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What do I need to mod (besides GECK)?


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First step is to be curious. Poke around and see what tools are other people using, bookmark and see updates on some of the most important tools. Here is a really good place to gather informations, you can also check on the Nexus forums, or google some tools to find other discussion places for them (e.g. the F4SE subreddit).

(Note : this is a valuable skill in CS too, I advise you to do the same for web technologies, big data, etc...)


About the tools to mod, your best bet is to begin by getting comfortable with ba2extract (on f4se.silverlock.org) and fo4Edit (on Nexus) and you'll have a good start. You can also already familiarize yourself with the Skyrim CK if you have Skyrim, which will probably be very similar to the GECK.


Finally, you'll need an idea of what mod to make.


There is no official modding tutorial for Fallout 4 yet (I found one here, which is pretty extensive). Just, try around, poke things, worst case scenario you'll have CTDs at game launch so no biggies :)

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