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  1. Did the same as BastianP Find Derleth farm on Map (questmarker still wrong), went inside, no dialoge. setstage, went into the cave; same thing with the chaurus. Alone in the Dark. To reach Daithe i need to walk straight through a wall... -> Ignore questmaker, find her sitting with everyone else. Talk to Hashep, got food, talk to Grash and get Quest Meet the Falmer. No Quest Marker.
  2. So, after I used the setstage command to skip asking the citizien for falmer i had to ask them for Derleth. Questmarker told me to go somewhere else but i talked to a citizien. Now i'm on my way to Derleth farm. But this marker is f*ckin with me. I have 2 markers actually. One on the map, one on the Hud. Both are showing me different places. http://i.imgur.com/AiFnaER.jpg My own marker is the point where my HUD is leading me. I went completly through the dwemer ruin, unitl the marker lead me "through the wall" right at the end. So... am i missing something obviously or did the console mess up something?
  3. Was mache ich denn wenn Maria ausgeschlafen hat und ich mich wieder anziehen darf? Habe keine Quest und das Haus verlassen kann ich auch nicht (ctd - laufendes Script?)
  4. So, i have pathfinding problems in the dungeon. After the talk im just going into a corner and walking against a barrel, than stand there and cant move. I looked around before i talk to the guy (forgot the name actually) and saw a torture bench and a cross, in a room behind a carbinet, no entering possible. Tried "disable" this carbinet before i talk to the guy, but still the problem. Quest is broken at this part for me. Any advice?
  5. Wtf will be going on in your mod with the new update?
  6. I really like this Idea. I played version 0.0.5c which worked perfectly for me (except the mining quest) and i really liked the mod, but i thought some people may not like the non-sexual quest. A solution could be that the PC could either talk nicely to the master or rude, and depending on that your life will be different. just an Idea. keep on working the concept is very promising As far as i know doenst want IAmTheOneWhoKnocks another slavery mod in which you only get raped over and over with no sense (Sanguin)
  7. Do you plan do overwork the clothes part? I mean choose between clothed, naked or only shoes is fine, but when i choose clothed, the sex animations shouldnt be with clothing ^^. Edit: A bug in v0.28 ; There's no more dialogue for me. And how about the prison punishment gets a little changed? So that instead the jailer comes in to rape/torture/whip , a "random" comes in, like the jailer sold/rent you to him/her. Edit² : Instead of getting in a cell with a corps, would it be possible to get in a cell with an another prisoner who , sometimes, could depend on the prisoner - in condition its not everytime the same, rapes you?
  8. I think this mod would be even better if you have to follow your owner, not your owner you. Maybe i did something wrong, but when i got enslaved me and my owner were in the wilds, just standing there. (Well i was sitting) My Owner (a bandit) didnt have a basement, or it was somewhere else, but i didnt see any in near. So the only thing i could do is walking around and get randomly raped. Sometimes we meet other bandits (or else) and there's a combat (i could flee but , you know^^) , whoever wins the fight owns me - and the walking goes on. It feels like my owner is my pet (a rapist pet^^). There was nothing to do for me. Find money was hard, trough if i got to far away from my owner and he catched me, i took away all money (also if I dont have s single septim) and rapes me. And that also bothers me, i cant walk 100 metres without getting raped. If i would try to flee, than that would be the consequence, yes, but i didnt even try, just wanted to do something else than standing in the woods. So again ; did i something wrong or did i missunderstood this mod somehow? ^^
  9. Kannst du ungefähr sagen ob das Update bald herauskommt?
  10. I went to the bannered mare, talked to Hulda but there is no job upportunitie dialogue, well the skyrim-vanilla one but i dont want go killing bandits right now ^^. So... do i need to do something before i go to hulda?
  11. I have 2 problems right know. first one ; I patched with skyprocc, i do have a SK Child Armor swapper esp, but my char is in underwear. i cant wear armor. second problem; when jumping the char is "stuck" in the falling animation sometimes. Someone got a clue how to fix these problems?
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