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How to check if player/npc is nude or has nude suit (script)


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If you want to check if an actor, npc or player is nude/naked, I've made the following function.
It also checks for nude suits, by seeing if there is a keyword on the slot 32 (body/chest) armor that contains the substring "nude" or "naked".
If player has a nude suit equipped and it has the keyword "SHB_Nude_Body", the keyword nude would be found.
Please find ways to improve this script to make it as compatible as possible with other mods.
I use this script to check if player is nude/naked before they can take a bath.  I don't strip them automatically for reasons specific to the mod.
The following is Yurik's optimized version which is cleaner and easier to implement:

;player refalias
referencealias property refalias_player auto

;slot masks we'll check before the player can bathe
int Property kSlotMask30 = 0x00000001 AutoReadOnly ; HEAD
int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask33 = 0x00000008 AutoReadOnly ; Hands
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet

;furniture or something
event onactivate(objectreference akactionref)

	;check if player is nude before doing anything, we'll also check for nude/naked suits
	;check slots 30 (helmet), 32 (body), 33 (gloves), 37 (boots)
	if (IsNaked(refalias_player.getactorreference())
		debug.notification("player is nude, start bath")
		;start bathtub logic

bool function IsNaked(Actor akActor)
;start with helmet, does player have a helmet equipped?
if (!player().getwornform(kSlotMask30))
		;debug.notification("player is not equipping a helmet")

		;check for gloves
		if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask33))
			;debug.notification("player is not equipping gloves")

			;check for boots
			if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask37))
				;debug.notification("player is not equipping boots")

				;check for body/clothing
				if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask32))
					return true

					;get what's in slot 32
					form armorform = akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask32)

					int num = armorform.getnumkeywords()
					while (num > 0)
                                                num -= 1

						;check this keyword
						string keywordtocheck = armorform.getnthkeyword(num).getstring()

						;if we've found the word nude or naked in any keywords on this armor then we'll consider the play nude
						if (stringutil.find(keywordtocheck , "nude") > 0) || (stringutil.find(keywordtocheck , "naked") > 0) 
							debug.notification("player is nude but with nude suit, start bath")
							return true
        return false

 The following is my previous code, for learning purposes compare mine to Yurick's optimized version.


;player refalias
referencealias property refalias_player auto

;slot masks we'll check before the player can bathe
int Property kSlotMask30 = 0x00000001 AutoReadOnly ; HEAD
int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask33 = 0x00000008 AutoReadOnly ; Hands
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet

;furniture or something
event onactivate(objectreference akactionref)

	;check if player is nude before doing anything, we'll also check for nude/naked suits
	;check slots 30 (helmet), 32 (body), 33 (gloves), 37 (boots)

	;start with helmet, does player have a helmet equipped?
	if (refalias_player.getactorref().getwornform(kSlotMask30 ) == none)
		;debug.notification("player is not equipping a helmet")

		;check for gloves
		if (refalias_player.getactorref().getwornform(kSlotMask33) == none)
			;debug.notification("player is not equipping gloves")

			;check for boots
			if (refalias_player.getactorref().getwornform(kSlotMask37) == none)
				;debug.notification("player is not equipping boots")

				;check for body/clothing
				if (refalias_player.getactorref().getwornform(kSlotMask32) == none)

					debug.notification("player is nude, start bath")

					;yourfunction() yourcode


					;get what's in slot 32
					form armorform = refalias_player.getactorref().getwornform(kSlotMask32)

					int count = armorform.getnumkeywords()
					int index
					while (index < count)

						;check this keyword
						string keywordtocheck = armorform.getnthkeyword(index).getstring()
						;does the keyword have nude anywhere in its name?
						int keyword_nude_find_index = stringutil.find(keywordtocheck , "nude")
						;does the keyword have naked anywhere in its name?
						int keyword_naked_find_index = stringutil.find(keywordtocheck , "naked")

						;if we've found the word nude or naked in any keywords on this armor then we'll consider the play nude
						if (keyword_naked_find_index > 0) || (keyword_nude_find_index > 0) 
							debug.notification("player is nude but with nude suit, start bath")

						;next keyword
						index += 1

;thanks to darkconsole for his help



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OK, you asked for it:

1. first, you missed the 'bathtublogic()' in the 'check slot32 keywords' branch :exclamation:

2. the while cycle does not break when it finds an item with keyword (so if there's several 'nude/naked' keywords, cycle block will be executed for each of them)

3. the 'keyword_naked_find_index > 0) || (keyword_nude_find_index > 0' condition can be shortcutted

4. refalias_player.getactorref() copy-pasting is not very good

5. also, I'd encapsulate the IsNude checking logic inside some function (20% more SOLID :D)



;player refalias
referencealias property refalias_player auto

;slot masks we'll check before the player can bathe
int Property kSlotMask30 = 0x00000001 AutoReadOnly ; HEAD
int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask33 = 0x00000008 AutoReadOnly ; Hands
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet

;furniture or something
event onactivate(objectreference akactionref)

	;check if player is nude before doing anything, we'll also check for nude/naked suits
	;check slots 30 (helmet), 32 (body), 33 (gloves), 37 (boots)
	if (IsNaked(refalias_player.getactorreference())
		debug.notification("player is nude, start bath")
		;start bathtub logic

bool function IsNaked(Actor akActor)
;start with helmet, does player have a helmet equipped?
if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask30))
		;debug.notification("player is not equipping a helmet")

		;check for gloves
		if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask33))
			;debug.notification("player is not equipping gloves")

			;check for boots
			if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask37))
				;debug.notification("player is not equipping boots")

				;check for body/clothing
				if (!akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask32))
					return true

					;get what's in slot 32
					form armorform = akActor.getwornform(kSlotMask32)

					int num = armorform.getnumkeywords()
					while (num > 0)
                                                num -= 1

						;check this keyword
						string keywordtocheck = armorform.getnthkeyword(num).getstring()

						;if we've found the word nude or naked in any keywords on this armor then we'll consider the play nude
						if (stringutil.find(keywordtocheck , "nude") > 0) || (stringutil.find(keywordtocheck , "naked") > 0) 
							debug.notification("player is nude but with nude suit, start bath")
							return true
        return false



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