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Help changing an NPC's race via FNVEdit script


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A noobish question about FNVEdit scripting, obviously I have no experience in creating XEdit scripts and documentations about it isn't that abundant.

So, how would you set a character or an NPC's race to another race(perhaps a custom one) using FNVEdit script and save those changes to a new .esp?

I could iterate and evaluate each NPC's race just fine but I have no idea how to modify one.


What function should I use and what parameters should I supply it? Snippets would be great.


Anyone care to give me a boost and save me from going through a bunch of Edit scripts just to figure it out?




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Compare the records of a Caucasian NPC and an NPC of another race. Look for the element (anything on the panel to the right) that looks similar to "CaucasianFemaleRace:(00xxxxxx)".


Once you've got the differing values, use the following functions for comparing, and then setting, the race values.

if GetEditValue(ElementByPath(e, 'Path To\The Race\Element')) = 'Whatever The Race You Want To Change" then
SetEditValue(ElementByPath(e, 'Path To\The Race\Element'), 'Whatever The Race You Want To Change The NPC To');

Just so you know, the variable 'e' is the current record being processed.

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