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What are the bondage mods that do not include Devious Devices


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You would use the console to search for the items and then add them to your inventory.

For example, to find a bondage collar, you would open the console and type:

help "collar" 0

There will be a long list of stuff that comes up (use pageup/pagedown to scroll). The list will contain every script, spell, item, etc. in the game with the word "collar" in it somewhere.

You're looking for entries in the list that are "ARMO" type (armor, i.e. clothing).

When you've found one you're looking for, type

player.additem xxxxxxxxxx 1

With the "xxxxxxxxxx" replaced by the formID of the item, and the "1" replaced by however many items you want to add to your inventory.

Since the list of possible "collar" items that are armor type is also kind of long, you will need to experiment a bit to determine exactly what you want - save your game before putting them on, and then reload if you put on a locked one.


This works with any sort of item in the game - weapons will have WEAP type, keys will have KEYM type, etc.


Note that a mod on Nexus allows you to bypass most of this process - I haven't tried it myself, but I've read some good things about it. AddItemMenu.

In any event, finding out which of the items have DD scripts and which are blank will take some experimentation.


Also, for the zaz items, they're all located in a chest in the zaz test cell. In the console:

coc zbftestzone

Will take you to the zaz test cell.

To get back out again, you would coc to somewhere else... for example "coc whiterunorigin" will put you inside the gates of Whiterun. The console "help" command can also get you information on (many, not all for some stupid reason) of the cells in the game - if you do "help whiterun 0" you will get a list of everything in the game with the word "whiterun" in the title including whiterun guards, quests in whiterun, and cells (item type CELL) that are part of whiterun.

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