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About Kuロi

  • Birthday 01/01/1994

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    Gaming, anime and ... Slacking? Man that's cliché.

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  1. Tried with the new version: Works flawlessly, nothing else to add!
  2. Thanks! But unless I'm misunderstanding what that command does, I don't think it's necessary. The next part of the quest actually advances successfully after the aforementioned pause. As I said, I simply wanted to make sure this wasn't a case of user error. Will that version be safe to update to? I'm in no hurry.
  3. Just want to make sure if I'm missing animations, misunderstanding the dialogue or maybe a bug. I'm at the wooden horse. Whether I go through with that option (which works fine, the branding happens and everything) or choose to "play a game", at the end of either of those scenes it kind of feels like a sex scene with the Overboss should happen but doesn't (I think with the latter the Overboss doesn't redress either?). The quest does continue after a pause (in the wooden horse scenario I have to just walk up from it) which makes me believe the mod is looking for an animation I might not have? I could continue, but A. If there's a scene I'd like to see it and B. If I'm missing an animation pack, this might happen again. Anyway, I'd just like to confirm whether or not there is a scene here before I download a bunch of'em to test which I may or may not be missing. If it helps I did go the Snowbunny route which as I understands changes some of the dialogue and might have a couple different scenes?
  4. Kuロi


    A few weeks ago I went through all seasons of Aria. I still can get over how relaxing that anime is as well as how the last few episodes (The "The Avvenir" ones) were amazing. I watched all episodes over a couple weeks, a few episodes a night before sleep and even now whenever I go to bed I still can't help but smile a bit thinking about it. That anime is simply perfect for what it seeks to achieve and I got nothing but praise for it.
  5. It actually did. I don't know if this only applies to some quests in the mod, but I can say that in this quest's case, the "aa" stands for the mod's position in the load order, And I say this because I've managed to fix my problem : set "xx0196a0". aacg04butchsex to 1 (xx in my case being 1b from load order) So I was missing the quotes, while the "aa" from "aacg04butchsex" actually stands for nothing at all, it's simply the variable's name. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this whole thing, I feel like I can probably do this for most events from now on. Oh I didn't expect anything glorious. It was mostly for RP value.
  6. I've been trying to modify a variable (to no success yet) and was wondering if I could get some help, being quite clueless about that stuff in general. The variable in question is the one for having sex with Butch when escaping the vault. I chose not to have sex with him then, thinking it would have no repercussion (I didn't want to spoil the events to myself, I've obviously read them now) but now that I'm going back to the vault, I wish I did because he has a scene there too if you had sex with him previously. Anyway, so far I've tried using FNVEdit to locate the moment where you have sex the first time to see what variable the game modifies at that time, which I've found to be "set aaquest.aacg04butchsex to 1". I am assuming that "aa" is related to my Load Order (in my case, 1B), while "quest" is related to the quest's ID, seeing "aaquest "FALLOUT TTW QUEST OVERHAUL" [QUST:0E0196A0]" a few lines under it (In FNVEdit I am loading less mods so the 1B becomes 0E unless I'm misunderstanding something). So putting all those assumptions together, I've been hoping that "set 1B0196A0.1Bcg04butchsex to 1" would do the trick, but to no avail as it keeps giving me back something along the lines of "variable unknown" (that or I keep making typos and never realize). I can't help but feel I'm somewhat close yet obviously still missing something...
  7. So the whole slow motion penetration and sounds are rather hilarious the first time, but after that ... Does this mod always give Turbo with the first scene (and any after)? Any way you could remove Turbo from the possible drugs with your patch, or at the very least if someone can direct me a bit on how to do it myself.
  8. Oh wow nevermind, I was on the right track, I just assumed the preview thing would update instantly, but simply manually refreshing it fixed my problem. Geez . Did I mention I'm a noob with the GECK? If a mod passes by, feel free to delete this.
  9. It took me a while, being the noob that I am, to figure out that the reason my dad's skin was pink while using TTW was because I was using the Mannequin race and that race doesn't really have a male setup done properly (which is understandable, being a female race). So I thought "Well, I can just copy/paste whatever male stuff from Caucasian over and it'll be fine right" except I'm not that knowledgeable about the GECK and my attempts so far have been poor as far as results go. I tried going to the race tab and modifying the male parts of the race bu they seem to be calling upon the same textures? I don't know, I'm looking, but again, I've been modding for a while but construction kits have been a bit out of my main focus. If someone has some general pointers or even a step-by-step I'd be highly grateful!
  10. This is pretty old, but I thought I'd add this for anyone having problems with ArchiveInvalidation. If you, like me, followed all the steps in the guide only for it to still not work, open the MO Settings, go to "Workarounds" and click the "Back-date BSAs" button. I'm no expert so I can't explain how or why it works, but I can say that it definitely worked for me.
  11. Bit late for the answer, but I don't think the author needs to do anything at all to make it work with SkyRe. Assuming SkyRe uses the original tree and didn't move them around, installing this mod over SkyRe should simply make it overwrite the Speechcraft tree from it. So unless you actually use that tree, you should be able to use both together. SkyRe does make changes to the speech tree. It's also fairly important to use the speech tree when you have SkyRe, because of the new price system. Without Speech perks you barely sell for anything. Also the Speech perks buff your shouts and companions. Unless you have some mods that heavily affect gold, you really don't need the speech tree for money in SkyRe. Skyrim is really not a game where money is an issue, and if you have mods that make it so, you can probably tweak them so that they no longer are. Looking at author's perks, you should end up with more money than the SkyRe tree anyway. Being able to sell any item, better prices, sell stolen goods, prostitution. The biggest losses from SkyRe are stuff like making companions stronger and shout CDs. Not gonna say those are bad, but they're certainly not necessary. Just keep in mind we're talking about someone learning how to mod here, not an expert, asking for compatibility patches here and there might be too much to ask to begin with.
  12. Bit late for the answer, but I don't think the author needs to do anything at all to make it work with SkyRe. Assuming SkyRe uses the original tree and didn't move them around, installing this mod over SkyRe should simply make it overwrite the Speechcraft tree from it. So unless you actually use that tree, you should be able to use both together.
  13. From my understanding, it is impossible to create new trees. However, it is possible to "merge" trees, as in move one tree's perks to the other and use the "empty" tree left. I know Skyrim Redone merges Lockpicking and Pickpocket, and then "adds" a Wayfarer tree.
  14. As someone who never got much in the speech tree (even with SkyRe), finding it rather meh as a skill (especially early) I definitely like the idea you have so far. I can't personally help you, but I wish you luck in either learning yourself or finding someone to help, and that my small comment can provide some motivation
  15. Sidebar. IMCNNV doesn't seem to have this problem. Works as expected. As I'm not sure if you're simply adding that Imp's Needs doesn't have that issue or saying "it works fine with this mod, so it doesn't, matter", feel free to ignore the spoiler if you meant the first option, Otherwise ...
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