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(2018-06-05 UPDATE) The Painted Lady *REDONE* - Color Matching Pubic Hairs

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Regarding permission, I'll check with the others then post something official.

Renaming the different hairstyles is something I tried around the time this was released.  Still, one will override the other.


Thank you for the reply,  As for a solution to the player npc thing. For the player have the install as it is now. With headpart reference in esp and the skse file. And possibly for NPC file, different file names, And also seperately id'd headpart reference's that the skse file does not reference in anyway. (possible solution, I know nothing of scripts). Possibly some easily distinguished editor id's and headpart names. One that will reference a single named nif for player which could be chosen upon install, And several headpart reference's for differently named nif's for npc's that indicates what style the head part is. And nif's. Blah hope I'm not making this overly complicated.

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I have a strange bug that seems to be coming from this mod...


It works fine until I use the statue in Alternate Start Live Another life


Then my mouse scroll wheel stops working with first person/third person zoom view


If you are positive it's caused by this mod then deactivate the color pubic hairs plugin, restart, and after you leave the cell, save, exit game, activate the plugin and restart the game.  If the pubic hairs do not appear, enter and exit showracemenu will make them appear.





Regarding permission, I'll check with the others then post something official.

Renaming the different hairstyles is something I tried around the time this was released.  Still, one will override the other.


Thank you for the reply,  As for a solution to the player npc thing. For the player have the install as it is now. With headpart reference in esp and the skse file. And possibly for NPC file, different file names, And also seperately id'd headpart reference's that the skse file does not reference in anyway. (possible solution, I know nothing of scripts). Possibly some easily distinguished editor id's and headpart names. One that will reference a single named nif for player which could be chosen upon install, And several headpart reference's for differently named nif's for npc's that indicates what style the head part is. And nif's. Blah hope I'm not making this overly complicated.



I tried that or something similar where I added the pubic hair form to the color pubic hair plugin, changed the EDID and mesh name (tried again with a different file path) and, when adding it to Lydia's race form, saved it in the pubic hair plugin.  This way there is only one plugin with 2 different headparts and IDs for 2 different named pubic meshes.  Only one mesh appeared on both my PC and Lydia and it was the one I assigned for her.

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I have a strange bug that seems to be coming from this mod...


It works fine until I use the statue in Alternate Start Live Another life


Then my mouse scroll wheel stops working with first person/third person zoom view


i have this bug to. i Remove all my mods and just have this one and it still bugs the camera scroll.

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Perhaps a second optional esp then for the npc headparts, I try to copy headpart data into the esp for the edited esp. Sounds like you saved the npc in the intial plugin for the hairs. If so that may be where the conflict came into. (The only basic modding I actually know is npc edits and very rudimentry dual sheath redux patch making) I hope I'm being helpful on the development and, not a bother to you. I know I've been camping this thread lol. Really excited to see what I can do with it once I get all the permissions I'm seeking.


So if I can obtain permission on this will I be able to upload to nexus, as the file size for the edits and exported mesh/textures will prolly be in excess of 1-3 GB  prolly north of 200MB compressed with 7zip.

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I have a strange bug that seems to be coming from this mod...


It works fine until I use the statue in Alternate Start Live Another life


Then my mouse scroll wheel stops working with first person/third person zoom view


i have this bug to. i Remove all my mods and just have this one and it still bugs the camera scroll.



Don't know why this is only happening to some people. 


Perhaps a second optional esp then for the npc headparts, I try to copy headpart data into the esp for the edited esp. Sounds like you saved the npc in the intial plugin for the hairs. If so that may be where the conflict came into. (The only basic modding I actually know is npc edits and very rudimentry dual sheath redux patch making) I hope I'm being helpful on the development and, not a bother to you. I know I've been camping this thread lol. Really excited to see what I can do with it once I get all the permissions I'm seeking.


So if I can obtain permission on this will I be able to upload to nexus, as the file size for the edits and exported mesh/textures will prolly be in excess of 1-3 GB  prolly north of 200MB compressed with 7zip.


If it won't work when testing an NPC replacer then it won't work if creating a second plugin strickly for adding the extra headparts to NPCs.  What you suggest is technically the same as what I did when I added the edited headpart to the pubic hair plugin.

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I have a strange bug that seems to be coming from this mod...


It works fine until I use the statue in Alternate Start Live Another life


Then my mouse scroll wheel stops working with first person/third person zoom view


i have this bug to. i Remove all my mods and just have this one and it still bugs the camera scroll.



Don't know why this is only happening to some people. 


Perhaps a second optional esp then for the npc headparts, I try to copy headpart data into the esp for the edited esp. Sounds like you saved the npc in the intial plugin for the hairs. If so that may be where the conflict came into. (The only basic modding I actually know is npc edits and very rudimentry dual sheath redux patch making) I hope I'm being helpful on the development and, not a bother to you. I know I've been camping this thread lol. Really excited to see what I can do with it once I get all the permissions I'm seeking.


So if I can obtain permission on this will I be able to upload to nexus, as the file size for the edits and exported mesh/textures will prolly be in excess of 1-3 GB  prolly north of 200MB compressed with 7zip.


If it won't work when testing an NPC replacer then it won't work if creating a second plugin strickly for adding the extra headparts to NPCs.  What you suggest is technically the same as what I did when I added the edited headpart to the pubic hair plugin.








I haven't extensively tested but using existing meshes, esp. I edited Delphine to use the Bushy varient, Renamed the nif to  "bush" then edited the head part to the esp with tes5edit.




I've included the edits I've made to a single nif (just rename) and the edited esp. The new headpart added has the editor id NPC BUSH.


I've gotten it to work on first load for my game, But I've also truly gutted out my modlist just to make my mod Im planning now. Hopefully this will work for variety on npc's without affecting the player.


To get it to work I had to create the edit to delphine in CK pick her hair and hair color, save, open tes5edit, manually add the lower hair to headparts,save, and then open the CK once again for the alt+F4 generation of headmesh and texture. (seems the texture only works right if I have everything uninstalled though otherwise it produces bad textures.) 


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I did a quick test on this and generally i like it. BUT: Pubic hair color is lighter than hair color. My PC is dark blond and her pubic hair is white. In RL pubic hair tends to be darker than hair on the head. Any way to fixt this?


Try this:


attachicon.gifDarker Pube Textures.rar


I haven't tested it myself yet as a heas up, so I don't know how it's going to look.


EDIT: I tried those they look almost completely black


These are a little lighter:


attachicon.gifDarker Pube Textures.rar


Over all they still look lighter than the hair (barring the darker colors approching black). But I think that may have something to do with the way the meshes are set up and behave in the light rather than just the texture.



WOW! That did the trick. Used the first file and i really like the color now. Thanks a lot!


Now color is in place, but i'm not really happy with the shape (i'm using wild or untamed version). Natural, untrimmed, female pubic hair tend to be almost triangular in shape, the upper edge an almost straight line. This is normal for "hairy" females. Belive me, i know, i'm an old hippie from the days when hair was never cut or shaved. :D




Glad I could help!  :lol: The last part about being an old hippie made made me lagh.


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Holy sh*t covered testicals, I was going to try the EXACT same thing almost a year ago to try to solve the color issues with color changing pube meshes. Except I also wanted to make them changeable like different hair styles in Racemenu or ECE. Any plans for an update like that in the future?


Also, glad to know it would have worked had I not given up on the idea..


Thanks for this :)


I'm thinking of a way to change the pubes in-game without having to use showracemenu, like how bodychanger works.


Thanks alot for all the trouble this is causing me. I've shamefully been inspired to rebuild that NPC edit from scratch. This time I'm omitting ren and cazy hairs. I'm awaiting permissions. But hopefully I can include SGHairs, Apachiiskyhair !.5  and 1.4 female. And I kindly ask your permission to include the colour matching pubic hairs. (I'm gonna build it anyhow for my own use,  need permissions to share with others.) I shall edit every vanilla female npc in the game(excluding children, the elderly, khajiit, and argonians..the kitties are fuzzy enough already and no hair for the lizards), and a few prominent male npc's to my own taste (mostly making Ulfric resemble Freddy Mercury, My character needs a nice moustache ride!!!)



On another note could you include an opton to seperate the player option from npc options. IE differently named nifs for the varients for npc additions and headpart entries for each new nif in the esp.  That way I could choose my characters pubes and various npc's could have a different variety.  I expect I'd use wild for my character, want to put the landing strip on some noble type npc's, and untamed on forsworn/bandits. Have it where it can install all options for npc's with the prominent choice being  body type.   Also it needs a more Harry from Harry and the Hendersons look for Delphine. (okay that was just kidding but it might be fun lol)


Anyhow very many thanks for making this!!


Regarding permission, I'll check with the others then post something official.

Renaming the different hairstyles is something I tried around the time this was released.  Still, one will override the other.




I did a quick test on this and generally i like it. BUT: Pubic hair color is lighter than hair color. My PC is dark blond and her pubic hair is white. In RL pubic hair tends to be darker than hair on the head. Any way to fixt this?


Try this:


<script pagespeed_no_defer="">(function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split("."),c=g;a[0]in c||!c.execScript||c.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===d?c[e]?c=c[e]:c=c[e]={}:c[e]=d};var l=function( B){var d=b.length;if(0{var d=window;if(d.addEventListener)d.addEventListener("load",b,!1);else if(d.attachEvent)d.attachEvent("onload", B);else{var a=d.onload;d.onload=function(){b.call(this);a&&a.call(this)}}};var n,p=function(b,d,a,c,e){this.f=b;this.h=d;this.i=a;this.c=e;this.e={height:window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight,width:window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth};this.g=c;this.b={};this.a=[];this.d={}},q=function(b,d){var a,c,e=d.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");if(a=e&&!(e in b.d))if(0>=d.offsetWidth&&0>=d.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{c=d.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;a=c.top+("pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);c=c.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+c;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.e.height&&c<=b.e.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.d[e]=!0)};p.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function( B){b.getBoundingClientRect&&q(this, B)};h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function( B){n.checkImageForCriticality( B)});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){r(n)});var r=function( B){b.b={};for(var d=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],c=0;c=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.g&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),d=!0);t=a;if(d){c=b.f;b=b.h;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(k){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(u){}}f&&(f.open("POST",c+(-1==c.indexOf("?")?"?":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent( B)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}},s=function(){var b={},d=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(0==d.length)return{};var a=d[0];if(!("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var c=0;a=d[c];++c){var e=a.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");e&&(!(e in B)&&0=b[a.src].k&&a.height>=b[a.src].j)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b},t="";h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return t});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,d,a,c,e,f){var k=new p(b,d,a,e,f);n=k;c&&m(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){r(k)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/ngx_pagespeed_beacon','http://www.loverslab.com/index.php?s=6ee19b9a96d5d85e733d5d40b3a8d8fa&app=forums&module=ajax§ion=topics&do=mqquote&t=38259,JF6IoahXHO,true,false,IDBn6sDmSXY');</script>Darker Pube Textures.rar&&0){for(var>


I haven't tested it myself yet as a heas up, so I don't know how it's going to look.


EDIT: I tried those they look almost completely black


These are a little lighter:


Darker Pube Textures.rar


Over all they still look lighter than the hair (barring the darker colors approching black). But I think that may have something to do with the way the meshes are set up and behave in the light rather than just the texture.



WOW! That did the trick. Used the first file and i really like the color now. Thanks a lot!


Now color is in place, but i'm not really happy with the shape (i'm using wild or untamed version). Natural, untrimmed, female pubic hair tend to be almost triangular in shape, the upper edge an almost straight line. This is normal for "hairy" females. Belive me, i know, i'm an old hippie from the days when hair was never cut or shaved. :D



Possible future update, but atm, allowing NPCs to use their own without affect the PC or other NPCs is top on the priority list.





I vener thought about body changer, actually I've never heard of it. That sounds more convenient than race menue though.

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UPDATE - FIX_SKSE plugin for PaintedLady_v1.1-ALPHA.7z


I uploaded a new SKSE plugin that serves the same purpose as the original plugin (makes the pubic meshes appear/change color with the main hair), but this modifies the memory differently.


Only for those people who are experiencing problems with their mouse's scroll wheel when using this mod.


This is an ALPHA release of a new SKSE plugin so the full mod is required.  To install, extract and copy the SKSE folder into your DATA folder and allow overwriting of the original DLL.


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Holy sh*t covered testicals, I was going to try the EXACT same thing almost a year ago to try to solve the color issues with color changing pube meshes. Except I also wanted to make them changeable like different hair styles in Racemenu or ECE. Any plans for an update like that in the future?


Also, glad to know it would have worked had I not given up on the idea..


Thanks for this :)


I'm thinking of a way to change the pubes in-game without having to use showracemenu, like how bodychanger works.


Thanks alot for all the trouble this is causing me. I've shamefully been inspired to rebuild that NPC edit from scratch. This time I'm omitting ren and cazy hairs. I'm awaiting permissions. But hopefully I can include SGHairs, Apachiiskyhair !.5  and 1.4 female. And I kindly ask your permission to include the colour matching pubic hairs. (I'm gonna build it anyhow for my own use,  need permissions to share with others.) I shall edit every vanilla female npc in the game(excluding children, the elderly, khajiit, and argonians..the kitties are fuzzy enough already and no hair for the lizards), and a few prominent male npc's to my own taste (mostly making Ulfric resemble Freddy Mercury, My character needs a nice moustache ride!!!)



On another note could you include an opton to seperate the player option from npc options. IE differently named nifs for the varients for npc additions and headpart entries for each new nif in the esp.  That way I could choose my characters pubes and various npc's could have a different variety.  I expect I'd use wild for my character, want to put the landing strip on some noble type npc's, and untamed on forsworn/bandits. Have it where it can install all options for npc's with the prominent choice being  body type.   Also it needs a more Harry from Harry and the Hendersons look for Delphine. (okay that was just kidding but it might be fun lol)


Anyhow very many thanks for making this!!


Regarding permission, I'll check with the others then post something official.

Renaming the different hairstyles is something I tried around the time this was released.  Still, one will override the other.




I did a quick test on this and generally i like it. BUT: Pubic hair color is lighter than hair color. My PC is dark blond and her pubic hair is white. In RL pubic hair tends to be darker than hair on the head. Any way to fixt this?


Try this:


<script pagespeed_no_defer="">(function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split("."),c=g;a[0]in c||!c.execScript||c.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var e;a.length&&(e=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===d?c[e]?c=c[e]:c=c[e]={}:c[e]=d};var l=function( B){var d=b.length;if(0{var d=window;if(d.addEventListener)d.addEventListener("load",b,!1);else if(d.attachEvent)d.attachEvent("onload", B);else{var a=d.onload;d.onload=function(){b.call(this);a&&a.call(this)}}};var n,p=function(b,d,a,c,e){this.f=b;this.h=d;this.i=a;this.c=e;this.e={height:window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight,width:window.innerWidth||document.documentElement.clientWidth||document.body.clientWidth};this.g=c;this.b={};this.a=[];this.d={}},q=function(b,d){var a,c,e=d.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");if(a=e&&!(e in b.d))if(0>=d.offsetWidth&&0>=d.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{c=d.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;a=c.top+("pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);c=c.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+c;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.e.height&&c<=b.e.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.d[e]=!0)};p.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function( B){b.getBoundingClientRect&&q(this, B)};h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function( B){n.checkImageForCriticality( B)});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){r(n)});var r=function( B){b.b={};for(var d=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],c=0;c=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.g&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),d=!0);t=a;if(d){c=b.f;b=b.h;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(k){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(u){}}f&&(f.open("POST",c+(-1==c.indexOf("?")?"?":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent( B)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}},s=function(){var b={},d=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(0==d.length)return{};var a=d[0];if(!("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var c=0;a=d[c];++c){var e=a.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");e&&(!(e in B)&&0=b[a.src].k&&a.height>=b[a.src].j)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b},t="";h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return t});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,d,a,c,e,f){var k=new p(b,d,a,e,f);n=k;c&&m(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){r(k)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/ngx_pagespeed_beacon','http://www.loverslab.com/index.php?s=6ee19b9a96d5d85e733d5d40b3a8d8fa&app=forums&module=ajax§ion=topics&do=mqquote&t=38259,JF6IoahXHO,true,false,IDBn6sDmSXY');</script>Darker Pube Textures.rar&&0){for(var>


I haven't tested it myself yet as a heas up, so I don't know how it's going to look.


EDIT: I tried those they look almost completely black


These are a little lighter:


Darker Pube Textures.rar


Over all they still look lighter than the hair (barring the darker colors approching black). But I think that may have something to do with the way the meshes are set up and behave in the light rather than just the texture.



WOW! That did the trick. Used the first file and i really like the color now. Thanks a lot!


Now color is in place, but i'm not really happy with the shape (i'm using wild or untamed version). Natural, untrimmed, female pubic hair tend to be almost triangular in shape, the upper edge an almost straight line. This is normal for "hairy" females. Belive me, i know, i'm an old hippie from the days when hair was never cut or shaved. :D



Possible future update, but atm, allowing NPCs to use their own without affect the PC or other NPCs is top on the priority list.





I vener thought about body changer, actually I've never heard of it. That sounds more convenient than race menue though.





The darker textures are great for redheads, and brunettes. Though it does leave a bit desired for blondes. Nice job though. :)

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Holy sh*t covered testicals, I was going to try the EXACT same thing almost a year ago to try to solve the color issues with color changing pube meshes. Except I also wanted to make them changeable like different hair styles in Racemenu or ECE. Any plans for an update like that in the future?


Also, glad to know it would have worked had I not given up on the idea..


Thanks for this :)


I'm thinking of a way to change the pubes in-game without having to use showracemenu, like how bodychanger works.


Thanks alot for all the trouble this is causing me. I've shamefully been inspired to rebuild that NPC edit from scratch. This time I'm omitting ren and cazy hairs. I'm awaiting permissions. But hopefully I can include SGHairs, Apachiiskyhair !.5  and 1.4 female. And I kindly ask your permission to include the colour matching pubic hairs. (I'm gonna build it anyhow for my own use,  need permissions to share with others.) I shall edit every vanilla female npc in the game(excluding children, the elderly, khajiit, and argonians..the kitties are fuzzy enough already and no hair for the lizards), and a few prominent male npc's to my own taste (mostly making Ulfric resemble Freddy Mercury, My character needs a nice moustache ride!!!)



On another note could you include an opton to seperate the player option from npc options. IE differently named nifs for the varients for npc additions and headpart entries for each new nif in the esp.  That way I could choose my characters pubes and various npc's could have a different variety.  I expect I'd use wild for my character, want to put the landing strip on some noble type npc's, and untamed on forsworn/bandits. Have it where it can install all options for npc's with the prominent choice being  body type.   Also it needs a more Harry from Harry and the Hendersons look for Delphine. (okay that was just kidding but it might be fun lol)


Anyhow very many thanks for making this!!


Regarding permission, I'll check with the others then post something official.

Renaming the different hairstyles is something I tried around the time this was released.  Still, one will override the other.




I did a quick test on this and generally i like it. BUT: Pubic hair color is lighter than hair color. My PC is dark blond and her pubic hair is white. In RL pubic hair tends to be darker than hair on the head. Any way to fixt this?


Try this:


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I haven't tested it myself yet as a heas up, so I don't know how it's going to look.


EDIT: I tried those they look almost completely black


These are a little lighter:


Darker Pube Textures.rar


Over all they still look lighter than the hair (barring the darker colors approching black). But I think that may have something to do with the way the meshes are set up and behave in the light rather than just the texture.



WOW! That did the trick. Used the first file and i really like the color now. Thanks a lot!


Now color is in place, but i'm not really happy with the shape (i'm using wild or untamed version). Natural, untrimmed, female pubic hair tend to be almost triangular in shape, the upper edge an almost straight line. This is normal for "hairy" females. Belive me, i know, i'm an old hippie from the days when hair was never cut or shaved. :D




Possible future update, but atm, allowing NPCs to use their own without affect the PC or other NPCs is top on the priority list.





I vener thought about body changer, actually I've never heard of it. That sounds more convenient than race menue though.






The darker textures are great for redheads, and brunettes. Though it does leave a bit desired for blondes. Nice job though. :)



Yeah, I was noticing that when I was testing it. :-/  Unfortunately the only way I could think of to fix that issue is to have some kind of script that somehow rcognises the color or shade of the character's hair and then switches the pube texture to a lighter base color. At least that's what I would look into as far as trying to address that issue if sticking to a darker base texture. Otherewise a lighter base texture is the way to go in general, as the dark colors look dark anyway, and the light colors look lighter as they are supposed to.


I do agree though that they look better with the darker hair colors.

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Holy sh*t covered testicals, I was going to try the EXACT same thing almost a year ago to try to solve the color issues with color changing pube meshes. Except I also wanted to make them changeable like different hair styles in Racemenu or ECE. Any plans for an update like that in the future?


Also, glad to know it would have worked had I not given up on the idea..


Thanks for this :)


I'm thinking of a way to change the pubes in-game without having to use showracemenu, like how bodychanger works.


Thanks alot for all the trouble this is causing me. I've shamefully been inspired to rebuild that NPC edit from scratch. This time I'm omitting ren and cazy hairs. I'm awaiting permissions. But hopefully I can include SGHairs, Apachiiskyhair !.5  and 1.4 female. And I kindly ask your permission to include the colour matching pubic hairs. (I'm gonna build it anyhow for my own use,  need permissions to share with others.) I shall edit every vanilla female npc in the game(excluding children, the elderly, khajiit, and argonians..the kitties are fuzzy enough already and no hair for the lizards), and a few prominent male npc's to my own taste (mostly making Ulfric resemble Freddy Mercury, My character needs a nice moustache ride!!!)



On another note could you include an opton to seperate the player option from npc options. IE differently named nifs for the varients for npc additions and headpart entries for each new nif in the esp.  That way I could choose my characters pubes and various npc's could have a different variety.  I expect I'd use wild for my character, want to put the landing strip on some noble type npc's, and untamed on forsworn/bandits. Have it where it can install all options for npc's with the prominent choice being  body type.   Also it needs a more Harry from Harry and the Hendersons look for Delphine. (okay that was just kidding but it might be fun lol)


Anyhow very many thanks for making this!!


Regarding permission, I'll check with the others then post something official.

Renaming the different hairstyles is something I tried around the time this was released.  Still, one will override the other.




I did a quick test on this and generally i like it. BUT: Pubic hair color is lighter than hair color. My PC is dark blond and her pubic hair is white. In RL pubic hair tends to be darker than hair on the head. Any way to fixt this?


Try this:


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I haven't tested it myself yet as a heas up, so I don't know how it's going to look.


EDIT: I tried those they look almost completely black


These are a little lighter:


Darker Pube Textures.rar


Over all they still look lighter than the hair (barring the darker colors approching black). But I think that may have something to do with the way the meshes are set up and behave in the light rather than just the texture.



WOW! That did the trick. Used the first file and i really like the color now. Thanks a lot!


Now color is in place, but i'm not really happy with the shape (i'm using wild or untamed version). Natural, untrimmed, female pubic hair tend to be almost triangular in shape, the upper edge an almost straight line. This is normal for "hairy" females. Belive me, i know, i'm an old hippie from the days when hair was never cut or shaved. :D




Possible future update, but atm, allowing NPCs to use their own without affect the PC or other NPCs is top on the priority list.





I vener thought about body changer, actually I've never heard of it. That sounds more convenient than race menue though.






The darker textures are great for redheads, and brunettes. Though it does leave a bit desired for blondes. Nice job though. :)



Yeah, I was noticing that when I was testing it. :-/  Unfortunately the only way I could think of to fix that issue is to have some kind of script that somehow rcognises the color or shade of the character's hair and then switches the pube texture to a lighter base color. At least that's what I would look into as far as trying to address that issue if sticking to a darker base texture. Otherewise a lighter base texture is the way to go in general, as the dark colors look dark anyway, and the light colors look lighter as they are supposed to.


I do agree though that they look better with the darker hair colors.



Well for me personally I think the way to go would be a blondish texture color that would match the textures in apachii or SGhairs (those are the ones i'm currently using) The tricky part is finding which of those mulitudes of hairs to match it to. I've no ideas about matching it will vanilla, unless you match it to the color of superior lore friendly hairs  But then you have to decide which hair and which version. I know I'm not any kind of artist. Barely passable when sculpting face meshes in CK.. In the meanwhile I'm going to work  on making the various styles available for npc's concurrently, while not affecting the player. I think I may have figured out how so now I only need to implement it. And hopefully it can be fully implemented into this mod. I'll try to do that portion of work since I'm the most passionate about it.. lol


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I messed with the "Wild" mesh in NifSkope and the normal map and textures a bit more in shop and got the following (minus the lighter color displayed in the pics, which was caused mostly by the glossiness of the .nif file and a lighter alpha channel in the normal map). The the textures would probably look best on all the meshes except the "Bush" and defult meshes (the lighter textures from earlier would probably look better on that mesh). Also the mesh in this file is based off of the eariler release before the update.


Anyway, the reason the "Bush" and default meshes look different or darker is because they aren't exactly the same as the other meshes, and do not display the textures the same as a result. Not sure why though.






Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color





Darker Pube Textures.rar

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I tampered with the ("Wild") mesh and the normal map and textures a bit more and got the following (minus the lighter color displayed in the pics, which was caused mostly by the glossiness of the .nif file and a lighter alpha channel in the normal map). The the textures would probably look best on all the meshes except the "Bush" mesh (the lighter textures from earlier would probably look better on that mesh). Also the mesh in this file is based off of the eariler release before the update.


Anyway, the reason the "Bush" and default meshes look different or darker is because they aren't exactly the same as the other meshes, and do not display the textures the same as a result. Not sure why though.






Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color





attachicon.gifDarker Pube Textures.rar


Depending on what hair you use, for best match might have to edit emission and other shading properties in the meshes to match whichever hair you're choosing as a base to match them. That may be the difference in some of them. Comparing apachii's hair03 from the 1.5full version the hair03 has. 1.0000 emission multiple 1.0000 aplha property and 10.0000 glossinesswhere as bushy has 0.8000 emission multiple 0.5000 alpha and 13.0000 glossiness... slight differences in specular strength and lighting effects 1 and 2 have slight differences as well.


Maybe if the nifs were edited to match most hairs in the mods like apachii's, SGhairs, (which seems to match apachii's ((mostly)) ) then that would enable more closely matching hair colors.

(just a weird guess with no real proof lol)


I renamed some nifs and added headpart entries to the original esp. care to add the head part hairs to any edited npc's you might have for testing of the new head parts being properly  put on the npc's and not interfereing with the choice of hair for the pc?


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So far 1 person reported the new SKSE plugin didn't work.  Anyone else have the same results or was able to fix the issue?


I wonder if it's a custom mouse driver issue.  If it is, that might explain why I don't have that problem because I have a Logitech, but running the MS device driver.


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I have a Razer naga (2014) mouse. I had no problem getting rid of the issue by uninstalling the mod and running the script cleaner. So it's not permanent or a save killer or anything. Needed to be able to use wheel, playing wheels of lull and I'm at the platforming part X( ...goddamn platforming part....

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I tampered with the ("Wild") mesh and the normal map and textures a bit more and got the following (minus the lighter color displayed in the pics, which was caused mostly by the glossiness of the .nif file and a lighter alpha channel in the normal map). The the textures would probably look best on all the meshes except the "Bush" mesh (the lighter textures from earlier would probably look better on that mesh). Also the mesh in this file is based off of the eariler release before the update.


Anyway, the reason the "Bush" and default meshes look different or darker is because they aren't exactly the same as the other meshes, and do not display the textures the same as a result. Not sure why though.






Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color



Hair color



Pube color





attachicon.gifDarker Pube Textures.rar


Depending on what hair you use, for best match might have to edit emission and other shading properties in the meshes to match whichever hair you're choosing as a base to match them. That may be the difference in some of them. Comparing apachii's hair03 from the 1.5full version the hair03 has. 1.0000 emission multiple 1.0000 aplha property and 10.0000 glossinesswhere as bushy has 0.8000 emission multiple 0.5000 alpha and 13.0000 glossiness... slight differences in specular strength and lighting effects 1 and 2 have slight differences as well.


Maybe if the nifs were edited to match most hairs in the mods like apachii's, SGhairs, (which seems to match apachii's ((mostly)) ) then that would enable more closely matching hair colors.

(just a weird guess with no real proof lol)


I renamed some nifs and added headpart entries to the original esp. care to add the head part hairs to any edited npc's you might have for testing of the new head parts being properly  put on the npc's and not interfereing with the choice of hair for the pc?





That's basically what I did. I looked at a hair style from a sims hair pack and then copied the stats the best I could.

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So far 1 person reported the new SKSE plugin didn't work.  Anyone else have the same results or was able to fix the issue?


I wonder if it's a custom mouse driver issue.  If it is, that might explain why I don't have that problem because I have a Logitech, but running the MS device driver.


I found by disabling the "SOS - Schlongs of Skyrim 2.05.34" mod it fixed the mouse-wheel zoom problem. I then experimented around with older versions of SOS and found that 2.05.30 will work without the problem, but all the newer SOS versions (2.05.31 - 2.05.34) will cause the mouse-wheel zoom problem to happen.

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Okay I'm going to start building  my npc makeover , hopefully ,by the time I need to generate the headmesh and textures we have an official solution for variety on npc's. Not sure if the wonderful author of this mod wants to incorporate my  changes  to the esp and naming of extra meshes. But I think it can work. I blame the author of this mod, the author of cubic3d models for bodyslide, and kofman77 for rosa round bottom. Made me obsessed with making the carpet match the drapes, and I'm grateful for all the inspiration.


For me to build  the texture/head meshes properly I had to unistall all mods from my game.(otherwise the textures don't apply the tint masks correctly and produces large red splotches on the forehead) I suppose I should start my own thread about this file. I will be incoprorating USKP fixes  (if i know how to correctly) Sadly because I had to uninstall all mods including CBBE and bodyslide, I won't be able to produce screen shots untill it's finished.

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