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Two Spine1 RigidBodies in Manga hdt.xml


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I was trying to remove the collisions between the Breast bodies and the Spine ones, figuring that this may be why breasts jut out so much. However, I came across this anomaly, that there is no NPC Spine rigid body and two NPC Spine1 bodies in the xml file I was working on. I checked the original Manga hdt.xml files, and found that this occurred in that file as well.


Just wondering if this is an actual error, and if so, how serious it is.




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Depends on the collision layer used for each rigid body. If they are different, they wont collide with each other never. A quick fix for your breast problem (if they are in the same layer) would be changing the layer of the rigid bodies used for the breasts, they wont "know" that there is other rigid bodies there. Also, are you using XP32 Ponytail? That hair use a rigid body at the spine (I dont remember which one, maybe spine 2) but they are at layer 0, so that could be also affecting your breasts.

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