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[Idea/Req] Spinoff of Dwemer Automaton thread


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I absolutely loved this idea that was posted in another thread, which was again quoting a different thread.  I think it would make a great full-length questline with lots of sidequests and branch options, new dungeons to explore, new followers, the works.  The only problem is that it seems a bit linear in the description.  It's a terribly complicated mod idea, and my two cents only make it even /more/ complicated, but if a lot of people worked together I'm sure it could get done.  Everyone could add their own little sidequests and flavor since it's so open-ended.  I've quoted it below, added footnote markers (e.g. *1, *2, etc) and made my own comments under that in a separate spoiler to correspond.




DocClox's dastard had this. It was one of the most awesome idea's I have ever seen. Unfortunately it never went anywhere. 


I saved the original idea, you can view it here:



In a change from the original plan, I think I'll have the victims arrive restrained, but with all the gear they were carrying when they were captured. They arrive still held in the sphere transporter's frame. There's not a lot the player can do in this position, but I'll probably allow an action to "struggle". It won't do much except for lower the player's stamina. *1
If we're using True Skyrim menu effects, I might take account of the fact the girl has a metal Dwemer hand grasping her firmly between the legs, and allow her to try and masturbate herself against it as well.
The initial area is a long hall in near total darkness. A couple of rows of dim lights high up give a clue to the scale of the area, and the transporter itself glows faintly. *2  Along the hall are a series of bays, each one with a different function. The first one bathes the captive in a healing glow, making sure she has at least half health.
The second bay has a series of low intensity fire jets. The primary function here is to damage armour, clothing, pouches and so forth so that all equipment drops to the floor. The flames also damage the captive, although not fatally. If she is wearing particularly tough armour, it may be necessary for the transporter to back up to the healing area a time or two. Once the captive is naked, a spider bot will take the knapsack and deposit it in a chute where it can be whisked away to container somewhere outside the facility. Cursed and quest items will be removed, but will not be damaged beyond use, and curses may compel the player to re-equip the item in question, assuming they ever find their equipment again. *3
The process will also burn away all the captive's hair and leave her covered in soot.
The next bay is another healing station. The one after is a platform that slowly submerges, immersing the PC in glowing, bubbling liquid. This has a mildly toxic effect, resulting in slow damage to the player and the occasional message about how much the liquid stings. What isn't immediately apparent is that it is also damaging health and stamina recovery. This is a slow process, and the player will be kept submerged until she starts to drown, and then further almost to the point of death, and then returned to the surface to recover. Apart from being a nasty, horrible thing to do to a poor slave, this also has the effect of letting the player observe that it takes longer to recover after each immersion. If she struggles and uses stamina, she'll see that being damaged too. (Although I'm not sure I want to damage stamina recovery entirely, stamina being potentially useful. I might reduce the maximum available though). Damage bonuses may also be strongly reduced. On the bright side, at least this washes away the soot. *4
The next bay will fit her with a Dwemer control collar and a set of cuffs. The collar suppresses magicka to a single point, and allows the facility controller to administer pleasure or pain remotely (along with a corresponding element of healing or damage). The cuffs lock behind her back and enclose the fingers in a rigid glove, which will render most actions are unavailable. *5
Finally, the player will be deposited on the floor by the transporter. She will have around ten health. A series of dim floor lights will pick out a path through the otherwise pitch darkness. The transporter will retract, first into its sphere guardian form, and then again into a ball.
Reward And Punishment
The player can now act freely, at least within the limits imposed by her bonds. Most actions will result in punishment. Punishment in this case means a warning tone sounds, and the PC suffers pain to the tune of two points of health. Attempting to talk to the sphere is punishable. Attacking the sphere (I might allow an option to kick) is punishable and will also hurt her foot. Walking anywhere except the lighted path is punishable.
Walking on the path, however, is rewarded. As the player progress down the lighted path, the lights will extinguish behind her. Each light that goes out results in a reward tone and in gaining a point of health. The mechanism is sort of the reverse of the test in Nocturnal's temple where you have to keep to the shadows. *6
Eventually the path leads into a cell which will lock behind her. The cell contains a rough bed and slave food and drink on the floor. *7 This is almost certainly the same stuff the Dwemer used to control the Falmer, and will have effects similar to the Falmer "food of friendship" meal. Without the use of her hands, the player will need to crouch to activate the food and drink in order to eat (and if we're using TS hardcore rules, she will need to eat. An animation of her crawling on her belly to eat and drink at this point would be awesome.
Cell lights will dim gradually, but never go out entirely. If other girls are in the facility, you can probably see the dim glow from their cells. (The place is huge, multi-storey and open plan, so they may be distant). *8  Also, if you get caught in the early stages of Mzthandeumz, you may see the other girls arrive and get processed, which might make a few things a little clearer. Other than that, once she's eaten there's nothing to do in the cell, so she might as well go to sleep.
In general, light and darkness will be used to control the player's actions. Darkness means you're in the wrong place. Light means you can go there. Dimming lights mean that general darkness is about to be imposed and you need to get back to your cell (or find where you're supposed to be) quickly.  Sometimes the lights will go up across the facility and you'll have some "free time". *9  At others the only light will be a single spot that moves across the facility floor.
Morning Routine
I think the Dwemer sleep cycle *10 is going to be a bit short. Maybe five hours, so that girls are always a bit on the tired side if we're using hardcore sleep rules. (Might have to give them the odd catchup session, maybe as a reward).
Anyway, five hours after capture, the lights in the cells go out, and a spotlight appears outside the cell. If the player is awake, she'll get a little grace period to move to safety. If not she'll be shocked awake by the punishment collar, but the sleep will have recovered some health. All the slaves in the facility will soon be outside their cells each in their own light pool. To begin with they'll be allowed to crouch, or sit on the floor if the animation and pose is available. As training progresses, that's going to get stricter with punishment for not standing up, then punishment for failing to look straight ahead, and eventually for any movement at all when at "attention". *11
The facility will keep the girls in place for a minute or so, and then start moving the spots so that the girls form a line in the middle of the area. It will keep them there for a short time, offering a chance to reinforce the "no talking" rule,
Then the spots of light are going move through the darkness. We're going to start the morning off with a little training run around the complex. *12  A slow walk to begin with, then a run and finally a brief sprint back to the starting point. After that, a moment for slaves to catch their breath, and then back to their cells which will again be lit. Food and drink will have been replaced in the feeding trough *13, and the boost to health will probably be welcome at this point, even it does mean crawling in order to eat it.
After breakfast, I think a little free time. Lights up dimly across the cage and entrance area. There will still be areas that are enterable but dark. Otherwise the girls are free to explore. Talking is still not permitted. *14  Also forbidden is any attempt at violence. If you're here with some of the girls you enslaved earlier, you might see this demonstrated as they try to attack you. You are however free to walk around and explore a little. Not that there's a lot to see. *15  Sexual activity between the slaves is permitted, although there may not be many takers at this point. Sleep is denied, since the cages are in darkness, and also the only beds. You can still wait if you get bored.
When the free period is up, the lights will dim, and slaves will have to find their way back to their cages and their attention spots. Hopefully no one will have got lost at this point. *16  Once everyone is back at attention, the spots will move again, this time separating with each girl being guided into her own training area.
The PC stands alone on a spot of light in an otherwise dark room. The procedure here is simple. A sight lights up with an instruction. The PC gets a period of time in which to obey. Obedience is rewarded, failure is punished. I'm hoping that we can use the True Skyrim radio menu to select from a list of poses for the character. So initially we'd do "stand up" and "crouch" (aka sneak) and then "sit down" (on the ground) "kneel" and "lie down".
The catch here (and this may well be controversial) is I'd like to display the signs in Dwemer script. It won't be too bad - I'll just be using English transcripted into Dwemer runes, and you can find the fonts online, so it's easy to "cheat". But I want to make the PC learn some of the language of her (long dead) masters. *17
To make it easier to learn these signs, I want a feminised sphere centurion (looking like an abstract sketch of a naked woman) who can adopt the desired poses. In fact, we may need to lose the sphere and just have the female robot, since some of the poses will most certainly require both feet in the air). So we run through stand up, sit down, lie down a few times. Then we do it without the robot (or with it in darkness) and see how much has been learnt.
That might take a little time to get right. If need be we can take the slave back to her cells for lunch, and if need be spread the training over a day or two. Eventually, when she can do those basic things, we can add in some more commands. Next would be free her hands (I think I may rethink the "mittens" idea) and teach her to stand with hands by sides, and hands crossed in front or behind (where the bracelets may lock together. A hands behind the head pose would be good, too. Then we can combine these with standing, kneeling, etc. Then leg positions. Apart, together, bent at the knee ...
Now you know how the slave in a "Slave in Pose" mod feels :P
Sexual Training
After this, we move on to more explicitly sexual commands. Lying down with legs apart, a new command would tell the slave to play with herself. Two new things happen here.
First of all, there's two time periods. The first one is for the slave to get into position. The second one is to make herself cum. Failing to achieve either target will result in punishment. The second new thing is that the back wall lights up for these exercises, revealing a giant Dwemer metal head like the ones found in the ruins. This thing is about thirty foot high, dwarfing the player, and gazing down with red glowing eyes. Almost anything sexual or humiliating will be done under the eyes of this fellow, and I want to try and foster a sense that it is watching the PCs performance and passing judgement. Once the exercise is complete the glow will fade. *18
Additionally, once the girls are up to masturbation training, there will come a time when they are all brought into a new area, with a central area and a semi-circular raised walkway beyond that. The girls will be made to stand on the platform facing the centre. Then, one by one, each girl will be moved to the center and instructed to lie down facing her fellows with her legs spread. The instruction will then be given to masturbate, and an even bigger Dwemer face, twice the size of the one in the training room, will fade in. After the girl has performed she will be instructed to stand up and moved back to her position on the walkway. The next girl will then be brought down to perform. Girls will be repeatedly instructed to perform until they either succeed or they pass out. Girls passing out will be returned to their cell by Dwemer spiders. *19
This could be a nasty one for PCs that have been slow or rebellious. It might trigger if enough of the other girls have learned the lesson, so there's a risk of finding yourself on the spot with no idea of what to do. Maybe it'll encourage people to apply themselves to their lessons.
Daily Routine
I started on this before but got sidetracked. Basic routine is:
Slightly too little sleep. 
Wake up, and stand at attention outside the cell. 
A brisk run around the facility to get the blood flowing . 
Breakfast in cells, lying on bellies to eat from a trench in the floor. 
Short free period. Sleep may be allowed as a reward for good progress. 
Basic exercises, solo. 
Break for lunch, eating lying on bellies in communal dining area so you can look at your fellow slaves humiliating themselves. 
Erotic exercises, just you and the Dastard. 
Free time, or special activities. 
Attention outside cells. 
Group Activities. ))
Attention outside cells. 
Time to go to sleep. 
Special activities would be, for instance, the masturbation demo in front of the Big Dastard. Wouldn't be a daily thing, but would happen fairly often. At other times, we might herd the slaves through the sterilising gunk again, just for hygiene's sake. There are other actions in the pipeline as well.
Group activities will begin once everyone can respond to the masturbation command. We'll make an evening ritual of it, lining everyone up in front of the Big Dastard and have them all frig themselves in unison. (Thinks: "If any girl fails to cum, you will all have to do it again, and it's your sleep time you're wasting, not mine..." :)) As girls learn more commands, we can vary the evening exercise.
Free time may have random events. Maybe a fight breaks out between two other girls. Maybe a robot malfunctions and has to be destroyed, or an unseen explosion rocks the facility but has no obvious effect. Maybe a band of Falmer break through a pipe high above, and wreak havoc before being destroyed by the Dwemer machines. These things should be rare though. *20
Further Training
Basic exercises will cover more poses. They will also train the slave to wear and remove garments. First of all dressing and undressing as directed, and then choosing the correct costume from several. The Dastard may appear on these occasions, and the PC will be required to turn slowly in a full circle, and maybe adopt certain poses. Sometimes slaves will be given a costume for a day or two, but inevitable they will end up naked again.
For the next sexual lesson, the PC will be brought into a private training area and made to kneel. From a protrusion in the floor there will emerge a Dwemer metal phallus, pointing at the slave's face. A new command word will be revealed and the Dwemer girl-robot will demonstrate, but most people will guess that this means "suck". There is some variation in possible commands. "Suck" just means put it in your mouth and swallow anything that comes out. There will be a variation for "fellate" two, which means you have to stimulate the organ and cause it to ejaculate. Then the commands will be combined with others already known. Hands may be free or bound. Position may be lying down or kneeling. A favourite will be "kneel, fellate and masturbate" where you need to kneel, and then make the metal penis ejaculate while bringing yourself to orgasm at the same time. The degree of pleasure or pain will depend on how well you do that.
Once this is mastered we'll have another session in front of the Big Dastard where each girl gets to show the others how well she can suck simulated Dwemer cock. When the kneel-fellate-masturbate command is mastered, we'll do another event for that.
Meanwhile, cocksucking is going to become a part of the slaves' daily routine in a lot of little ways. Sometimes there will be no food in the cell, but a phallus protruding from the wall. No compulsion, but the only nutrition you're going to get is what comes out of that when you suck on it. After a while the phallus will retract anyway. Group lunch sessions may consist of a small circular platform with a prick for each girl, so they can all see the others at work and close up (while they give the same show to the others, of course). *21
The other blowjob variant is the gloryhole feeder, where the slave is instructed to sick her head into a hole that then closes, locking her head in place. (It's going to be fairly obvious that this will happen. Feel free to disobey). The opening will be low requiring the PC to kneel down low before inserting her head.
Inside it will be very dark, but there will be just enough light to make out the Dwemer metal phallus just in front of you. You don't get out until you make the thing cum.
Once this behaviour is established, the gloryhole feeder is going to be the source of at least one meal a day for a week or longer. The aim is to get the girls used to the procedure so that when, soon after, they are marched up to a similar box in another location, they won't resist when instructed to insert their head. This box however is a face changer. The phallus will insert and then swell up like a pump gag, further immobilising the head. Inside the box, lights will flash and shaders will bloom, and weird noises will be heard, perhaps along with some teasing messages "you face feels very strange". *22
When you are released, you will look ... different. Not by a lot, not in any one application, But some random feature will have been changed to bring you closer to some Dwemer ideal of beauty. This procedure will be repeated for each milestone in your training, as it will for all the girls. Which means that you can tell who's progressing by how far their looks have drifted. It also means that over time, it will become harder and harder to tell the slaves apart. The last thing to be restored will be your hair. Except it's unlikely to be your hair. The target look by the way is going to be some caricature of extreme sluttiness. Probably something loosely along the lines of Voorstryden's Perfect Slut Body on the LL forums. *23
(I wonder if it's possible to disable the showracemenu command while the player is in the DASTARD complex).
Bondage Lessons
Once costume changes are understood, we start work on less ... convenient apparel. We'll start by unlocking those wrist restraints, and teaching the PC the command to remove them and place them on the floor. Now the one to put them back on again. Hear them click? Let's do hands behind back and fasten. Maybe go for a job around the track to reinforce the point, then back and repeat with hands in front this time. Get the slave used to putting on and taking off her own bonds.
Now, let's add a pair of leg restraints. Same pattern as the wrist ones. Put them on, take them off. Put them on, hear them lock, lie down on floor. Hands behind head, hear them lock. Spread legs apart, notice how the leg irons lock against the post. Now let's have the Dastard Head in to take a good look at what you got. Maybe those red eyes can project a lust ray to get the arousal up.
This all takes time, of course, and happens against the backdrop of the daily routine. Get up, stand at attention, stay still until you get the order. (For additional punishment I might leave a girl at attention for a whole day while events unfolded around them. Or at "night" so she didn't get any sleep at all). Anyway, all that stuff is still going on, and bits of it are being tested daily, solo and in combination. These are just the new elements that are being added as old ones are learned.
Next we need to get the PC to lock herself into various devices. Start with fastening ankles and then wrists into a frame. Repeat for various positions.
Meanwhile the erotic sessions will be introducing vaginal commands. Using a dildo to masturbate. Impaling yourself on dildos mounted in various positions. Impaling yourself and then using them to bring yourself to orgasm. Impaling is going to be painful if you're not ready, and typically these things have time limits. I may add a slave perk: fast arousal. (2 levels, first one lets you be ready fast, second one you're ready instantly. Might add a third option where you're ready constantly, but probably no one would take that one voluntarily).
After that, the same thing with anal penetration, and then double penetration. This ties in well with the ongoing bondage sessions, since the commands can now include commands to include various items into various holes. One rig might suspend you with low level vibrators in ass and pussy while you sucked on the Dwemer metal cock. Every time it comes, you do too.
Another one would be to put yourself into a box that folds you up into a ball, packed into a square box, either with orifices pre-plugged, or left open for access from outside. This would be on a platform that could be raised and rotated so the Dastard could inspect the details.
The other self-bondage exercise is a standing restraint against a flat board inside a tubular enclosure. Arms and legs apart, triple penetration, and the neck collar binds to the back board holding the PC in place. Then the tube closes and the lights and noises start. This is the full body version of the face changer and will see quite a bit of use as the PCs face starts to resemble the Dwemer ideal. Again no single change will be drastic, but skin tone, boob size and possibly height will all be subject to change. Eventually everyone in the facility will be just another instance of the same slutty sexdoll. *24
Meanwhile, back on the subject of penetration, the slaves need to learn to use their pussies to maximum effect. I think we'll add in a series of exercises where they use their vaginal sex skills to make one of those metal dwemerdicks ejaculate inside. As usual, there will be a time limit and rewards or punishments depending on how well they do. We can do the same for anal penetration. Then for the combinations: anal and vaginal, vaginal and oral, oral and anal, triple penetration. All orifices need to stimulate ejaculation simultaneously. I'll allow some leeway to begin with.
Some Slave Perks
BTW: I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but the time period for obeying these commands is getting progressively shorter as the training progresses. The early stuff, like stand up and sit down now expects lightning responses. The intention is that the slave must obey without thinking. To this end, I'm thinking of adding a couple more slave perks:
Anticipating My Master: Means that the instruction appears a second sooner than it would otherwise, giving the slave time to get into position.
Automatically Obey: Means that the slave will obey instructions in Dwemeris without conscious thought, making the training much easier.
Of course, there are no free rides. Anticipating My Master means that if, outside the facility, a human master desires you to do something, you will see the Dwemeris instruction flash before your eyes so you can obey without being told - a skill sure to spare a slave many a beating. Similarly, Automatically Obey means that you will be potentially at the mercy of anyone who can speak or write Dwemeris. Fortunately there are few such in Skyrim - or anywhere else, really. Neither of these side effects will be mentioned when the option to take the perks comes up, but that's not a problem, since they are unlikely have any great effect.
Of course, if you take both of these perks, then every time someone wants to fuck you, you'll see the Dwemeris instruction before your eyes ... which you will then automatically obey. Which could be awkward in certain social circles, but would certainly enhance the value of a slave.
I don't think I'd dare force anyone to take these perks. But I might consider a hardcore mode where it becomes effectively impossible to respond in time unless you do take them.
Self Control
OK. As a slave you've learned to obey without question, and you are now skilled at giving pleasure through any orifice. Now it's time to learn to control yourself. The first thing to learn is to learn to become aroused quickly. The process starts by instructing the slave (under the impassive gaze of the Dastard) to arouse herself by masturbation. The slave will be rewarded for reaching a certain level of arousal inside a time limit, with follow up rewards for maintaining that level or higher. She will however be penalised if she orgasms. The exercise will repeat with different poses, and with toys. And then without the use of her hands, requiring her to rub herself or impale herself on some provided prop. And then she will be required to lock herself, once aroused, spread-eagle into a bondage frame and maintain that arousal through force of will. This will be a difficult exercise, and probably take many punishments before the test can be passed reliably. *25
When that happens, we progress to making the slave lock herself into the framework unaroused (we may have to run them all through a cold shower first) and then arouse herself without any stimulation at all. This is another difficult one. Once the basics are mastered we can work on increasing the minimum arousal required to pass the exercise, and extending the time for which the arousal must be held. Orgasming will remain punishable during these exercises.
Eventually, the slave should be able to go from zero arousal to 95% in the space of a few seconds, and hold that level indefinitely.
I've already mentioned some perks that would help with this stage: Fast Arousal and Constant Arousal.
The next skill is to orgasm when instructed. Start with an arouse and hold exercise, and then instruct the slave to orgasm, which she must do in a very short time period. Start allowing her to touch herself and progress to arousal and orgasm in bondage where she must cum without any stimulation beyond her will and imagination.
There's a perk to make this easier, too: Orgasm on Command: let's you orgasm instantly when instructed.
Orgasm Denial
The slaves have been taught how to orgasm for their master. Now they need to learn how not to orgasm for their master. The groundwork for this has already been laid with the arousal training. So this is more endurance training with constant arousal, either masturbating for the Dastard, or strapped into a machine and being stimulated by vibrators.
We'll throw in an group event for this one. At attention before the evening free period, all the girls are instructed to arouse themselves to 95% and hold it. They are then released to go about their usual evening duties. However, anyone who orgasms during this time will be punished. At the end of this time, those who made it through the evening without cumming will be allowed to orgasm. The others will be stood at attention while the others sleep, and required to hold the arousal level until they have gone for the full time required. *26
A few days of that, and we'll make the no-orgasm rule permanent, and spend some time doing everything we can to make the girls cum. There's a Perk for this too:
Orgasm Lock: Allows Orgasm to be deferred indefinitely. The small print here is that it allows your master to command you not to orgasm. In the absence of any command, you can do as you like, but if forbidden release, you will not be able to bring yourself to orgasm. Again, I won't force anyone to take this, but it will make getting past this phase a lot easier. (And I'm still considering a hardcore setting).
Doggie Style
I'm in two minds about placing this section here. Probably it belongs much earlier.
This stages teaches some basic dog training commands would be good. We already did "sit" for instance. Don't worry, I'm not about to them into puppygirls or anything like that. Just train them in some basic canine obedience.
"Stay" would be a good one. Put the girl on her spot, give her the command, then raise the lights. If she strays from the spot, she gets punished, after which the lights go down, the spot comes back and puts her back where she was. Staying as ordered gives small pleasure rewards, with a big one for going the whole distance. I'll probably link the big reward to the release command.
"Wait" would be fun, too. Get the girls in their cells, lying on their bellies, legs spread and facing the feeding trough. Give them the wait command, and then cycle the trough so it contains food. Then punish anyone who eats. The same release command could be used. Rewards for girls as they successfully wait, and a big one with the release command.
"Heel" is probably the other one to do. We already have the ground work for this with the morning runs. We can start teaching the command having a spot that follows a sphere centurion as he wanders randomly around. Then we do the same exercise with the lights on, and the player has to follow anyway. Probably require a certain distance to be maintained here rather than staying in an invisible spot. Small rewards over time, and a big one for a perfect run.
"Crawl" isn't something you'd teach a dog, but something a slave should know. Once the command is mastered, we can add it to "heel" training, and occasionally to the morning run. I might add a command to wriggle on bellies as well. "Crawl" and "wriggle" commands would be ongoing, like "stay" and "wait" - they would be required to continue doing it until released. I can imagine at least one day when girls are told to wriggle when on attention before the evening social, and when it is not removed until after breakfast the next morning.
(I wonder, did the Dwemer keep dogs? I'm tempted to add "beg", "bark" and "wag" commands. The first two just for general humiliation, the last one also so she can be trained to waggle her pussy invitingly at total strangers. Maybe I'll leave that for the farmgirl extension :))
Actually, I might leave these until about this stage and do the training with the orgasm lock in place on the girls. Let's see how they interact with one another from floor level.
Girl On Girl
The perfect slavegirl needs to be able to pleasure, or accept pleasure from anyone, without a moment's thought. Training so far has taught skills for female-solo scenarios and for male-female ones. There is one set of skills that still needs training.
Girls on spots, and back to the solo training areas. New set of commands to give pleasure to more disembodied dwemer prostheses. Training in licking and fingering and sucking. Maybe some boob interactions as well.
Once we have those done, we can start exploring receiving pleasure, with simulated Dwemer tongues and fingers and slaves guided through the arousal response expected. Still no orgasms allowed.
After that, we start herding girls into their training sessions in pairs, and they will be instructed to practice on one another. Here orgasms are not only permitted, but mandatory. And simultaneous, unless someone wants to be punished. Performing well will be rewarded as usual.
A few interesting things may happen at this point, depending on the AI. Most of the girls captured will have been heterosexual (with maybe one a bit bi-curious) and could be expected to resist this phase, and many will. But we've also kept them naked with no comfort but what they can offer one another, and no way to do that verbally, so probably hugs and caresses have become quite common between some of the girls. Then we kept them highly aroused for weeks on end. It's likely some of those hugs and caresses have progressed beyond the platonic, and into the sexual. Pair bonding may have occurred.
And now we're going to take these girls and make them have sex with one another, systematically varying the combinations so that everyone gets to do, and be done by, everyone else. We'll have a session in front of the Big Dastard where the girls are called from their spots in pairs and made to perform and to climax, sometimes with their lovers watching from the sidelines.
We're going to see jealousy and we'll see tempers flare, and we'll see girls punished acts of violence such as haven't been seen since the early days. I'm hoping not to script or force any of this; I'd like to see it arise naturally from the AI and the girls interaction over time.
Once that settles down, but hopefully not before resentments stop simmering, we'll move to strap-on training. Which should have some interesting opportunities to vent some of those pent up aggressions.
One more thing for the Girl-On-Girl. I can imagine another, later session in front of the Big Dastard with all the girls in circular chain of cunnilingus. Simultaneous orgasms all, or you do it again. Could maybe do that a few times, varying the order.
Graduation Day
(Some of the modelling and animation needed to make this work would be insane, and we'll undoubtedly have to compromise somewhat come implementation. Nevertheless, this is what happens...)
At this point, the girls have learned everything they need to prepare them for life as a sex-chattel among a race of extinct subterranean elves, and they should by now be appear as absolutely identical slut-dolls, intended to cater for the lower end of the Dwemer sex-toy market. (I think I'll adopt D_KNIGHT_PEN's suggestion of Oversensitivity as well. We can have been boosting that in small amounts for each body moulding session. The dress-up sessions will have given the slaves a chance to notice the effects).
Anyway, they are now ready, physically and mentally. We just need to prepare them for the graduation ceremony. We begin by doing another round of arousal training. Orgasms are forbidden and the slaves are encouraged to raise and close their arousal and get it as close to 100% as they can, without orgasming. This will continue, using various methods of stimulation, until all girls are at 99% or higher.
And then we'll hold them there. Give them a day of doing nothing much. Exercise, free time, some simple practice routines ... and make them all hold that arousal level. On the evening of the first day after they all manage to maintain the arousal level, they'll all be marched to stand before the Big Dastard. Then they will be commanded to lay down, spread their legs so wide the hook ankles with the girl next door, and to frig themselves. After a while of doing this, they'll be commanded to orgasm and hold the orgasm state .. and then release. Everyone goes back to their cells, lights out.
Next morning, the girls are stood at attention, called to maximum arousal, and again marched to stand before the Big Dastard. This time a set of restraints have been laid out for each girl.
This is one of the box form restraints that they've practices with before. It starts by the slave inserting a combination ring-and-penis gag into her mouth and fastening it. The she kneels on the base plate. Then there are fastenings for ankle and upper shin to hold the lower legs in place. The rear plate can now be raised, and there are two removable dildos mounted on it that must be inserted fully before the plate locks into place. Another set of bands fastens around the upper thighs, holding them against the box wall.
The top of the box now unfolds automatically. There is a girdle arrangement for the waist that must be engaged and which secures the slave against the top and lower plates. Then the slave folds her arms behind her back, at which point the Dwemer metal bracers lock and bond with the top of what is now a cage. The next step, rehearsed countless times, is to place the head though into the gap in the box front. The gap irises shut and the slave's collar bonds with the front plate. Restraints are automatically applied to the chin and skull now holding the head immobile.
Each of the slaves is now effectively packaged into a crate, and ready for shipping. A bot will collect each slave in turn and take them to a room they've never seen used. Here the crates will be lined up, and a bot will roll down the line stamping each girl in turn with something in Dwemeris that probably reads "Grade 'A' Slut - Quality Assured" (there's plenty of skin showing still) and then hooks will descend from above. The hooks are on a rail that leads out through a pair of double doors. The crates are raised up, the doors open, and the crates are carried along the rail, down an immense Dwemer tube.
The journey is for quite some distance. Occasionally the tube will be damaged and it will be possible to see the Blackreach passing as they travel. In other places the tube may have transparent sides and run lower to the ground. Falmer may be gathered around these parts. *27
Eventually the tube terminates in another pair of doors, which open on to a huge dark space.
Long Term Storage
Dwemer machines unhook the crates and slot them into spaces in a large free-standing rack. This place is basically a slave warehouse, with row upon row of shelving. The slaves will be inserted into slots on one of the racks, all more or less in the same place. The PC's restricted vision may be able to make out her fellows to the side, above or below.
The devices in the slaves mouth, pussy and ass will be withdrawn and new ones inserted in their place. The one in the mouth will immediately begin to squirt nutrient and, well trained the slaves will swallow every drop. The vaginal probe will vibrate to make sure arousal is maintained at maximum (the slaves are still forbidden orgasm, and if needed, the punishment collars will work here, too). And if we absolutely have to consider waste elimination, the anal probe will administer an enema function and remove any liquidised waste.
The nutrient solution the slave has consumed is a liquidised version of Dwemer slave food, with the addition of a sedative that will put the slave to sleep in a low metabolic state. This means that the slave will, as time goes on, sleep for days or weeks at a time without any real ageing taking place. Her brief waking periods will centre around the routine of swallowing, arousal and waste disposal before drifting off to sleep. Occasionally she may remain conscious enough to look around. As her eyes adjust she will notice the facing rack and get an idea of the size of the place, maybe notice that there are other girls in other racks. There may be as many as a hundred, or more. There is no way to know. Nor can she tell how long they may have been here, but other slots in the rack contain cages that hold only bones.
This then is the PCs final fate. To be stored indefinitely in a vast darkened warehouse, naked and needy, folded, fed, fucked and ignored, with never a release from her constant arousal, hoping against hope that someone will discover her. A hope which fades as the years and decades pass.
Or at least that's the fate of most women who've wound up here over the centuries since the Dwemer disappeared. I think I'll skip the "BAD END" joke this time around however. All the same, the PC is going to stay here for a while. Basically, there'll be a few sleep periods and we'll see about getting her out. And probably dropping her into the middle of something even worse. *28

I can't blame him though. A mod like that would be huge and require an immense amount of work.




*1 Right from the get-go there should always be an option to escape, no matter how impossibly difficult.  It's not really fun to be railroaded.  For example, struggling might briefly knock the transporter off-balance if the player has high enough stamina.  Since it is mentioned later in the quote that parts of the facility are ruined and broken, perhaps there can be a hole in the side of the hall way that a well-timed struggle might knock the transporter through the hole and allow the device to shatter on a rock or short-circuit in some water.  It would then be up to the player to find a way out, and avoid recapture along the way.

*2  Again, the complex should show signs of centuries of neglect.  It should be crumbling and there should be broken pipes and wires.  Imagine it more like the Dwemer version of Portal 2.

*3 Damaging/destryoing the armor will take a /lot/ of time like this, and forcing the player to wait through what is essentially a very long cut-scene is boring.  Also, no player wants to permanently lose their hard-earned stuff because the quest demands it.  Instead, there should probably be a machine that removes the armor with little metal claws and deposits it somewhere (perhaps for recycling/repurposing in a part of the facility that has broken down), from which the player can retrieve it later.  However, the idea of burning the captive can stay.  For one thing, it would demoralize the captive and show just how inhumane the ancient Dwemer were, and for another it would remove the hair (the reason for which comes up later) and also any germs/diseases that might infect the other slaves (the fire bay would have the "remove disease" effect).

*4 If using the STD's mod, this liquid might have the property of removing all STD's from the captive (we don't want slaves infecting any other slaves or owners, obviously).  In addition, there could be an opportunity in this tank to escape, if the captive can knock the transporter off balance and into the pool.  The transporter would be destroyed and the captive could swim into a broken drain grate.  Again, it might be difficult to survive this sort of escape, but it could be an option.
*5 The cuffs /with/ gloves are unnecessary.  Make them simply lock-less (as in, there's no lock, they're fused closed via dwemer magic) dwemer metal cuffs.  Also, make any attempt to remove or damage the collar deliver lots of damage to the player (aka, some shmuck bait).

*6 I desperately like this idea of keeping to the lights and training the player, but again there should be ways to escape here.  For example, perhaps part of the "sensor grid" that shocks the player is broken, allowing the player to escape from the track, but it looks just like everything else (dark), so the player would have to find it by mistake or from memory.

*7 The rough bed and slave-food doesn't seem terribly factory-like.  The bed should be more of an incredibly uncomfortable alcove without pillow or blanket, probably made of stone or dwemer metal, and the food something resembling mass-produced ration liquid: nutritional but tasteless.  The idea of kneeling for the food is good, it's training for later.  The food should be liquid now to get the slaves used to all their sustenance being liquid in the future.  Just use a retextured soup model, making the bowl into metal and the soup into a flat liquid.  Being a soup, it will quench thirst as well as relieve hunger and provide nutrients.

*8 Again, the building should resemble a factory, but it should also resemble a ruin.  Lots of functional metal, lots of broken pipes and wires.

*9 I both like and dislike this idea of 'free time'.  I dislike it because it doesn't seem like the sensible thing a factory would do.  But I like it because it gives the opportunities for all kinds of sidequests and escape attempts.  For the sake of gameplay and fun, leave it in.

*10 Instead of the Dwemer sleep cycle, make it the factory sleep cycle.  I think the Dwemer themselves, with all their automatons and slaves, probably enjoyed sleeping in and letting the rest work for them.  This will also train the slave to get used to long nights of sex and getting waking up early to please the master again.

*11 This sort of thing implies a few things about this mod: first, that the PC will sit or crouch when idle, and second, that there are going to be a /lot/ of commands and hotkeys here specifically for the mod.  That in and of itself might make the mod insanely hard to code, let alone play.  Instead, I suggest that there simply be punishment for moving outside the light, and then later a punishment for not pressing a button (let's say Z for example) to "lock in" to "attention".  Assigning one hotkey is much easier than assigning ten or twenty, especially for the player without a remote.

*12 Instead of being around the complex, perhaps this should be on some kind of track or treadmill.  Then the players don't have to worry about staying inside the spotlights while "exercising".  This will also give the player some more opportunities to escape (?).

*13 Again, I don't think a feeding trough is in order for a factory.  Rather, the food should be extended out from a hole that appears in the wall, at a level where the player is forced to crawl/sneak to eat it, and then retracted back into the hole when feeding time ends.  This same hole will be where all feedings occur.

*14 Talking I don't think should be entirely permitted.  Rather, talking in any language other than Dwemer-ese should be forbidden.  The first reason is that the automatons can understand Dwemer-ese and tell if an escape plan is being hatched, and the second reason is that it teaches the slaves to speak the language should their future masters want them to talk for some reason.

*15  This definitely needs changing.  There /should/ be a lot to see, if you know where to look.  There should be automaton guard patrols, crumbled or collapsed parts of the facility, and potential sidequests and escape-routes.  Exploring should always be encouraged out-of-character for the player, even if the NPC's in-character discourage it.  Player boredom is the number-one game-killer.

*16 If a player gets lost, they should recieve a warning shock, then a moderate damage shock, then a large damage shock that takes them down to one health and causes them to be locked in place.  After that, a dwemer device will come and retrive them, forcibly taking them where they need to be.  That way, everyone ends up back on track if they haven't found an escape route.  In fact, reward eagle-eyed players with this, by making the transport carry the player along the facility's cieling very quickly and allowing them to spot secrets and escape routes, if they're sharp enough to see them.

*17 Yes, a menu is good.  Much better than hotkeys.  But I think when the player opens the menu, it should "slow time" for them if they're not using a controller that would allow them to quickly select from a radial menu.  It should be difficult, yes, but not impossible.  Teaching player muscle-memory and Dwemer runes is a good plus.  During training time, it should essentially be a mini-game of speed and skill.

*18 I don't like the idea of raising and lowering giant Dwemer heads.  I think the head should be present as an installed fixture in the training room from day one.  It should glow any time the slave is given a command, instead of just when the sexual training begins.  (Think one of those barcode scanners at the supermarket, or a retinal scanner in a sci-fi movie: it's evaluating conformation to the template.)  Additionally, let's make the sexual training a combination of radial-menu-select game and rhythm game (such as guitar hero, maybe?).  When the game starts, the player must press a button when a certain symbol appears on the screen to raise the arousal level.  They must time it right a certain number of times within the time limit to achieve orgasm.  Otherwise, the player is bound to the animation settings, which may not conform to the mod's time limit.
*19 I think the type of chamber should be changed for the "tests".  It should be more like a quality-checker at an assembly line, where the slaves are brought in, possibly on a conveyer belt, made to perform, and then either passed or failed and taken out.  The Dwemer face can be much larger, but again it should be a stationary fixture.  Slaves that 'pass' are taken to a new area of the facility with new (but identical) cells, while slaves that fail are returned to their old cells, but with new, randomly-generated NPC cellblock-mates and a very large damage punishment.  This will give it more of a "factory" or "assembly-line" feel, being taken from one area to another to another for each new stage.

*20 Random events should come in two varieties: no real effect except to shake things up, or opportunities for side-quests or escape.

*21 At this point, I think that the food should /only/ be delivered in the form of a phallus extending from the wall or from a column for group-feeding.  What exudes from it during feeding time will be at first the same soup from before, but eventually it will be altered to look and taste entirely like Dwemer cum.  Perhaps the soup alters the slaves' internal organs so that they can survive entirely on Dwemer male ejaculate.  At first when the slave is learning "suck", it should simply eject the food when it is sucked, but as the slaves learn the "fellate" command, this should be required to get the phallus to eject the food.

*22 Let's not do something too difficult with the screen here.  Instead, save the surprise for when the character's face is removed from the feeder.

*23 For this one, let's not make every slave exactly identical.  After all, different Dwemer might have different preferences (redheads vs. blondes, blue eyes or green, for example).  Instead, there should be a set list of "ideal" features that the Dwemer as a whole favor.  A specific palatte of skin colors, eye colors, eyebrow shapes, or hair colors that are randomly chosen from by the game, perhaps somewhat outlandish compared to surface-dwelling species.  The body and face shapes for all the slaves will eventually be identical, however.

*24 Again, allow some consumer variaton.  And make sure that as each "stage" in the training is passed, the "passing" girls are moved to a new section of the facility, like an assembly line.

*25 For this, make it a mini-game sort of like those golf ones, where there is a meter that is rising and one must press a button when it reaches a certain point to halt the meter.

*26 For this, I suppose base a timer on the player's max stamina, and have them strike a button when the timer gets low to re-fill it?  Otherwise, they orgasm and are punished.

*27 This should be another option for escape.  Perhaps with a perfectly-timed struggle, the crate will bounce out of a hole in the tube.  Perhaps the falmer will try to steal a crate.

*28 There are a number of ways the pc could escape from this point.  There could be an explosion that knocks down all the crates, or the Falmer could take over the storage, or the crates could get found by adventurers or treasure-hunters and then sold all over Skyrim (meaning that the player would end up with a randomly-chosen master, perhaps?).  Or everything could break down and the cages come open, forcing the player to escape on their own.




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I think more than anything this mod would be a lot of world-building and npc-making.  I don't know how to code or design mini-games for skyrim yet but I will try to learn, since I think a mini-game framework would be useful for a lot of different mod ideas, adult and mundane.  Perhaps I'll just steal the code from the tutorial to alter into a "press this key in this amount of time" mini-game.  Using other existing codes and frameworks to design your own is a great little life-hack.


But I want other people's thoughts, opinions, and ideas.  I'd really like to get a team together and work on it.  Make it a really expansive mod comparable to the more popular new lands mods.  But I'm notorious for overthinking things.

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I just had a brainstorm.  Instead of pre-assigning the character's appearance as it is changed by the machines, perhaps the game can force-open racemenu and allow the player to CHOOSE between a selection of options.  Like, it would have a new race, "Dwemer Slave", and that would be the only race enabled, and players would have to choose their new appearance from the options given in the race.  So they could still have some degree of choice about their character IRL (although the character in-game wouldn't have a choice at all).  So, they could choose from a predefined set of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors, and body types.  (After all, some Dwemer might have wanted buxum blue-eyed tan blondes, while others might have gone for "flat is justice" pale red-heads with brown eyes.  The first rule of business is that the consumer should have a variety to choose from, even though the product is identical in everything but appearance.)

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This is sounding more like the Slaves Of Tamriel Mod, with a Dwermer Twist . That being said there aren't any dwemer animations yet ( not that I know of ) . 

It sounds good on paper but it would be a real tedious task :s 


I hope you can pull it off with a team



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Never used Slaves of Tamriel, so I was unaware of what it entails.  Even so...  I suppose I'm now recruiting animators and stuff?  I don't have any money to pay with, so it'd have to be whoever is interested for their own gratification...


Not Necessarily, you don't need to pay to recruit anyone . In fact quite a few of the things have been done in a few mods ( Bondage and the Lot ) , And in time Dwermer Animations will come eventually , I think I seen someone starting on it already .


But yea for something like this you would need to get the bulk of the work done , when it comes to scripting , quests , worlds and other Such Aspects or co'ordinate with a interested team mate 



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