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I know the incompatibility is with Immersive Settlements and any other whiterun overhaul mod but is there an incompatibility with TheDungeon V1.2?


You have to make them use the milk pump by giving them the follower command to use the milk pump. Same as normal. Theres no way to automate it.


You ask the follower to do something for you then activate the milk pump. They then should walk over and use the milk pump.


Sorry if I am not using simple enough English for you. I can make it a little simpler if that helps.


I don't know mate, I using this file:  "The Dungeon.7z" from download page. Looks like i never tried version 1.2


Many thanks for your explanation about - how it works.

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The only bug I have encountered is that I cannot leave my followers in the milking pumps and then leave the cell. Soon as I do, the stop being milked and I get the notification about selling things. I come back and they are all standing within the pumps.


Thats not a bug of my mod thats part of the milk mod economy mod. You have to be in the cell while milking followers. Thats why I made The Dungeon with lots of room for customization so you can fill it with whatever your character does to pass time.




ah.. how to upgrade it? I'm little scared coz finally it works now as you can see on picture...If it just entrance, i will not upgrade it  But If you want, i can try coz I respect your work.


Upgrading is easy just overwrite the old The Dungeon.esp with the new The Dungeon.esp from TheDungeon V1.2.7z. It only changes the location of the entrance so I dont see why it would mess anything up. The cell with the pumps stays exactly the same. Theres no need to update it if you dont want to.

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yes, there is a lot of space :)

I have many tables, chair's even kitchen there :)) ( placeatme console command ) ;) It can be your house with Mod "My Home is Your Home" :)

http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18045/?  and this 1 http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/?



Glad to hear you are customizing it :D thats why I left it mostly bare.


You don't actually need "my home is your home" to make it the player's home. That's for making it your follower's home :D

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Dang it I goofed again. To anyone testing the followerTEST it has un-needed masters. It wont effect the file if you have the .esms but I'll upload a version without the masters. Theres no need to change if you have the masters but if you want to change to the new version be aware it will revert to the vanilla files for meshes/textures. Sorry about this



*** File is now fixed so it doesn't have the un-needed masters. Dont forget to post any bugs/feedback including screenshots :D Thank you and sorry again

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It doesn't add any books. Just spells. If you are unclear of how to use it. You summon the ghost builder basically where you want the furniture then cast the spell for the type of furniture you want then reposition it with the ring of positioning (craftable with an iron ingot in the jewelery category if I remember correctly) then just command a follower to use the furniture and it will bind them to it. Alternatively you can use Jaxonz positioner mod to reposition the furniture which I'd recommend as its alot easier to use/ less time consuming. I hope that helps :D

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Correct me if i am wrong but is it not so that u can only command one follower at the time? If i turn to my 2nd follower (in the same cell) 

The First follower in the pump will go out of it and not wait untill i command her to. 


Mean that the first follower will drop everything she does when i command my 2nd one :P 


How is it possible to operate 15 pumps at the same time with 15 girl >.<. All these more follower mods like ATF or UFO dont have these commands.

Maybe i am missing something >.<

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is that V1.2?


Yeah. That is why I suggested under that bridge as it is mostly out of the way of all the add on stuff. Inside the walls of Whiterun is where the Slaverun mod kicks in and both the player (if female) and female NPCs have an "Enforced nudity law" on their head. With a 15000 gold bounty if violated. (Might be 1500 gold can't remember witch as I only broke it once and never tried that again)

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Thanks for letting me know its compatible :D I'll be moving the entrance onto the wall in the next update as it fits better with the story I've written so that should increase compatibility




Could you PM me how I would go about doing that or post a link to information on how I would do that? My moding experience is limited to basic CK use but I'm very willing to learn more.

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hi again mate :)

Tested your v1.2 end "follower public test, all is ok , but the girl near mainentrance don't want to talk with me,lol? 

What i need to do with her ( except killing - she is already killed twice,trolol) Console commands? Scheiße...! (confussed)

please take a look:





My second question is about "milking"( after your help, i managed many things ) and my question is connected with "slots" I have 17 followers, all pretty girls( my wife will kill me one day :D )

 and...i can not put them to work, just 1. I need to made some progress or? Thanks in advance ( again )


I doing my best ( english) :)

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The npc is just for people to test the customization for the follower I will be adding in the next big update. Right now she isn't supposed to do anything except stand there around the entrance. 

To customize her just overwrite the textures and meshes installed by TheDungeonFollowerTEST.7z. Textures are in textures / celeste and meshes are in meshes / celeste.


About your second question.

To get more "slots" you need to increase your milk level by milking followers or your character.

At certain milk levels your amount of slots increase.

Ed said it was your current milk level plus 1 divided by 2 or ((Milk Level + 1) / 2) so at milk level 3 you have 2 slots, at level 5 you have 3 slots, at level 7 you have 4 slots etc.

You can check how many milk maid slots you have in the MCM menu for the milk mod.

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You place a trigger box around the pool in the CK, on the script tab you then use this script shamelessly borrowed from the Mia's Lair Mod where there's a pool with auto-stripping but nicer since it also restores the clothing you when you exit which is more polite than most of these mods that do this.




Scriptname MiaStripMultiActorScript extends ObjectReference

Int Property MaxActors = 8 Auto

Actor[] strippedActors

Form[] slot0
Form[] slot1
Form[] slot2
Form[] slot3
Form[] slot4
Form[] slot5
Form[] slot6
Form[] slot7

int actorCount

Event OnInit()
actorCount = MaxActors as int
if MaxActors < 1
MaxActors = 1
elseif actorCount > 8
MaxActors = 8
strippedActors = new Actor[8]
debug.Trace("MiaStripMultiActor Creating slots " + MaxActors)


int function findEmptySlotNumber()
int i = 0
while i < strippedActors.Length
if strippedActors[i] == none
return i
i += 1

return -1

int function findActorSlotNumber(Actor actorToFind)
int i = 0
while i < strippedActors.Length
if strippedActors[i] == actorToFind
return i
i += 1
return -1

EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef)
Actor thisActor = triggerRef as Actor

if(thisActor == none)
debug.trace("Triggered by nobody " + triggerRef)
;If the actor is already naked, just return
if findActorSlotNumber(thisActor) != -1
debug.Trace(thisActor + " was already naked")

int slot = findEmptySlotNumber()
;debug.trace("OnTriggerEnter by " + thisActor + " in Slot " + slot)

if slot == 0
slot0 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[0] = thisActor
elseif slot == 1
slot1 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[1] = thisActor
elseif slot == 2
slot2 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[2] = thisActor
elseif slot == 3
slot3 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[3] = thisActor
elseif slot == 4
slot4 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[4] = thisActor
elseif slot == 5
slot5 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[5] = thisActor
elseif slot == 6
slot6 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[6] = thisActor
elseif slot == 7
slot7 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[7] = thisActor


EVENT OnTriggerLeave(objectReference triggerRef)
Actor thisActor = triggerRef as Actor

if(thisActor == none)
debug.trace("Trig exit by nobody " + triggerRef)

int slot = findActorSlotNumber(thisActor)
if slot == -1
debug.Trace(thisActor + " was not found on leaving")

if slot == 0
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot0)
strippedActors[0] = none
;These are just causing papyrus error, trying to reduce memory usage
;slot0 = none
elseif slot == 1
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot1)
strippedActors[1] = none
;slot1 = none
elseif slot == 2
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot2)
strippedActors[2] = none
;slot2 = none
elseif slot == 3
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot3)
strippedActors[3] = none
;slot3 = none
elseif slot == 4
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot4)
strippedActors[4] = none
;slot4 = none
elseif slot == 5
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot5)
strippedActors[5] = none
;slot5 = none
elseif slot == 6
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot6)
strippedActors[6] = none
;slot6 = none
elseif slot == 7
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot7)
strippedActors[7] = none
;slot7 = none


SexLabFramework Property SexLab Auto



Reference for Sexlab Actorfunctions:


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You place a trigger box around the pool in the CK, on the script tab you then use this script shamelessly borrowed from the Mia's Lair Mod where there's a pool with auto-stripping but nicer since it also restores the clothing you when you exit which is more polite than most of these mods that do this.




Scriptname MiaStripMultiActorScript extends ObjectReference

Int Property MaxActors = 8 Auto

Actor[] strippedActors

Form[] slot0
Form[] slot1
Form[] slot2
Form[] slot3
Form[] slot4
Form[] slot5
Form[] slot6
Form[] slot7

int actorCount

Event OnInit()
actorCount = MaxActors as int
if MaxActors < 1
MaxActors = 1
elseif actorCount > 8
MaxActors = 8
strippedActors = new Actor[8]
debug.Trace("MiaStripMultiActor Creating slots " + MaxActors)


int function findEmptySlotNumber()
int i = 0
while i < strippedActors.Length
if strippedActors[i] == none
return i
i += 1

return -1

int function findActorSlotNumber(Actor actorToFind)
int i = 0
while i < strippedActors.Length
if strippedActors[i] == actorToFind
return i
i += 1
return -1

EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef)
Actor thisActor = triggerRef as Actor

if(thisActor == none)
debug.trace("Triggered by nobody " + triggerRef)
;If the actor is already naked, just return
if findActorSlotNumber(thisActor) != -1
debug.Trace(thisActor + " was already naked")

int slot = findEmptySlotNumber()
;debug.trace("OnTriggerEnter by " + thisActor + " in Slot " + slot)

if slot == 0
slot0 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[0] = thisActor
elseif slot == 1
slot1 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[1] = thisActor
elseif slot == 2
slot2 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[2] = thisActor
elseif slot == 3
slot3 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[3] = thisActor
elseif slot == 4
slot4 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[4] = thisActor
elseif slot == 5
slot5 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[5] = thisActor
elseif slot == 6
slot6 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[6] = thisActor
elseif slot == 7
slot7 = SexLab.StripActor(thisActor, DoAnimate = false)
strippedActors[7] = thisActor


EVENT OnTriggerLeave(objectReference triggerRef)
Actor thisActor = triggerRef as Actor

if(thisActor == none)
debug.trace("Trig exit by nobody " + triggerRef)

int slot = findActorSlotNumber(thisActor)
if slot == -1
debug.Trace(thisActor + " was not found on leaving")

if slot == 0
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot0)
strippedActors[0] = none
;These are just causing papyrus error, trying to reduce memory usage
;slot0 = none
elseif slot == 1
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot1)
strippedActors[1] = none
;slot1 = none
elseif slot == 2
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot2)
strippedActors[2] = none
;slot2 = none
elseif slot == 3
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot3)
strippedActors[3] = none
;slot3 = none
elseif slot == 4
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot4)
strippedActors[4] = none
;slot4 = none
elseif slot == 5
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot5)
strippedActors[5] = none
;slot5 = none
elseif slot == 6
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot6)
strippedActors[6] = none
;slot6 = none
elseif slot == 7
SexLab.UnstripActor(thisActor, slot7)
strippedActors[7] = none
;slot7 = none


SexLabFramework Property SexLab Auto



Reference for Sexlab Actorfunctions:




Aspen Manor has something like that as well with the pool area.

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I was planning on having it re-cloth npcs because I agree its much nicer for npcs to redress after swimming. If I understand you correctly. I create a trigger box for the pool and add that script to the trigger box? If I understand correctly could I also add that script to idle markers so npcs will strip for those idles then redress?


I have just one last question. Am I allowed to use those scripts or do I need to ask permission? I don't want to step on any ones toes.


Sorry for the 20 questions and Thank you for the information. I greatly appreciate the help :D

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