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How do I easily change the clothing on an npc (like a follower)


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Only followers use the best armor/cloth they have, others stick to their default outfits.


Command 'setplayerteammate 1' marks the current actor as a follower, such that the actor will use the best equipment he has and consume ammunition.

And command 'openactorcontainer 1' opens the current actor's inventory, so that you can give the actor equipment.


Once an actor is marked as a follower, the only side effect is that he will draw his weapon when you do.


Also, actors' default outfits will not appear in their inventory menu. If you want to remove some of them, you need to use command 'inv' to list all items an actor has, and use 'removeitem id quantity' to remove his default outfit.

You can only remove most of his default outfit, and leave at least one. If you remove all of his default outfit, a reset will occur.


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Use a follower overhaul, most have a wardrobe function of some sort built in. I use Amazing Follower Tweaks, and it lets you set different outfits for adventuring, in cities and in your houses


can you explain. id like to be able to walk up and change quickly.

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The old school way using console commands:


1) Click NPC

2) Type "unequipall" to strip NPC.

3) Search for the equipment you want the NPC to wear: "help blahblahblahblah"

4) Type "equipitem _________" and in the open space type in the equipment ID.

5) …

6) Profit!

I'd hope to not have to memorize item codes and player codes.


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Use a follower overhaul, most have a wardrobe function of some sort built in. I use Amazing Follower Tweaks, and it lets you set different outfits for adventuring, in cities and in your houses


can you explain. id like to be able to walk up and change quickly.



You'll have to go through a dialog menu. As far as I know there is no "Quick" way other than console commands

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Using the console has dubious results.  You can open an NPC's object container, add items to it and then command equipitem...and sometimes they won't do it.


The EASIEST WAY is this mod:



Once installed, you can click on any NPC and they will have the follower dialogue from then on; provided their voice type is supported.  The good thing about this mod is once you're done you can simply disable it in your mod manager and the changes for that NPC will still be there, and that won't break your game.  And I've found NPCs equip clothing based three things; armor rating, enchantment and gold value.  But that depends on their class and perks too.

The one thing preventing NPCs from keeping items given to them equipped is the game itself.  They will always revert to their default outfit eventually.  As a test I made a follower and I didn't give him any gear or assign a default outfit.  He was naked when I found him and after giving him gear I dismissed him.  When I went to find him after that he was naked again, but he still had the items I gave him in his inventory and if I took him as a follower again he'd equip them then.


The only sure-fire way to give NPCs the clothing you want is to do it in the CK the way the vanilla game does.  If you've already met that NPC your changes won't take until you open the console, click on them and then type resurrect.  They will respawn on the spot with your changes in place.

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