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Yet another Last Exception :P

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Nothing wrong in my game at all. Everything loads fine (a bit slow, but that's because I have way too much CC lol), everything plays fine, having no issues. Brand new install with all the fun packs and such, completely new game. Been going around "upgrading" the pre-made families to use CC so they don't look like cartoons while my custom sims look like glamour models. :P


But had a last exception pop up while I was testing things out. Nothing bad happened. Game played like normal, but the pop up showed up is all.


So everything is working as it should! But I was just curious about it is all. Wish I knew how to read these things, but it's all foreign to me. So just wanted to know what it was for is all and why it showed up. Going to guess it's probably out-dated CC like most others, but thought I'd check regardless. Thanks for any clarification!


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