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Problem with animations/Problema con animaciones(HELP!!)

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Tengo un problema con las animaciones del juego relacionadas al sexo con animales, cuando uso 'necrofilia' con los animales no se acitvan las animaciones 'necrofilicas' se pone cualquier otra animacion.
Tambien cuando un animal va a violar al jugador en ves de activarse la animacion correspondiente que es, la sustituye por otra que no es y queda feo
Tengo las animaciones descargadas, y cuando se van activar sale el nombre de la anim, pero despues pone otro nombre con otra animacion y sustituye la que debe ser 
I have a problem with the game animations related to sex with animals, when I use ' necrophilia ' with animals not acitvan the ' necrophilic ' animations put any other animation . Also when an animal will see violate the player activated the corresponding animation that is replaces it is not and is ugly

I have a problem with the game animations related to sex with animals, when I use ' necrophilia ' with animals not acitvan the ' necrophilic ' animations put any other animation . Also when an animal will see violate the player activated the corresponding animation that is replaces it is not and is ugly

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Tengo un problema con las animaciones del juego relacionadas al sexo con animales, cuando uso 'necrofilia' con los animales no se acitvan las animaciones 'necrofilicas' se pone cualquier otra animacion.
Tambien cuando un animal va a violar al jugador en ves de activarse la animacion correspondiente que es, la sustituye por otra que no es y queda feo
Tengo las animaciones descargadas, y cuando se van activar sale el nombre de la anim, pero despues pone otro nombre con otra animacion y sustituye la que debe ser 
I have a problem with the game animations related to sex with animals, when I use ' necrophilia ' with animals not acitvan the ' necrophilic ' animations put any other animation . Also when an animal will see violate the player activated the corresponding animation that is replaces it is not and is ugly

I have a problem with the game animations related to sex with animals, when I use ' necrophilia ' with animals not acitvan the ' necrophilic ' animations put any other animation . Also when an animal will see violate the player activated the corresponding animation that is replaces it is not and is ugly



Please post this in the correct thread.  This is not support thread, plus you have not even indicating what game this is for.  Please post your question in the forum for that particular game.


Spanish (google translate):

Por favor, puesto esto en la secuencia correcta. Esto no es compatible con hilo, además de que ni siquiera han indicando qué juego es esto. Por favor enviar su pregunta en el foro para ese juego en particular.


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Not sure if i understand the problem, i will try. As far as i know, there are no necrophilia animations for animals. Or at least very few, i think in one of the Funnybizness packs for SLAL is one for dead female giants, but that's the only one i know. So it's normal that you don't see a necro animation with an animal.

For 'ugly' animations: there is different quality of animations, but there are possibilities to make them look better. Use the sexlab settings to adjust the actors, and try to enable or disable the actor scaling.

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