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Russian Translation by Aequus



The Naked Dragon - Бордели Скайрима 1.15


Мод, добавляющий четыре борделя в некоторые холды Скайрима.


**04/06/2016 - НОВАЯ ВЕРСИЯ 1.15 - более подробную информацию смотрите в списке изменений.
**Используйте чистый save-game для предотвращения проблем после обновления версии 1.14 до 1.15**


- Я только что узнал, что этот мод был выложен на тематических сайтах России. Мне довольно неприятно узнать, что кто-то зарабатывает деньги на том, что я помогал создавать.
Одно дело - упростить доступ к моду для тех, кто не понимает английский, выложив мод на какой-нибудь сайт без рекламы (у меня нет никаких претензий с этому, даже наоборот - я был бы польщен), но совсем другое - выложить мод на СВОЙ СОБСТВЕННЫЙ сайт, получая от этого выгоду (в том числе материальную). Жаль, но это та выгода, которая проходит мимо Loverslab, того самого сайта, с которого все эти моды и берут свое начало. Несколько талантливых модмейкеров покинули сообщество как раз по этой причине, и я не хочу, чтобы это продолжалось и дальше.
Я настоятельно прошу вас ПРЕКРАТИТЬ посещение подобных сайтов и запрашивать переводы модов здесь, на Loverslab. Здесь довольно много людей, хорошо понимающих несколько языков (включая меня - чешский, словацкий, английский). Я более чем уверен, что тут всегда найдется кто-то достаточно любезный, чтобы помочь с переводом мода на тот язык, который неизвестен мне.
Этот мод бесплатный, нет никаких причин искать его где-либо еще. Позор вам, если вы это делаете. И хотя всегда находятся люди, зарабатывающие деньги трудами других людей, только от вас зависит, будет ли этому положено конец.




Я начал работу над этим модом, поскольку не смог найти ни одного подобного мода, который не являлся бы слишком устаревшим или тяжело заскриптованным. Я хотел расширить этот мод дополнительными возможностями, но оставить мод "легким" и оказывающим минимальное влияние на игру. :P


Моя целью было создание дружественного лору борделя, куда герой мог бы зайти после очередного приключения, дабы расслабится и "выпустить пар", поглазеть на симпатичных девушек и т.д.
Этот мод основан на патче, созданном todotodonexus для мода "Prostitutes of Skyrim" от MannyGT. В отличии от оригинального мода с его "черными экранами", наступающими после покупки "услуг", этот мод использует возможности SexLab Framework - теперь после покупки "услуги" будет запущена соответствующая сцена.


Я хочу выразить отдельную благодарность MannyGT, автору мода "Prostitutes of Skyrim". Без его мода, мой мод просто не был бы создан. По возможности, пожалуйста, не забудьте одобрить его мод.
Также благодарю todotodonexus за созданный им патч.
И наконец, последняя (но не менее большая) благодарность Ashal за его SexLab Framework.


Итак, теперь о том, что я изменил и что добавил:


Теперь проституток нельзя встретить где-нибудь в глуши и даже в городских тавернах (кроме одной отчаявшейся темной эльфийки и нищенки из Виндхельма - мне показалось, что это вполне сочетается с игровым лором :P).
Я создал три борделя по соседству с Вайтраном, Рифтеном и Маркартом (см. скриншоты) и переместил туда некоторых проституток из оригинального "Prostitutes of Skyrim". Я немного изменил лица некоторых из них, а также добавил им новый макияж для более привлекательного вида. В дополнение к тому, я добавил пятнадцать проституток в эти бордели (для создания большей оживленности), а также семь жителей Скайрима, которым так нравятся новые бордели, что они стали их регулярными клиентами. :D


* Этот мод больше не требует MannyGT's Prostitutes of Skyrim для своей работы, ТЕМ НЕ МЕНЕЕ, я прошу вас потратить одну минуту и одобрить мод MannyGT. Ссылка на его мод находится внизу.


- Prostitutes of Skyrim by MannyGT - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37031/


- Последняя версия Skyrim
- SexLab Framework от Ashal
- ZAZ Animation Pack от xaz
- Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- от Ousnius и Caliente
- Любой реплейсер тела для мужчин. Я использую "Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - Nudes FavoredSoulMeshes Erect Version".
- ApachiiSkyHair от Apachii - Только ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5, главный файл не нужен.


Ссылки на требуемые моды:
SexLab Framework от Ashal
ZAZ Animation Pack от Xaz
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- от Ousnius и Caliente
Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles от Chris57 and FavoredSoul **Я использую Nudes FavoredSoulMeshes Erect Version**
ApachiiSkyHair от Apachii - Только ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5, главный файл не нужен.


Инструкция по установке:
1) Установите Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
2) Установите любой реплейсер мужского тела по вашему выбору - (Я использую "Better males - Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes ErectVersion")
3) Установите ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5
4) Установите Sexlab Framework
5) Установите ZAZ Animation Pack
6) Установите этот мод, при появлении запроса на перезапись - согласитесь перезаписать файлы.


(!!Перед извлечением и установкой мода убедитесь, что обе части rar-файла находятся в одной папке!!)


(!!Не забудьте запустить FNIS и зарегистрировать анимации SexLab в игре!!)


Как это происходит в игре:


Снять проститутку и заплатить ей. Она отведет вас к ближайшей кровати. Что будет дальше - вы и так знаете.


Информация для тестирования:
Если вы хотите быстро переместится в соответствующие локации, используйте консольную команду coc, например "coc 00TheNakedDragon".


Бордель Рифтена - 00TheNakedDragon
Бордель Вайтрана - 00TheNakedDragon02
Бордель Маркарта - 00TheNakedDragon03
Бордель Морфала - 00TheNakedDragon04


Известные проблемы в версии 1.15:
Никаких проблем на данный момент не обнаружено. Если вы что-то нашли, пожалуйста, сообщите мне об этом.





This mod adds 4 brothels to the various provinces of Skyrim


**04/06/2016 - NEW VERSION 1.15 - see changelog for more details.
**If you are updating from v1.14, uninstall v1.14 completely and then install v1.15 on a new save game**


If you would like to help out and translate, please let me know.




I originally started this mod because I could not find any brothel mods that didn't require some more script heavy or outdated mods. I like to keep it light so I can still add some extra encounter mods :P


My goal was to make a some-what lore friendly Brothel where one could go and hook up, chill out, and maybe see some eye candy here and there to keep things interesting. I based this mod on a patch that was made by todotodonexus for MannyGt's 'Prostitutes of skyrim'. This means that instead of there being a blackout once services are bought, the sexlab framework will kick in.


I would like to take this space now to thank MannyGT for his original mod. Without that, none of this would be possible, so, dont forget to endorse his mod. Also, thank you todotodonexus for the patch. Last but not least, Ashal, thank you for Sexlab.


Now for what I've changed and added.


Prostitutes are no longer found in inns or the wilderness (except for 1 lonely desperate dark elf & a beggar in windhelm - felt like it was ok to keep, seemed to fit the lore :P). I have made 3 brothels in the near vicinities of: Whiterun, Riften & Markarth (check pics for map) and moved some of the prostitutes from the orginal mod into them. I have also slightly modified their faces and given them a touch of make-up for a fresher look. In addition to this, I have also added 15 new prostitutes to fill up the brothels more and added 7 new Skyrim citizens, who have since taken a liking to the new brothels and as such, have now become regulars :D


*This mod no longer requires MannyGT's Prostitutes of Skyrim, HOWEVER, please take a moment to go and endorse MannyGT's mod. The link is below.


- Prostitutes of Skyrim by MannyGT - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37031/?


- Latest version of Skyrim
- Sexlab Framework by Ashal
- Animation pack (eg/ Zaz Animation pack)
- CBBE - I've added some custom outfits. If you want to use a different body mod you will have to change the outfits.
- Any nude male body skin. I use 'Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - Nudes FavoredSoulMeshes Erect Version'
- ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii - Only need ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5 - You do NOT need the Main file.


Links for requirements

Sexlab Framework by Ashal
Zaz Animation pack by Xaz
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius and Caliente
Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles by Chris57 and FavoredSoul **I use the Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes - ErectVersion**
ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii - Only need ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5



-Install Instructions-
1) Install Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
2) Install a Male body mod of your choice - (I use Better males - Nudes - FavoredSoulMeshes ErectVersion)
2) Install ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5
3) Install Sexlab Framework
4) Install an animation pack of your choice eg/ Zaz Animation Pack
5) Install this mod


(!!Make sure you unpack the 2 parts into a SINGLE zip or rar file before installing!!)


(!!Dont forget to register animations with FNIS & in game with sexlab!!)


How it works:


Go to a brothel. Pick a hooker. Pay them. They will lead you to a room with a bed. You know the rest.


Bethesda for Skyrim
Prostitutes of Skyrim by MannyGT
todotodonexus for the patch
Sexlab Framework By Ashal
todotodonexus - for the patch to hook into sexlab
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius and Caliente
R18pn Lingerie Set for CBBE
Craftable Panties Bras and Stockings for CBBEv3M by goTha
ApachiiSkyHair by Apachii
Tlaffoon's Rugs and Tapestries
Modder's Resource Pack by Oaristys and Tony67
Insanity's Rugs, Tapestries, Folded Blankets & Pillows
Jokerine Blank Signs Assets
Image for Naked Dragon taken from: http://36.media.tumblr.com/19e5ca19a2432fe0560adc9e0eae8550/tumblr_mtsxyxFxDn1sh7y2do3_1280.jpg
Russian Translation of Main Page by Aequus
Chinese Translation by lvcvcbc


Extra Mods Used for Photos:
Skyrim HD LITE - 2K Textures by NebuLa from AHBmods
aMidianBorn Book of Silence by CaBaL- EmeraldReign-the AMB team
Ultimate HD Fire Effects by BuzzDee84
Climates Of Tamriel by JJC71
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM by Brumbek
Project Parallax Remastered by Osmodius
Detailed Rugs by raiserfx
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE- by Ousnius and Caliente
SKY Female Textures by Skyla
Seductive Lips HD by EcthelionOtW
Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles by Chris57 and FavoredSoul
Brows by Hvergelmir
Natural Eyes by nevenbridge
Rustic Textures: Potions & Poisons, Silverware, Nordic Murals, Peltapalooza By Gamwich
Unique Booze Bottles HD by XRC
True Wolves Of Skyrim by KrittaKitty and ShimoOkami
Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer by Killer Keo
Beards by Hvergelmir
Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin by Preeum
Pure Waters by Laast
Boris Vorontsov ENB
Project ENB by Bronze316
IMAGINATOR - Visual Control Device for Skyrim by MyGoodEye and Gopher - with help from Vivanto and Deapri
A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With Roads by IcePenguin


Big thank you to ALL in the credits. Without your kindness, this mod would not be possible so thank you. If I missed anyone, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, if for any reason you are unhappy with me using your mod assets, again, please do not hesitate to contact me. As said earlier in the description, I simply made this mod as a personal project and since I could not find something similar anywhere, I thought I would upload it to share incase anyone else wanted something similar.





- added more customers in brothels
- added servant to each brothel to sweep
- some small additions and minor fixes to brothel architecture
- some small navmesh adjustments


- corrected some missing crime factions
- set ownership of drunkidlemarkers so prostitutes should no longer use them
- excluded all furniture in bedrooms from sandboxing
- prostitutes no longer have eating included in their sandbox package
- corrected duplicate prostitutes name 'Betride Craven'
- decreased sandbox area for prostitutes
- placed XMarkerHeading's near door marker and set 'LocationRefType' to 'InsideEntranceMarker'
- removed unused idle markers from whiterunplainsdistrict


- Removes the dirty edits that were in v1.12. - thank you slammer64 for letting me know


** I looked into these and the dirty edits are the areas I copied my building parts from. So what could happen is, if you had a mod that moves lets say a dome in vanilla, slighly to the left. this mod would move it back to its original place if above it in load order. Not the end of the world, but, definately could be a pain and not needed in the mod. I will be more careful in the future. Sorry if these affected you.


v1.12 - Many thanks to Zaira for raising all these issues and how to fix or implement them.
- Guests and prostitutes should'nt use beds to sit anymore.
**note** some prostitutes own certain beds to stop them from all going to the same one and therefore, will use them to sit sometimes
- Changed all smaller rooms with a single bed to larger ones with a double bed.
- Prostitutes no longer clap and drink when bard is playing
- Barman will stay where he is now
- Added chest with Location Ref Type Container to all brothels
- Added Wardrobes with Location Ref Type BossContainer
- Whiterun - in the back room, far right corner
- Riften - downstairs, first room on your right.
- Markarth - in the one of the back rooms with the fireplace
- Morthal - behind the bar
**The above wardrobe and chest additions should make this compatible with Maria Eden and hopefully some other mods too that might want to use these containers. will need further testing**


Added in 1.1 hotfix
Changed textures for the larger deer and fox tapestries from 1k to 2k.
Adjusted room bounds which was causing some shadows to flicker
Changed some npc voices for more variety.
Fixed bards who were not singing.
Changed mood and behaviour of various npc's.
- prostitutes and barmen are now cowardly. Added guards now who will come to the rescue.
- Guests don't help anymore if you attack or steal something from the brothels.
- fixed crime factions.
- Fixed Clipping when the prostitutes sit down on the rug in whiterun- changed marker to laydownmarker
- Prostitutes no longer sell goods. Only the barman. I've also added the Inn Server faction to the barmen.
- Some minor navmesh tweaks


v1.1 hotfix
- fixes missing pillow texture in Whiterun brothel
- fixes grey face for 3 npc's that were missing facegendata
- updating some missing factions from certain npc's


v 1.1
- Added a new brothel located near Morthal with cheaper services (50 Gold)
- Added Location keywords to cells to make this mod more compatible with other mods that use inns
*Now compatible with Radiant Prostitution* *needs some more testing but looks ok for now*
- Added some more idle markers to all brothels. - more things for npc's to do
- Added 2 more male customer to the Riften Brothel.
- Added 1 more male customer & 1 female bard to the Whiterun Brothel.
- Added 1 more male customer to the Markarth Brothel.
- Bards are no longer prostitutes.
- Widened bar exit in Riften Brothel to allow barman to leave counter area to sweep.
- Added clutter to staff room in riften brothel.
- Corrected name of markarth barman
- Fixed lift to show correct direction when using Animated Dwemer Lift Load Doors by DoubleBrewski
- Fixed chicken breast & plate in Riften Brothel which were too close together causing them to bounce around.
- Set all beds ownership to Naked Dragon faction - you can no longer use beds to sleep. only for services. * might add in room rental later.
- Lowered energy of all npc's so they move around less.
- Added crime factions for all npc's - If you commit a crime, npc's should now report you to the correct authoritites.
- Corrected some navmesh and furniture slightly to fix some npcs standing on tables when getting up.



For Testing



if you want to quickly navigate to the locations here are the id's you can use to coc


Riften Brothel - 00TheNakedDragon
Whiterun Brothel - 00TheNakedDragon02
Markarth Brothel - 00TheNakedDragon03
Morthal Brothel - 00TheNakedDragon04





Known Issues v1.15

None so far. Please let me know if you find any.


  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    Sexlab Framework, Prostitutes of Skyrim, ApachiiSkyHairFemale_v_1_5, CBBE
  • Special Edition Compatible


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Great thing. i really appreciate your work here,  it is a new chance.


there are some prostitution mods like tdf prostitution and  maria eden. a couple of abandondoned brothel mods too.

actually only maria eden has everything included a player could dream of, pc whore, npc whore, follower whore, consensual sex, bdsm sex, animal sex, pee sex, sexshows, brutal pimps, etc. but maria eden is actually in a bugged and restricted performance  with 1100 scripts and we will see if it ever becomes playable without strange phenomnenas.


looks like your brothels are made for male characters amusement.

a lot of players play female characters, so it would be great if you could implement the possibility to let your character work there as a whore.

which means that the mod itself generates npc clients.


there are some old brothel attempts on nexus you may know, hydras lair and eden for example. they are bugged like hell, but they have some excellent features to create atmosphere, pictures at the wall, furnitures, torture chambers etc which are worth a look.


i wish you good luck with this mod

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Bless you.


Any chance of a version without the apachii hair dependency?

Just uploaded a vanilla hair version. I did it for the lore :P Uninstall the other version first. Then install the vanilla version.



Great thing. i really appreciate your work here,  it is a new chance.


there are some prostitution mods like tdf prostitution and  maria eden. a couple of abandondoned brothel mods too.

actually only maria eden has everything included a player could dream of, pc whore, npc whore, follower whore, consensual sex, bdsm sex, animal sex, pee sex, sexshows, brutal pimps, etc. but maria eden is actually in a bugged and restricted performance  with 1100 scripts and we will see if it ever becomes playable without strange phenomnenas.


looks like your brothels are made for male characters amusement.

a lot of players play female characters, so it would be great if you could implement the possibility to let your character work there as a whore.

which means that the mod itself generates npc clients.


there are some old brothel attempts on nexus you may know, hydras lair and eden for example. they are bugged like hell, but they have some excellent features to create atmosphere, pictures at the wall, furnitures, torture chambers etc which are worth a look.


i wish you good luck with this mod

thank you for the friendly words. Im not sure about implementing the character to work as a whore since that would most likely need some more scripts and other dependencies, however, if I find a way to add it in lightly I might. Could create some funny scenarios indeed  :P  As for your point on female Dragonborn players, point taken; I could always add some working men to the Brothels as well.


I have seen some of the brothels on the nexus and here, but they are either more geared towards slave type scenarios, or have some more script heavy requirements. This mod was made to be a light way to implement the sexlab framework, in an as lore friendly of a way as possible :)

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Great mod, mate! Skyrim could really use some brothels!


I'd like to endorse magicrealm suggestion to let your character work there as a whore. I think a simple system like Radiant Prostitution could work really well.


Thanks for this work!


Thanks for the tip. Just tried out radiant prostitution with this mod. it seems the inn keeper gives the conversation for it and the quest starts, but once I go to a guest, i cant ask him if he wants services..... bit stuck on this one. I think it might be something to do with the factions list. Will look into it.


I have been waiting for this mod for years. Thanks you!


A question though. Is it possible to alter the prices for the services provided by the prostitutes?


No worries mate. About pricing, because of the the way the original mod is set up, I have a choice between 50 and 100gold. I made these prostitutes 100 since the places I made felt more upper class. I will be making a new Brothel in Morthal which will be a dirtier hole and so will make all the prostitutes there sell their services at 50. I might also consider lowering the price of the prostitutes in the Whiterun brothel to 50. There is a mod called Bounty Gold that lets you set the amount you get from various side quests in the mcm menu. Might help you pay for those services :D


I'd kinda like to see if you could own the brothels, since I play male characters, be nice to own a few whorehouses, wouldn't have to pay that way. LOL


It would be nice to see a brothel management mod, one that allows you to partake in the fun as a way to begin until you can afford some whor-professional pleasure service women. >.>


I like it, about time we saw a good brothel mod. Keep up the good work.


Thank you. There is a mod called 'RE - Real Estate' that allows you to buy and rent out inns and houses and then get weekly income from it. There might be a way to implement it with this mod. Looking into it.

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It would be nice to see a brothel management mod, one that allows you to partake in the fun as a way to begin until you can afford some whor-professional pleasure service women. >.>


I like it, about time we saw a good brothel mod. Keep up the good work.


Thank you. There is a mod called 'RE - Real Estate' that allows you to buy and rent out inns and houses and then get weekly income from it. There might be a way to implement it with this mod. Looking into it.



Check this new mod from the nexus:



Looks even more interesting than Real Estate imho. You can hire employees and mercenaries to generate more income and protect your property.

Maybe the author allows you to use some of the scripts to make a modified employee version for the brothel.


Also this mod works well too:



Adds minigames for gambling. Maybe a strip variant for those is possible too?

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Has anyone the problem with the gray face bug? Not all women have the problem only some of them.


Which version are you using? All facegen data has been included with the mod so shouldnt be an issue. Did you overwrite the original files with the vanilla? The tint masks are different for both so you will get a conflict and hence grey face in some npc's. Make sure you install one version only and erase any other versions. If this is not the case, try going to your skyrim folder Data\Textures\Actors\Character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\prostitutes.esp. delete its contents and remove the mod. then reinstall 1 version.

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it has been in the first version. I try it out coinciding with the vanilla version.


yes thats what I thought. thats why I had to make two seperate versions since overwriting one or the other version resulted in grey face due to a conflict with the tintmasks. Install one version or the other. Not both. Deleting tint masks and reinstalling one single version should work. If it still doesnt work let me know.


Great mod, mate! Skyrim could really use some brothels!


I'd like to endorse magicrealm suggestion to let your character work there as a whore. I think a simple system like Radiant Prostitution could work really well.


Thanks for this work!


I figured out why Radiant Prostitution didnt recognize the customers. Just needed to add some keywords to the naked dragon brothel locations in order for RP to recognize it as a possible place to work. tested it for a bit and I can now ask a Naked Dragon barman aka now the boss to become a prostitute and people visiting can also then in turn be asked if they want services. Will require more testing from people like you since I dont use the mod. Will include this fix in my next update which will also include a new brothel near Morthal. Will release sometime today or tomorrow.

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it has been in the first version. I try it out coinciding with the vanilla version.


yes thats what I thought. thats why I had to make two seperate versions since overwriting one or the other version resulted in grey face due to a conflict with the tintmasks. Install one version or the other. Not both. Deleting tint masks and reinstalling one single version should work. If it still doesnt work let me know.


Great mod, mate! Skyrim could really use some brothels!


I'd like to endorse magicrealm suggestion to let your character work there as a whore. I think a simple system like Radiant Prostitution could work really well.


Thanks for this work!


I figured out why Radiant Prostitution didnt recognize the customers. Just needed to add some keywords to the naked dragon brothel locations in order for RP to recognize it as a possible place to work. tested it for a bit and I can now ask a Naked Dragon barman aka now the boss to become a prostitute and people visiting can also then in turn be asked if they want services. Will require more testing from people like you since I dont use the mod. Will include this fix in my next update which will also include a new brothel near Morthal. Will release sometime today or tomorrow.


Wow, great news, mate! 

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hello I have a very annoy bug when the prostitute goes down when the sex started my animation will crach games all my other mod works all animated works could you help me?
ps: sorry for my english



Too little info to know. Please post mod list using spolier tag and where the crash is happening (which brothel) if the fix below does not work. 99 percent of the time, crashes are down to your pc not being able to process things in time. If you have sexlab plus 3 - 4 other scripted mods installed that apply 'cloaking' sort of scripts (scripts that run all the time), then your likelyhood of crashing increases massively.  try running a new game using a new profile using mod organizer (if you dont use mod organizer you should be  :P ). If using nexus mod manager you will need a fresh install. Follow the instructions on the main page to install (make sure your skyrim is up to date with all official and unnofficial patches and requirements for sexlab), then try this mod out. But, like I said before, try reducing the amount of mods. Also you said you have been trying out different mods. Have you uninstalled them mid-game and using this mod on that save? if you uninstall or have uninstalled scripted mods mid-game, your save game WILL break eventually. Another reason to use mod organizer so you can have multiple profiles  :shy:  :sleepy: You should NEVER uninstall mods that use scripts on a save game you wish to use again. EVER!!!!  :D 

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^^ I'm used to install the mod and it was just a new game I use a mod multi donation save a file to test me test the mod see if bug or not depending on compatibility in your mod I knew entered out without prob in the brothel but each launching sex bugged her directly I even savetool the software that cleans scripts


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^^ I'm used to install the mod and it was just a new game I use a mod multi donation save a file to test me test the mod see if bug or not depending on compatibility in your mod I knew entered out without prob in the brothel but each launching sex bugged her directly I even savetool the software that cleans scripts


Ill keep your crash note in mind if someone else starts mentioning stuff. You still have not given me enough info though...... So far you are the first to note crash issues related to this mod. To be honest save game cleaners should be used as a last resort as they dont always work as efficiently as we all may like. You are essentially 'tearing out' the script from the game which is no good. If you are using a save cleaner that is NOT a clean save like I said :P a clean save is a new game, fresh install, untouched by any mods...... I think we may have found the cuplrit  :P  I dont have any errors in this and so far testing has been ok with me.  Ive also checked with tes5edit and all appears ok there. The mods im using now are listed in the main mod file as the photo credits. Im also using the Sands of Time Ultimate Deadly Encounters mod & Skyrim Unbound.

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New Version uploaded  - v1.1 -  See changelog if you want more details on whats new or been changed. I will leave the vanilla version up for a while incase people prefer it or dont like some of the new changes in the update. I might make a vanilla hair version for v1.1 if enough people want it. But the vanilla hair version 1.0 works perfectly fine incase anyone was wondering.

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Hi, there is a nice feature in the mod 'underground bathouse' http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27361/? that gives the player the option to invite and/or replace the npcs that reside the bathhouse with other npcs/custom followers.Could you implement this option?


It does sound like a nice feature but I dont think I will implement it. You are not supposed to be the boss of the brothel. Maybe sometime in the distant future I might make a brothel where you would be the boss and be able to command which npc's work. But for now there is a mod called 'Sokco's Guild Starter'. It allows you to place a stone block inside whichever interior you want to make your 'base'. You can then recruit whichever npc you want, who will relocate to your base. Or you can use a simple 'follow me' type mod.


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