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  1. Hey Bad Dog o/ I was making some bodyslide for body type himbo for your mod, and I noticed something strange with male anthro p1_1.nif : the coordinates didn't have the same origin for the body and p1 (nothing that bodysldie can't fix), which wasn't the case for p0. I was wondering if that was intentional since when the mesh aren't sharing the same origin, physics bones tend to behave weirdly. Any thoughts?
  2. reminder that some users (like me) decrease game time speed, so an hour of doing nothing might be a tad too much....
  3. @DeepBlueFrog is it possible and safe to disable the not fully completed part of your mods like the living armor and tentacle armor? (I'm mostly interested by this one but it goes also for stories, which has a lot more non completed stuff). It's just to not be spoilered for when you finish them :3
  4. You tried Ousnius nif optimizer ? (hello, I'm help call line and ask basic question) from a few searchs Worst case scenario, I would contact ousnius for help.
  5. any possibility to get a vid showcasing it? would help promoting your mod cuz atm I have no idea what it would sound/looks like.
  6. If it use basic male bodyshape (vanilla or sam), Himbo said the conversion should be pretty straightforward.
  7. Just a thought I had while browsing mods: I noticed Riding Style 2 And I remembered that you can actually pack in bag your victims in defeat. So I thought : wouldn't it be nice if we could use riding stlye 2 as an option dialogue for the victim when out of sack? I mean, twould be a fair punishment until handing them out to the guards ? (conditional things I can think of tho : addon would need to be able to allow 2 character to ride one horse (one normal, the victim using riding anim ; have a check in place for pc to actually have his horse near the victim...)
  8. @MorePrinniesDood If you're still waiting for an "armor appearance" like for SE. You can find something similar in how it works with immersive Armor Swapper (just search it with google, I'm not sure I can link that website here). It auto swap armor mesh depending of race afaik, so you could probably use it for special edition version, no?
  9. I saw a pretty interesting "new" framework on Nexus and after a bit of thought, I think it could be really interesting for this thread as it is able to switch armor by factions. Rotate Armor Variants - Framework The author wrote that he will make a tutorial on how to use it, but from what I can see, you can technically make it so the full_armor or panties be switched to futa or non futa variants in a randomized futa world. If someone is able to understand how the mod works could make a prototype esl using dis, I'll be really interested.
  10. That's in cased the pc is not futa and equip one or give revealing armor version to non futa follower. Thanks for the corrections :3
  11. Took me awhile to be able to compile properly (skyui is a pain and I forgot to unpack racemenu scripts), but here the result (which do compile) Scriptname SOS_Armor_Swapper_Main extends Quest SOS_SetupQuest_Script Property SOS_Main Auto GlobalVariable Property ScannerInterval Auto Quest Property ScannerQuest Auto FormList Property StandardArmors Auto FormList Property RevealingArmors Auto event OnInit() RegisterForSingleUpdate(ScannerInterval.GetValue()) endEvent event OnUpdate() ScannerQuest.Start() int curAlias = ScannerQuest.GetNumAliases() while (curAlias > 0) curAlias -= 1 Actor myActor = (ScannerQuest.GetNthAlias(curAlias) as ReferenceAlias).GetActorRef() bool hasCorrectSchlong = false Faction schlongFaction = SOS_Data.GetFaction(SOS_Main.GetActiveAddon(myActor)) if (schlongFaction) string addonName = schlongFaction.GetName() if ((StringUtil.Find(addonName, "No Schlong") == -1) && (StringUtil.Find(addonName, "Pubic Hair") == -1)) hasCorrectSchlong = true endIf endIf if (hasCorrectSchlong) Form oldArmor = myActor.GetWornForm(0x00000004) int index = StandardArmors.Find(oldArmor) if (index > -1) Armor newArmor = RevealingArmors.GetAt(index) as Armor myActor.RemoveItem(oldArmor, 255, true) myActor.AddItem(newArmor, 1, true) myActor.EquipItem(newArmor, false, true) endIf Else Form oldArmor = myActor.GetWornForm(0x00000004) int index = RevealingArmors.Find(oldArmor) if (index > -1) Armor newArmor = StandardArmors.GetAt(index) as Armor myActor.RemoveItem(oldArmor, 255, true) myActor.AddItem(newArmor, 1, true) myActor.EquipItem(newArmor, false, true) endIf endIf endWhile ScannerQuest.Stop() RegisterForSingleUpdate(ScannerInterval.GetValue()) endEvent The part in the Else is for actor that have revealing armor while not having a shlong addon shlong. Now for quest alias for the scanner, should be isgender AND isinfaction AND getequip(revealingarmor) OR getequip(standardarmor)...
  12. Hi everyon o/ I'm in the process of making a mod for futa lovers, to not derail much more the Futa content thread in LE subforum, I'm continuing it here. Mod Purpose: Switch armor to revealing or normal ones depending if the, female, actor has a shlong or not, thus permitting something like undies with shlong model with it. and since @Holzfrau asked me to, tagging @Targultoon too.
  13. would something like that works for checking type of shlong equipped? Int iFaction = factionList.GetSize() ; initialize faction index bool hasCorrectShlong = False ; initialize bool While iFaction ; until equal zero iFaction -= 1 Faction testingFaction = factionList.GetAt(iFaction) as Faction ; put in testingFaction currently tested faction if npc.IsInFaction(testingFaction) ; check if in faction hasCorrectShlong = True ; declare being in correct faction to apply EndIf EndWhile with factionList being a formidList containing every valid sos faction (by example "SOS_Addon_BDFemaleSheath_Faction", which is a bad example, as it is sheathed)
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