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[FO4 CK] General Help Thread

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I just want to know when the player kills something what it was, human/robot/creature etc.
It seems OnKill does not compile unless I make my quest script native which screws up 90% of the script :tongue:
Any ideas without adding it to the player Actor?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8.3.2018 at 4:45 AM, Halstrom said:

I just want to know when the player kills something what it was, human/robot/creature etc.
It seems OnKill does not compile unless I make my quest script native which screws up 90% of the script :tongue:
Any ideas without adding it to the player Actor?

As with most things in the new CK environment, quest aliases are your friend. I'm assuming you have some sort of quest running in the background anyway (since you're trying to monitor something), just add a new ReferenceAlias to that quest and force fill it to the Player Actor. Then add a script that uses OnKill() to that alias. This way you don't actually mess with the player actor and are 100% compatible with all other mods that do similar things (RefAliases sort of 'stack', they don't mind each other - just make sure you don't tick "Reserve Reference" in the RefAlias window).

Hope this helps.

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15 hours ago, ag12 said:

As with most things in the new CK environment, quest aliases are your friend. I'm assuming you have some sort of quest running in the background anyway (since you're trying to monitor something), just add a new ReferenceAlias to that quest and force fill it to the Player Actor. Then add a script that uses OnKill() to that alias. This way you don't actually mess with the player actor and are 100% compatible with all other mods that do similar things (RefAliases sort of 'stack', they don't mind each other - just make sure you don't tick "Reserve Reference" in the RefAlias window).

Hope this helps.

Yes it got me on the right track, basically it seems Reference Aliases are the way to go for 90% of scripts, pity it doesn't tell newbies that somewhere, only taken me 3 years of dabbling to work that out :tongue:

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Quick Script question, if I'm doing this in an AliasPlayer script do I need to do it on Init and GamePlayerLoad?


Event OnInit()

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()

Function Init()
	rActor = Game.GetPlayer()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(rActor, "OnDeath")
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(rActor, "OnPlayerSwimming")
	fPrevTime = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()
	fPrevPosX = rActor.GetPositionX()
	fPrevPosY = rActor.GetPositionY()
	fPrevPosY = rActor.GetPositionZ()
	StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID)


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I think there's nothing wrong with having it set up that way. Just don't forget to actually register for the OnPlayerLoadGame event:

RegisterForRemoteEvent(Player, "OnPlayerLoadGame").


As far as I know, scripts aren't registered for that event by default.

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30 minutes ago, ag12 said:

I think there's nothing wrong with having it set up that way. Just don't forget to actually register for the OnPlayerLoadGame event:

RegisterForRemoteEvent(Player, "OnPlayerLoadGame").


As far as I know, scripts aren't registered for that event by default.

Yeah I noticed the function fires twice, but also I can't register OnPlayerLoadGame unless I use OnInit :smile:

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I'm trying to find the Armor Rating of the players Slot33 item, having trouble trying to work out what to pull it into, I cant seem to get it as an Armor or ObjectRefernce.


Armor arSlot33 = rActor.GetWornItem(33)

ObjectReference orSlot33 = rActor.GetWornItem(33)


Also found akActor.GetArmorRating(arSlot33) doesn't compile :tongue:

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1. As far as I understand, the GetArmorRating() function only accepts an actor and returns the grand total of armor rating on that actor.

2. GetWornItem is a F4SE struct function. It does not return an armor, it returns a WornItem struct. The function is native to the 'actor' script, thus the WornItem struct is also defined there. The correct syntax to retrieve which item is equipped in slot 33 would be:


armor function GetActualWornItem(Actor akActor) // <- just an example function

  actor:WornItem _itemstruct = akActor.GetWornItem(33)

  Armor _item = _itemstruct.Item

  return _item





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1 hour ago, ag12 said:

1. As far as I understand, the GetArmorRating() function only accepts an actor and returns the grand total of armor rating on that actor.

2. GetWornItem is a F4SE struct function. It does not return an armor, it returns a WornItem struct. The function is native to the 'actor' script, thus the WornItem struct is also defined there. The correct syntax to retrieve which item is equipped in slot 33 would be:


armor function GetActualWornItem(Actor akActor) // <- just an example function

  actor:WornItem _itemstruct = akActor.GetWornItem(33)

  Armor _item = _itemstruct.Item

  return _item




Thanks, thought I'd be doing something silly, I never used that structrure stuff before, I'll have to add it to my bucket list.

I can't see a function to get the AR of an Armor anyway, so its no help to me anyway. I'm trying to workout roughly how hot an actor would be by the amount of armor they are wearing so will make do with this which seems to work ok (I only cared about slot33 really but we work with what we have :)):
Float fArmor = (rActor.GetValue(ArmorPenetrationAV) + rActor.GetValue(DamageResistAV)) / 2

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You could easily use GetWornItem on all the necessary slots to find out if the actor is wearing stuff like left leg/right leg/left arm/right arm/chest armor and helmet. If you want to get a decent approximation, I'd go with a system where you check for whether the actor has said pieces equipped, for each piece add a number so that if all pieces are equipped the number reads 100. Then check for the total damage resistance on that actor, get how much percent of the maximum achievable damage resistance (I'm guessing it'd be whatever damage resistance a full set of Assault Marine armor from Far Harbor gives you) and multiply the initial number from equipped items with the percent of maximum achievable damage resistance. That'll yield a number between 0-100.


Just a suggestion, if you want to get some fairly accurate approximation of how much armor a character wears and how thick that armor is.

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Having problem getting this input layer stuff to work, it all compiles fine and I'm seeing debug notifications saying things are disabled, but they aren't disabling. Do I need to create a separate inputlayer for each one or something?

Scriptname SynthPlayer:Synth6Control extends ReferenceAlias

{Deals with output systems based on system health and lubricant levels}

Group Misc
	Quest Property qMQ101 Auto Const
	GlobalVariable Property gBootup Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gDebugSetting Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gSynthAbilityLevel Auto Const
	GlobalVariable Property gLubriCoolPerc Auto Const
	GlobalVariable Property gPowerPerc Auto Const
	GlobalVariable Property gCoreTempPerc Auto Const
	GlobalVariable Property gFPE_SexPregMonths Auto

Group SystemConditions
	ActorValue Property BrainConditionAV Auto
	ActorValue Property PerceptionConditionAV Auto
	ActorValue Property EnduranceConditionAV Auto
	ActorValue Property LeftAttackConditionAV Auto
	ActorValue Property LeftMobilityConditionAV Auto
	ActorValue Property RightAttackConditionAV Auto
	ActorValue Property RightMobilityConditionAV Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gSystemsServosLower Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gSystemsServosUpper Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gSystemsTorso Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gSystemsSensors Auto
	GlobalVariable Property gSystemsCPU Auto


Actor rActor
Int iBootup
Int iDebugSetting
InputEnableLayer ielInputLayer
Float fCurrAbilityLevel
Float fConditionHead
Float fConditionPerception
Float fConditionTorso
Float fConditionLeftArm
Float fConditionRightArm
Float fConditionLeftLeg
Float fConditionRightLeg
Float fSystemsServosLower
Float fSystemsServosUpper
Float fSystemsTorso
Float fSystemsSensors
Float fSystemsCPU
Float fSystemsServosLowerMax = 50.0
Float fSystemsServosUpperMax = 50.0
Float fSystemsTorsoMax = 50.0
Float fSystemsSensorsMax = 50.0
Float fSystemsCPUMax = 50.0
Int iSystemsMovementDisable = 5
Int iSystemsRunningDisable = 10
Int iSystemsJumpingDisable = 20
Int iSystemsSprintingDisable = 30
Int iSystemsFastTravelDisable = 40
Int iSystemsActivateDisable = 5
Int iSystemsJournalDisable = 10
Int iSystemsFightingDisable = 20
Int iSystemsLookingDisable = 10
Int iSystemsCamSwitchDisable = 5
Int iSystemsSneakingDisable = 25
Int iSystemsVATSDisable = 20
Float fFrequencyTimer = 1.5
Int iTimerID = 32
Int iIsSwimming


Event OnInit()

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()

Function Init()
	rActor = Game.GetPlayer()
	RegisterForRemoteEvent(rActor, "OnDeath")
	StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID)
	ielInputLayer = InputEnableLayer.Create() 

;Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 0.1)
;Actor randomActor = Game.FindRandomActor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0)
;Actor closest = Game.FindClosestActor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0)
;Game.FadeOutGame(false, true, 2.0, 1.0)


Event OnTimer(int aiTimerID)
	iDebugSetting = (gDebugSetting.GetValue()) as Int
	iBootup =  (gBootup.GetValue()) as Int
	If (aiTimerID >= iTimerID) && (iBootup > 10) && (qMQ101.IsCompleted() == True)
		Int iTempSysValue
		Float fLubriCoolPerc = gLubriCoolPerc.GetValue()
		Float fCoreTempPerc = gCoreTempPerc.GetValue()
		Float fPowerPerc = gPowerPerc.GetValue()
		Float fSexPregPerc = ((gFPE_SexPregMonths.GetValue()) / 9) * 100
		fConditionHead = rActor.GetValue(BrainConditionAV) as Float
		fConditionPerception = rActor.GetValue(PerceptionConditionAV) as Float
		fConditionTorso = rActor.GetValue(EnduranceConditionAV) as Float
		fConditionLeftArm = rActor.GetValue(LeftAttackConditionAV) as Float
		fConditionRightArm = rActor.GetValue(RightAttackConditionAV) as Float
		fConditionLeftLeg = rActor.GetValue(LeftMobilityConditionAV) as Float
		fConditionRightLeg = rActor.GetValue(RightMobilityConditionAV) as Float
		fSystemsServosLower = (fConditionLeftLeg + fConditionRightLeg) / 2
		fSystemsServosUpper = (fConditionLeftArm + fConditionRightArm) / 2
		fSystemsTorso = fConditionTorso
		fSystemsSensors = fConditionPerception
		fSystemsCPU = fConditionHead
		if (fSystemsServosLower < 1)
			fSystemsServosLower = 1
		if (fSystemsServosUpper < 1)
			fSystemsServosUpper = 1
		if (fSystemsTorso < 1)
			fSystemsTorso = 1
		if (fSystemsSensors < 1)
			fSystemsSensors = 1
		if (fSystemsCPU < 1)
			fSystemsCPU = 1

		if (fSystemsServosLower > fSystemsServosLowerMax)
			fSystemsServosLower = fSystemsServosLowerMax
		if (fSystemsServosLower > fLubriCoolPerc)
			fSystemsServosLower = fLubriCoolPerc

		if (fSystemsServosUpper > fSystemsServosUpperMax)
			fSystemsServosUpper = fSystemsServosUpperMax
		if (fSystemsServosUpper > fLubriCoolPerc)
			fSystemsServosUpper = fLubriCoolPerc

		if (fSystemsTorso > fSystemsTorsoMax)
			fSystemsTorso = fSystemsTorsoMax

		if (fSystemsSensors > fSystemsSensorsMax)
			fSystemsSensors = fSystemsSensorsMax

		if (fSystemsCPU > fSystemsCPUMax)
			fSystemsCPU = fSystemsCPUMax

; *** Disabling Systems
		iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosLower as Int
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsMovementDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsMovementEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Basic Movement Disabled")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsRunningDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsRunningEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, High Speed Movement Disabled")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsJumpingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsJumpingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Jumping Movement Disabled")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsSprintingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsSprintingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Overboost Movement Disabled")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsFastTravelDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsFastTravelEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Long Distance Movement Disabled")

		iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosUpper as Int
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsJournalDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsJournalEnabled())
			fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, PIPBoy Operation Disabled")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsActivateDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsActivateEnabled())
			fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Arm Operation Reduced")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsFightingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsFightingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Combat Systems Disabled")

		iTempSysValue = fSystemsSensors as Int
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsLookingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsLookingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restricted")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsCamSwitchDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsCamSwitchEnabled())
			fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restricted")

		iTempSysValue = fSystemsCPU as Int
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsVATSDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsVATSEnabled())
			fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Targeting Systems Offline")
		if (iTempSysValue < iSystemsSneakingDisable) && (ielInputLayer.IsSneakingEnabled())
			fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Stealth Functions Offline")

; *** Enabling Systems
		iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosLower as Int
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsMovementDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsMovementEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Basic Movement Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsRunningDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsRunningEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, High Speed Movement Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsJumpingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsJumpingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Jumping Movement Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsSprintingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsSprintingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Overboost Movement Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsFastTravelDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsFastTravelEnabled())
			fnMessage("Lower Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Long Distance Movement Restored")

		iTempSysValue = fSystemsServosUpper as Int
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsActivateDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsActivateEnabled())
			fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Arm Operation Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsJournalDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsJournalEnabled())
			fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, PIPBoy Operation Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsFightingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsFightingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Upper Servos at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Combat Systems Restored")

		iTempSysValue = fSystemsSensors as Int
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsLookingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsLookingEnabled())
			fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue>= (iSystemsCamSwitchDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsCamSwitchEnabled())
			fnMessage("Sensors at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Visual Systems Restored")

		iTempSysValue = fSystemsCPU as Int
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsVATSDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsVATSEnabled())
			fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Targeting Systems Restored")
		if (iTempSysValue >= (iSystemsSneakingDisable * 2)) && (!ielInputLayer.IsSneakingEnabled())
			fnMessage("CPU at " + iTempSysValue + "%, Stealth Functions Restored")

		iIsSwimming = 0
	Endif ; (aiTimerID >= iTimerID)
	StartTimer(fFrequencyTimer, iTimerID)


Function fnMessage(String sMessage)


Event Actor.OnDeath(Actor akSender, Actor akKiller)

EDIT: Yep sorted it out, I needed a separate InputLayer for each Enable/Disable type.

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  • 1 month later...


On ‎3‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 5:51 PM, morisgame said:



for some reason I cant create any dialogue inside the scene view. When I rightclick nothing happens (there should be the popup window with "add phase","add actor", etc). I already tried reinstalling Fo4 and the Ck, still the same problem. Has anyone else experienced that? Any suggestions?

I also cant open any existing dialogue with double click. Seems to be a Ck issue, since I watched several tuts. to be sure I didnt do anything wrong. I used the Ck before (a few months back). Windows 10,64Bit. I start the ck as admin, no mods whatsoever installed



Whenever you create a new quest you need to close it and reopen it before you can add a lot of stuff like scripts and dialogue.

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Anyone know why quest scripts in a quest run regardless that "Start Game Enabled" is unchecked even on clean saves?

This driving me nuts, my Init and Player Game Loaded are running on all my scripts even though I haven't called the quest script to start even on clean saves, I'm going to have to manually hack a way around this insanity to get my mod not to run till MQ101 is complete.

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Ok have these errors in other peoples logs for my mod but not mine, any ideas?

On a wild hunch could it be AAF related, I don't have it installed?


[05/08/2018 - 02:40:32PM] Error: Unable to link type of variable "four_play_event" on object "SynthPlayer:Synth9FourPlay"
[05/08/2018 - 02:40:32PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "::remote_four_play:Main_animation_over" in state "" on object "SynthPlayer:Synth9FourPlay".
[05/08/2018 - 02:40:32PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "fnInit" in state "" on object "SynthPlayer:Synth9FourPlay".
[05/08/2018 - 02:40:32PM] Error: Unable to link types associated with function "::remote_four_play:Main_animation_start" in state "" on object "SynthPlayer:Synth9FourPlay".

[05/08/2018 - 02:40:43PM] error: Unable to bind script SynthPlayer:Synth9FourPlay to alias SynthAlias_PlayerRef on quest SynthPlayer (A815A938) because their base types do not match


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Any ideas what this means?



[05/09/2018 - 06:46:27AM] warning: Loaded timer offset for [SynthPlayer:Synth4LubriCool <alias SynthAlias_PlayerRef on quest SynthPlayer (3015A938)>] is too negative for the current time - forcing to 1 second. (Offset: -16, Current: 0)
[05/09/2018 - 06:46:27AM] warning: Loaded timer offset for [SynthPlayer:Synth4Repair <alias SynthAlias_PlayerRef on quest SynthPlayer (3015A938)>] is too negative for the current time - forcing to 1 second. (Offset: -16, Current: 0)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok trying to get a book set up to show Player stats I copied from JoeFlashy's RSE mod but its not working, all I get is "UnitStatus:"
I must be missing a way to reference these globals to the book somehow?

<font color="#000000" face="$MAIN_Font"><p align='center'><b>SynthPlayer Stats</b></font><p align='left'><font color="#000000" face="$ConsoleFont" size="16">
UnitStatus Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4TotalUnitStatus>
Power Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4PowerPerc>
CoreTemp Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4CoreTempPerc>
LubriCool Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4TotalLubriCoolPerc>
Firewall Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4FirewallPerc>
SexProcessor Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4SexProcessorPerc>
Arousal Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4SexArousalPerc>
Total Chassis Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_4TotalChassisPerc>
Torso Chassis Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_6SysTorsoChassisPerc>
Upper Servos Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_6SysUpperServosPerc>
Mobility Servos Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_6SysMobilityServosPerc>
Cranial Status Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_6SysCranialStatusPerc>
Visual sensors Percent: <Global=SynthPlayer_6SysVisualSensorsPerc>
<font color="#000000" face="$MAIN_Font"><p align='center'><b>RSE STATISTICS Pg.2</b></font><p align='left'>
<font size="14" color="#000000">Placeholder Text

The word Global is supposed to be in front of them all but thres no way to make it appear I know of:

"UnitStatus Percent: Global=SynthPlayer_4TotalUnitStatus>"


Screenshot (1).jpg

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5 hours ago, Harlekin said:

i have a short question too. is it possible to assign an Actor-Script to an actor without touching the NPC/Actor-Form? if yes - how?^^

I ran into an issue with template NPCs that may help you here.  With template NPCs, you can't add scripts to them.  My work around was to make my script an active magic effect and apply it via perks.  Perk->Ability->MagicEffect.  Since I was building the NPCs, it was easy to add the perk to them.  Since you're wanting to avoid editing the NPC, you can always make a quest to add a perk to your selected actor.


But I'm not aware of any way to add a script to an actor other than directly editing.

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6 hours ago, Carreau said:

I ran into an issue with template NPCs that may help you here.  With template NPCs, you can't add scripts to them.  My work around was to make my script an active magic effect and apply it via perks.  Perk->Ability->MagicEffect.  Since I was building the NPCs, it was easy to add the perk to them.  Since you're wanting to avoid editing the NPC, you can always make a quest to add a perk to your selected actor.


But I'm not aware of any way to add a script to an actor other than directly editing.

yeah i know that magic-effects works but this script uses actor forms and i think those forms are only usable in Actor scripts otherwise the compiler shout out errors. Thats why my script is set as actor script - but direkt editing the player-form (or some npc's) causes massiv incopatibillities with other mods -_-


for my personal taste its totally okay, because i dont use mods who are in conflict with my mod xD but thats only my loadorder xD

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You can call out actor functions in any other script.  Since you’re mre than likely applying stuff to the actor that would receive the perk, any script called against it would inherit functions native to actor. Any function you want to use that isn’t inherited, you can either preceed it with Actor.FunctionName() or import actor script in your header. 

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On 6/11/2018 at 9:27 AM, Harlekin said:

the problem is not a function the problem is more a event - does that work too?^^

Forget all that stuff Carreau just told you about using perks/magic effects and importing the actor script (??)... your problem is so common that Bethesda themselves had it when they worked on Skyrim, so they put an entire system in place to deal with it. It's called Quest Aliases, you can find all the necessary information on the wiki.

Just make a new ReferenceAlias, force it to fill the player in the CK, then attach a script to the RefAlias. Scripts of type ReferenceAlias receive all events that the filled object reference receives, including, but not limited to, actor events.


Most of Fallout 4's quests are actually built around using Quest Aliases, it's the only acceptable way of doing this sort of thing in the current iteration of the engine. Any other method is either way more expensive, harder to do maintenance on or has a high chance of producing script ghosts in your savegame (such as the magic effect variant). If you don't know what you're doing, use the systems that Bethesda uses - they are usually the cheapest.


Check our the wiki, check out how the vanilla quests handle things and if it still doesn't click, let me know - if I get the time, I'll help.

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