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Cool world models!

For your mesh issue your not getting the BSDismemberSkinInstance because your not doing the bone weight copy portion which generates that section. These blocks represent the bones of the skeleton that have influence on the specific mesh piece. You can't just assign them BP_TORSO as that is a vertex group only ( i think ) only do that when you get the error you described about some faces not being assigned, should only be a few faces, not all of them.

You need to do the following for each of the meshes missing BSDismemberSkinInstance.

1. Select the dress for example, switch to edit mode and make sure you have all the verts selected.
2. Select the body, switch to edit mode and make sure you have all the verts selected.
3. Switch to object mode, select the dress, hold down shift, select the body, both should now be selected, order selected is important.
4. Object menu > Scripts > Bone Weight Copy > Select Quality 3 > Click OK > Have cup of coffee
5. Repeat for other objects.

6. Export when done.


I tested these steps on the mesh you posted and it worked.


I use another script for the bone weights from Gerra6 that is a lot faster and has more options, try it once you have the basics down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are there any tips/tutorials/videos on how to do bra cups? I've got one that I'm wanting to convert but I haven't been able to get it done with out looking like absolute crap (Even for my standards) or intense clipping. I've been using a mix of proportional editing and non proportional editing, but this one's been giving me a little bit of trouble. I'd add a shrinkwrap modifier, but because the cups are 3d prisms instead of a single layer of vertices, that would screw around with the textures far too much.



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I never use the shrink wrap as it always distorts the mesh for me, proportional editing is all I use for the most part, it just takes practice. Get it close to the proper shape, weight paint it and then check in game, then make minor tweaks to the trouble areas until it works right. Some clipping just cannot be fixed because some animations will create it when it bends to much and the skeleton and weight paints just cannot compensate.


This quick video shows the proportional edit in 2.49b and is basically how I use it with a combination of verts, edges, and faces as my "pull" point, using the mouse wheel to expand or contract the area it influences is key for how I work.


Edited to add video link



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  • 3 months later...

Sorry for replying to such an old thread, but I'd figure it'd be better than having a new thread about almost the exact same thing. Basically what I want to do is to make the waist/abdominal area a tad thicker (Something like This), but still have slightly thicker thighs. How would I go about doing this?

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I would still use proportional editing and start shaping it that way.


You might also try these mods as it will do cool things without having to do it in blender.





BodyMorph Selector



Hope that helps and good to see you back here :)



EDIT: Added links

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