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[Wip] Intimacy Project


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We'll see what this new one does.  I'm not even close to a thorough exclude/include/ban run through.  So far I've been dealing with them as I encounter them.  My testing hasn't even reached Mojave Outpost.  Once I get the core settled, then I'll start a more comprehensive list of NPCs.



You cannot create the markers out of thin air. So they have to be prebuilt, and so in limited quantity.


At least that was true before NX and arrays. There might be a way to do totally dynamic markers with one of those.


This new one already uses dynamic markers out of thin air (more or less).  But you're right.  The limit the way I'm doing it is that I have to keep close track of each and every marker ref I drop.  I doubt I'll do any return markers and tend to lean towards ban/exclude if the NPC isn't going to behave.




ref rMrk
int bMrk

set rMrk to (PlayerREF.PlaceAtMe XMarker 1) ; Place Dynamic (non-persistent) Marker
set QuestName.rMrk to rMrk ; Record the ref
set bMrk to 1 ; Let dialog conditions know the ref isn't empty

;Then when I'm done with it
ref rMarker
set rMarker to (QuestName.rMrk)





EDIT: Just an example.



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This limits you to 1 marker as you only have 1 ref to remember it :)

Of course, you can duplicate it, but you're always be limited.

Using an array indexed by the ref to track should provided an unlimited set of marker, as long as they are all use for the same purpose.



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Might work to have a map array with the actor's name being the key of the cell and the marker ref being the value of the cell.


Or just send them back to their editor location via a package.


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Never use a name as a key, there way too many homonyms out there. Particularly when you have a unique key around as the FormID :)


Also some NPC have an Editor location that is outside of the game world (EDE3Ref for example)


(I love playing devil's advocate here)

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I gave Trudy a gift. She seemed pleased, thus I was happy :lol:


But thinking about It, was she happy because of the awesome gift itself? Or just cuz it was expensive? :s  (600 caps)


I mean, Isn't a mint condition .357 the best gift for a lady? What every fictional or real female needs and wants! :cool:


Was Trudy in awe for my wonderful gift-choosing skills? :shy: ... Or is she just a gold digger? :dodgy:


Plz, dont hurt my feelz... :blush:

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Aww.  It's nice that I'm not the only one with a favorite NPC.


*ahem*  Going by game lore rather than how this mod works....Trudy gives you a discount for helping the town.  Therefore, Trudy cannot be a gold digger.


As that I've never shot a gun before (bucket list), I cannot answer the question if it's the bestest gift ever.  ;)  It does show that her safety is important to you, and that is a very sweet gesture.

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lol.  In a lawless land, I would feel way more comfortable in a relationship if a gun was given to me with this sentiment.  "You just slept with half the town, huh?  Well, guess we both know that your present isn't going to waste."


Sentiment doesn't work so well IRL where there are all these "laws" about killing people.

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Uploaded new copy.  Hopefully this will be a forward facing copy.  No more reworks.  As of right now I'm working on putting this new one back together.  This is nearly an entirely different mod (again).


The one in the OP is just for testing to get familiar with the changes.  Currently many things are missing, disconnected, disabled, and /or incomplete.  You should consider the current copy unplayable to a certain degree.  None of the ban lists/exclusions have been enabled either.


There is a shit ton of tedious work to do yet because of all the changes, which I am slowly working through.  Expect a flurry of updates in the days to come as I piece things back together (again).  Feel free to give feedback as this new one is heavily untested.  I expect a lot of stuff to be off until I can get to the first round of tweaks fixes.  Though that should go a lot smoother than in the past copies.


Stay tuned.


EDIT: Also, the system is completely untweaked.  Therefore, it reacts slowly, and gains may take a lot longer than expected until I can tweak the adjustments.

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Therefore, Trudy cannot be a gold digger.


My heart is now happy and shines like a glowing ghoul :)



As that I've never shot a gun before (bucket list), I cannot answer the question if it's the bestest gift ever.  ;) 


But It is! It's shiny and you can go pop pop pop watchin mothafuckas drop! What else anyone would want?



It's also conveys a "I love you so much I'm going to give you something you can use to blow my balls off if I ever cross you" sentiment :)


She already has that crappy shotgun of hers. If she is going to commit a horrible act, let her do it with style :)



Sentiment doesn't work so well IRL where there are all these "laws" about killing people.


Borin' real world...



Uploaded new copy. 


Cool! Good news!

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Updated.  Added NPC gains based on 'provider/dependent' status.  Providers should advance quickly on their own, without much PC interaction.  Dependents should advance slowly, and will rely on PC interaction to move things forward faster.


Also mirrored the masculine dialogs so that feminine NPCs should be included now (they were disabled).  More to come.

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That's not what it means. lol


Provider/dependent are simply one of the roles that the NPC intends to fulfill within a relationship.  Providers want to take care of dependents and dependents want to be taken care of.  It has nothing to do with needs or wealth.

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