren't too jarring. Some people mentioned that the mod was missing some assets. I'm downloading from the one big Mega download. Can someone give me an idea of how often I would be running into these, so that I know if I should bother hunting down the original mods they were taken from?
  4. This annoys me to no end. When I open any website the first thing I check is the general section, so I can see whats happening on the forums. If I want something specific, I look it up. It's all just screwy, and makes the assumption that skyrim is now the main god-given focus of the website. If not the general section, then at least the Oblivion section should be up top, what with the original Lovers mod being the site's namesake.
  5. If someone took the time out of their life to mod the insult to gaming that is DAI, I'm sure someone will mod xenoverse.
  6. Food for thought. This save game issue is a Gambryo thing. The entire elder scrolls series, starting with Morrowind, as well as Fallout 3/NV all run on the Gambryo engine. Every game Bethesda has released has added extra modifications to the Gambryo engine, making it less and less stable. Morrowind was released in 2002. Bethesda have been making the engine exponentially less stable for the past 12 years. You might want to start saving onto empty save slots every time.
  7. What a load of heretics. Any form of celebration should be encouraged, unless it's at someone else's expense.
  8. If they don't update their engine after the mess called Skyrim, they'll lose business pretty fast. Losing all your saves every couple weeks gets old.
  9. This is some highschool locker room type shit.
  10. If I have to lift the damned thing to piss, you can put it down yourself.
  11. Brigade

    Please delete

    This is the kind of music my father listens to.
  12. Go outside, go to the bar, get drunk, knock heads, spend the night with the kindly men in blue suits. You'll feel like a new man the next morning.
  13. We really need a FO3 section. I was all exited and everything. Also: That moment when you reply to a PM on a mod page, and have to scramble to delete it.
  14. 1) Step outside. 2) Fuck Goat. 3) ???? 4) You know the drill.
  15. But you can talk here. Why do you need another place to talk?
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