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Re: Modular Beautiful People


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Bit new to the Oblivion modding scene - sorry if this is old hat.


I know that MBP adds fifty billion different races, hair, and eye packs - it blatantly says so in the readme. However from my understanding, it doesn't actually touch the NPCs - it just adds a lot of potential customization for the player.

As for the multitude of hair and eye packs that MDP merges, assuming cosmetic mods don't directly conflict, I can individually install more than one, yes? This isn't like FO3 where the game has a stroke when installing multiple cosmetics.


Which leads me to my overarching question - if all of the above is true then:

If I know what race I want to play as and what cosmetics I wish to install, then it would be simpler and easier on my PC to just install those instead of MDP, right? Or is there some hidden benefit to MDP that justifies its size - such as "it also applies changes to NPCs" or there are certain highly advisable mods that require it?


Incidentally, would anybody be able to recommend an NPC beautification mod? Realism isn't much of an issue for me - I already installed the Lush&Gaudy set so being "realistic" is somewhat moot.



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MBP has mods that rely on it. It isn't intended so much for *your* character as for other mods to use for *their* characters.

I say this mostly because there are other, far higher quality mods for just about everything it does; higher poly\res hair, higher quality skin textures etc.


No, Oblivion doesn't cause issues when you install multiple cosmetic mods.


There is an MBP-based replacer, and if realism isn't your thing you can try XEO. There's others, obviously.

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