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FO3, NV & TTW Companion Resources Ref & Races List

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As sexout modders we want to be able to provide support for more 3rd party companions or important NPC the player may want to interact with.

Prideslayer may add a formlist to Sexout in the future that we can add these NPC's too so Sexout can interact with them better, by adding fertility or actor behaviour etc to them. So if we make a list for him it saves a lot of work.


So I decided to make a thread just for people to list the REFs of non-vanilla 3rd party NPC's who may warrant support in Sexout, this way creatures like JT & Rocket can be supported better by being added to the Dog animation lists etc.


This may also be used for non-Sexout mods too of course for anyone wanting to provide support for 3rd party NPC's in their mods


What we need in this thread is posts containing the Navmesh World REF's for popular companions, they can be pulled from GECK or FNVEdit, but be sure they are the World REF's NOT the base refs in the NPC section. These numbers are in Hexidecimal so you then need to convert them to Decimal to use them with the BuildRef command. If getting them in GECK you need to find the actor in the Render window List. If in FNVEdit you need to look for the Placed in Cell Reference.


We might also want the REFs for Important DLC NPC's too.


I'll start with what I have already, we also should put the esp name in the post as well, I have used exerts from code I use to add the ones I have to SCR for Pregnancy support, and I currently add JT & Rocket to the dog lists. In Willow there are a few other important NPC's that we may want to interact with. Also we should list the ID of any custom races too. I've used Willow as an example of how to use in a script including checks in case the REF changes.


Willow Mod:

Willow, Jessica, Wendy & JT (dog)

	if (IsModLoaded "NVWillow.esp")
		Set iHasPlugin to GetModIndex "NVWillow.esp"
		Set SexoutSQVAR.iHasWillow to iHasPlugin

		Set rZActorREF to BuildRef iHasPlugin 32353 ; *** WillowREF
		if rZActorREF ; Check incase REFS are changed
			if rZActorREF.GetType == 42 ; *** Use 43 for Creatures like Lily & DogMeat
				ListAddForm SexoutSLActorDataPossibleCompanions rZActorREF
				ListAddForm SexoutSLDataPossCompanionsFemale rZActorREF
				ListAddForm SexoutSFLDataNewNPCsCauc rZActorREF
				DebugPrint "SCR0Add3rdParty: WillowMod: Willow REF Added %6.0f, %n" iHasPlugin rZActorREF
				DebugPrint "SCR0Add3rdParty: WillowMod: Willow REF Error %6.0f, %n" iHasPlugin rZActorREF
			DebugPrint "SCR0Add3rdParty: WillowMod: Willow REF Error %6.0f, %n" iHasPlugin rZActorREF
		Set SexoutSQVAR.iHasWillow to 0
GIP_Kirina.esm (Kirina Shillow)

Kirina 2789


FNV_StarFox.esp (StarFox)

Krystal 4781 (Decimal) 

KrystalPAS.esp (StarFox)

Krystal 4270 (Decimal)


SexoutRocket.esp (dog)

Rocket 12342 (Decimal) Extended Version

Rocket 334432 (Decimal) Original Version



WendyG 01003087(Decimal)


Dead Money.esm:

God          NVDLC01GodRef          HEX:0x00e414     DEC:58388

Dog          NVDLC01DogRef          HEX:0x001306     DEC:4870

Christine    NVDLC01ChristineRef    HEX:0x001307    DEC:4871



Walking Cloud    NVDLC02WalkingCloudREF    Hex:0x009666    DEC:38502


Fallout.esm (Fallout3/TTW):

Clover  -  CloverRef -  0x0384d8 hex (230616 decimal)

Sydney  -  MS15SydneyRef  -  0x003a77 (14967 decimal)

StarPalidinCross  -  StarPaladinCrossRef  -  0x0062735 (403253 decimal)

BitterCup - BittercupREF - 06027F12 (163602 Decimal)

Fawkes - MQ08FawkesRef - 2D9CF (186831)

Charon - CharonRef - 2B8E1 (178401)

Jericho - JerichoRef - 3B5D (15197)

Dogmeat  -  DogmeatRef  -  0x06a775 (436085 decimal)

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Maybe i can help. I'm used to have a lot of mod companions but i'm not sure how to use BuildRef command

What ID is the correct one to convert into decimal?


I opened SexoutRocket.esp in FNVEdit to find Rocket's ID, i tried the following records but i couldn't find the one that its converted decimal value is 12342 as mentioned in the OP


- [03] SexoutRocket.esp > Creature: 03000ADF ( Decimal: 50334431 )

- [03] SexoutRocket.esp > Worldspace > 000DA726 > 000846EA > Persistent > 03000AE0 ( Decimal: 50334432 )




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Maybe i can help. I'm used to have a lot of mod companions but i'm not sure how to use BuildRef command

What ID is the correct one to convert into decimal?


I opened SexoutRocket.esp in FNVEdit to find Rocket's ID, i tried the following records but i couldn't find the one that its converted decimal value is 12342 as mentioned in the OP


- [03] SexoutRocket.esp > Creature: 03000ADF ( Decimal: 50334431 )

- [03] SexoutRocket.esp > Worldspace > 000DA726 > 000846EA > Persistent > 03000AE0 ( Decimal: 50334432 )

Hmm, well I found that number in GECK with Rocket selected, you have to look in the "Use Info" window  for "000JexoutRocket" then open the render window wilderness and then look at the Cell view and it shows 03003036 in Hex the first 03 is ignored because it's the Mod Index. Maybe FNVEdit can't show it or you have to look deeper to find it. I think the numbers you have are still the base REF not the actual inworld REF. Haven't tried it in FNVEdit but I imagine it's there somewhere.

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I did that, but i still can't find one that gives me 12342 converted.


I tested converting directly 03003036 (without the 03). It is the right value indeed ( Decimal: 12342 ), so the problem is not the conversion itself, but finding the real ID

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Ok, I looked into FNVEDit at SexoutRocket and under Persistant SexoutRocketRef on the left area I have 79003036, the 79 being my LoadOrder Index Position, it also shows on the right area [ACRE:79003036], the [CREA79000ADF] is the base reference. we have to have the Inworld Reference as it's the only one that works I believe.

I'l make a little tutorial out of this later to clarify it to new users as we have to be careful as loading the wrong ref can crash the game if you try and do an Actor.GetIsSex  function or animate 69 position command on a pencil or chair.

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This is what i found here: 000SexoutRocketCompanionRef [ACRE:35000AE0] (places 000JexoutRocket "Rocket" [CREA:35000ADF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:000846EA] (in WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" [WRLD:000DA726] at 0,0))

Are you saying the value from ACRE is the right one?


Edit: I think my SexoutRocket.esp version could be different from yours. Maybe that's why the numbers doesn't fit at all?


Sorry for being a bother.

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This is what i found here: 000SexoutRocketCompanionRef [ACRE:35000AE0] (places 000JexoutRocket "Rocket" [CREA:35000ADF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:000846EA] (in WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" [WRLD:000DA726] at 0,0))

Are you saying the value from ACRE is the right one?


Edit: I think my SexoutRocket.esp version could be different from yours. Maybe that's why the numbers doesn't fit at all?


Sorry for being a bother.

Hmm that's worrying, perhaps if they are the same version the reference changes? Because my ACRE is different to yours somehow.


I've got this:


SexoutRocketRef [ACRE:79003036] (places 000JexoutRocket "Rocket" [CREA:79000ADF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:000846EA] (in WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" [WRLD:000DA726] at 0,0))


I think I'm using this file




Umm then again just looked, maybe I'm not, I've also got a SeoutRocketWillow.esp, no idea where I got it from, I can't find a thread for it in search.


Only other file I can find is this:




Aggh just looked at both, the SexoutRocket.esp extended version has changed Rockets reference, the original Rocket is this like yours:


000SexoutRocketCompanionRef [ACRE:80000AE0] (places 000JexoutRocket "Rocket" [CREA:80000ADF] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:000846EA] (in WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" [WRLD:000DA726] at 0,0))


that's going to seriously screw up things one of these versions needs to be deleted from the internet as people with the wrong one are going to get game crashing if we use the wrong ref, I've also found my SexoutRocketWillow is looking for dialogue that's in neither version so there must be a 3rd later version of SexoutRocket somewhere.


I vaguely remember possibly maybe uploading affixed version of SexoutRocketWillow.esp at some point but can't find it.

Nope I was getting confused with a Fix for SexoutRexWillow.esp I did, where did I get SexoutRocketWillow.esp from?

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Hal, can you send me both of those files in a PM? There may be a quest var we can look at to see which one is which.


Also, there's always GetIsReference and GetIsCreature. We should be able to safely use the first with buildref, and if it's true, then use the second. If we're lucky, both IDs are not creature refs in both mods...

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Hal, can you send me both of those files in a PM? There may be a quest var we can look at to see which one is which.


Also, there's always GetIsReference and GetIsCreature. We should be able to safely use the first with buildref, and if it's true, then use the second. If we're lucky, both IDs are not creature refs in both mods...

Yeah, I thought about GetIsCreature but then realise caling GetIsCreature on an added random item might cause a crash too, didn't know about GetIsReference. The 2 files are named the same in the 2 links above, I'm pretty sure there's a 3rd one somewhere that SexoutRocketWillow uses as there seems to be dialogue linked or injected into either SexoutRocket version.




I'm more thinking of finding the latest version with the best functionality and reducing the visibility of the other mod in the forum might be the way to go if we can't get either of the mod owners to agree to changing their OP version. Try and fix the root problem before making band aids & workarounds for it.

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Well if they're actually different mods with different functionality/features, supporting them both if possible is a good thing, even if they have the same name. It's too bad the refID got changed somehow, but if I can work around it, it's no big deal.


This will cause big problems with NX if a user switches from one to the other without a clean save in between, but it'll do the same thing with a normal savegame.


The engine itself (and NVSE, and NX) all validate the FormIDs on load to remove any that are no longer valid because the mod defining them is gone. If the load order changed, they update the IDs to follow the change, renumbering 05xxxxxx to 06xxxxxx for example if you put a new mod in at position #5.


So if you replace a mod with one that has the same name, but different FormIDs, all three of those things will happily continue to use them, even though they now refer to a different Form (or nothing at all / invalid).


I can fix this in NX (and NVSE) to an extent if I start validating the FormID actually exists within the mod. I would also need to store some kind of 'signature' with the FormIDs as well, like a checksum on the Form itself. That last bit I can only do reliably in NX since it uses its own save format and not the esm format that NVSE uses for mods and savegames.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How about some of the TTW (fallout 3) companions?

Name                       EditorID               FormID

Sydney                    Sydney                0x003a22

Clover                      Clover                 0x0156a2

Star Paladin Cross  StarPaladinCross 0x0156e5

DogMeat                  DogMeat             0x06a772


thank you


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How about some of the TTW (fallout 3) companions?

Name                       EditorID               FormID

Sydney                    Sydney                0x003a22

Clover                      Clover                 0x0156a2

Star Paladin Cross  StarPaladinCross 0x0156e5

DogMeat                  DogMeat             0x06a772


thank you

I think we can add them ok


Are they the inworld render screen REFS for those?

And are they all in Fallout.ESM?

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Sorry I just gave the base ID from fallout 3.esm

If I am doing it right then it would be : 


Clover  -  CloverRef -  0x0384d8 hex (230616 decimal)

Sydney  -  MS15SydneyRef  -  0x003a77 (14967 decimal)

StarPC  -  StarPaladinCrossRef  -  0x0062735 (403252 decimal)

Dogmeat  -  DogmeatRef  -  0x06a775 (436085 decimal)


I did a use info -- used in these cells -- selected their cell and took that editorid and dropped the mod index to convert.

Sorry about that, Hope i got it right this time. :-)


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Sorry I just gave the base ID from fallout 3.esm

If I am doing it right then it would be : 


Clover  -  CloverRef -  0x0384d8 hex (230616 decimal)

Sydney  -  MS15SydneyRef  -  0x003a77 (14967 decimal)

StarPC  -  StarPaladinCrossRef  -  0x0062735 (403252 decimal)

Dogmeat  -  DogmeatRef  -  0x06a775 (436085 decimal)


I did a use info -- used in these cells -- selected their cell and took that editorid and dropped the mod index to convert.

Sorry about that, Hope i got it right this time. :-)

Cool, because it makes a big difference, the wrong ID's can cause game crashing, and I don't use TTW or FO3 so have no way to check them.

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Dead Money.esm
God          NVDLC01GodRef          HEX:0x00e414     DEC:58388
Dog          NVDLC01DogRef          HEX:0x001306     DEC:4870
Christine    NVDLC01ChristineRef    HEX:0x001307    DEC:4871

Walking Cloud    NVDLC02WalkingCloudREF    Hex:0x009666    DEC:38502

Did the DLC Female/creature followers just to make sure I did the fallout 3 ones correctly.
I saw God and Dog listed seperately so I did both.
Hope This actually helps :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Sorry I just gave the base ID from fallout 3.esm

If I am doing it right then it would be : 


Clover  -  CloverRef -  0x0384d8 hex (230616 decimal)

Sydney  -  MS15SydneyRef  -  0x003a77 (14967 decimal)

StarPC  -  StarPaladinCrossRef  -  0x0062735 (403252 decimal)

Dogmeat  -  DogmeatRef  -  0x06a775 (436085 decimal)


I did a use info -- used in these cells -- selected their cell and took that editorid and dropped the mod index to convert.

Sorry about that, Hope i got it right this time. :-)

Having never used TTW and wanting to provide support for the FO3 actors in SCR, I have a question for anyone who knows.


Are the actors in the Fallout.esm or are they in a TTW.esm?

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FO3-only stuff should be in the FO3 esm, normally. I think the TTW one really mostly mashes the whole thing together like a big patch.

Cool I'll try that and see how it goes for people :)

Can you please Sticky/Pin this thread too :)

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Sorry I just gave the base ID from fallout 3.esm

If I am doing it right then it would be : 


Clover  -  CloverRef -  0x0384d8 hex (230616 decimal)

Sydney  -  MS15SydneyRef  -  0x003a77 (14967 decimal)

StarPC  -  StarPaladinCrossRef  -  0x0062735 (403252 decimal)

Dogmeat  -  DogmeatRef  -  0x06a775 (436085 decimal)


I did a use info -- used in these cells -- selected their cell and took that editorid and dropped the mod index to convert.

Sorry about that, Hope i got it right this time. :-)

Is StarPaladinCross Male or Female?


And weren't there a few more vanilla companions in FO3 like a SuperMutant?


I'm just adding support for these to the next SCR beta so those using TTW can have a bit of extra fun :)

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