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LoversVoiceSSPplus Dialogue Patch Uploaded


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OK, as an optional download with my beta release of a "Move-In On Him or Her Mod," I've uploaded an optional patch for both LoversAdultPlayPlusforSSP and LoversVoiceSSPplus.


What does the patch do?


Allow the player to REMOVE the incorrect married woman dialogue on certain NPC's whose husband's ether don't exist at all OR, die during play.


This patch is a work in progress, and I will update it as I can because there's ALOT of dialogue conditions to fix.


These mods I'm patching have  "hard code" conditions for certain female NPC's who are supposed to be married.   


Arriana Valga & Erline Lirrian whose husbands are dead at the start of the game, are hard coded to use "married woman" dialogue.  The patch will eventually allow you to REMOVE that dialogue from EVERY married woman if her spouse is DEAD and she will NEVER mention a husband again.


I do this by removing the hard coded conditions, and replacing it with a FACTION which I FIRST give to both the Husbands and Wives using a Game Mode script.  SETFACTIONRANK affects the BASEID and carries over each save game.  The faction I've added that now determines the dialogue choices won't be lost but they CAN be removed.


IF there is NO husband, as in the case of Nilawen in Bravil, she get's nothing, but I KNOW she may have gotten certain "tokens" by the mods which also condition dialogue choices, responses, player dialogue, etc.


SO, the patch has a quest which allows the player to help these NPC's to "END" their pining for their lost loves.


Completion of the quest will REMOVE the tokens and the NPC can be chatted up just like a normal hussy.


I've also taken the liberty to ensure that all of the dialogue choices show up at the TOP of the dialogue tree.


NO scripting was touched in any way.


ONLY conditions were changed and the wording of some dialogue to make it more "lover" oriented than usual.


I checked with Ashal before posting the patch and he said that as long as I don't take credit for the other two mods, there is no issue because the original mod author(s) is unknown.


The patch goes well with my "own their cell" mod, because, IF a husband is dead, he left the house to the wife, OR not, and so IF you are living with the Countess of Chorrol and she keeps claiming to be married, this will REMOVE that annoyance.


I've also put in the possibility that even talking to a wife about her husband MAY just result in him coming to get you.   This part is all randomized and so far, I'm not sure its working as well as I'd like it to, but this patch also includes dialogue for you to CHALLENGE any husband to a duel.  


Hope you enjoy THAT as much as I am.


OOps, forgot to mention that I'm also patching NPC GREETINGS to be "SAY ONCE" so that these married ladies aren't claiming to still be the wife of "whomever" in case that person is Dead.  Putting in "GetDeadCount" conditions in them also.


Using TES4Edit to ensure any "Unofficial Oblivion Patch" changes to these GREETINGS are also included since this mod will probably end up after the bashed patch.


One last thing, with this patch there will eventually be dialogue to allow the player to ADD the married faction to ANY NPC's they desire, SO, if you have a mod that adds "married" couples, you could ADD the married faction to them through dialogue.


Figuring out how to allow the player to later remove it after, based upon the death of one member of the couple is something I'll have to figure out later.

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Thanks, really interested in this because im trying to get with skjorta. And i already killed her husband so i was going to resort to some other mod to get with her. I really am looking forward to this and the future with move in him/her so good luck :D

Skjorta is one of my fav Nord chicks to woo.  I've got her living in the Bruma Castle with the Countess right now while I work on the quest to "remove" her married dialogue.  Of course, hubby has to die because there is NO divorce in Tamriel.   :@   I'll try to get it into the next update of the "Lover's patch."

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