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How to determine how high the character is falling from?


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So, for one of my scripts, I need to determine how high the character is falling from.


We have several game parameters and a formula by which we can calculate the damage from falling.


falling damage = ((height - fJumpFallHeightMin) * fJumpFallHeightMult)fJumpFallHeightExponent * modifiers


fJumpFallHeightMin, fJumpFallHeightMult and fJumpFallHeightExponent coded into game settings and can be changed via scripts.

But how we can get height from this formula?

Any ideas?

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I sure hope everything besides height and damage is a constant or something close to...and can you even capture damage as an input?


fJumpFallHeightMin = min

fJumpFallHeightMulti = multi

fJumpFallHeightExponent = exp

modifiers = mod

falling damage = dmg

height = h


If I am reading it right the equation is dmg = mod*{[multi*(h-min)]^exp}


log(multi) = a

log(mod) = b


{[log(dmg) - b] / exp} - a = log(h-min)


10^x both sides and then add min

So something like....


h = min + 10^{{[log(dmg) - b] / exp} - a}


It has been more than a decade since I fuss around with these, someone more familiar might be able to express each part individually and makes it look nicer or easier to apply in a mod.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I can't say that I am an expert on scripts... but if your script can determine when the falling has started,  cant you just use Getpos Z at the start and end of the fall?




Yes, this works - but only for third person view.

Scriptname JumpFall extends activemagiceffect  

Spell Property LandingSpell Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto

float Zpos1
float Zpos2
float Zpos3

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
        registerForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "JumpFall")
        registerForAnimationEvent(PlayerRef, "JumpDown")

Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string EventName)
    if (eventName == "JumpFall")
        Zpos1 = PlayerRef.GetPositionZ()
    elseif (eventName == "JumpDown")
        Zpos2 = PlayerRef.GetPositionZ()
        Zpos3 = math.abs (Zpos1 - Zpos2)
        if (Zpos3 > 250)
            LandingSpell.Cast(PlayerRef, PlayerRef) 

From first person it seems this animation events do no work correctly ("landing spell" do not fire).

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