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[Idea] This simple rape thing


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Hi there :) Thanks for this site / forum. What a thrill to play with Skyrim with a little more........ immersion ;-)

It's been a strange way to this forum. But I'm now here. I'm a French dude, hope I'll be clear enough...


I said to myself that I miss something :

I allready can have some simple discuss with Friendly NPCs and have a ride somewhere we want to ;-)


I of course tried the rape mods for Sex Labs. But I was not convinced... I think that "spells" and other thing like a key to "submit"... are not really immerssive. In a real fantasy world, I do not know the sexual preferences of my foes. Wich means I do not know IF they're gonna try to use my (beautyfull) body for an violent and egoist perversion. Also, if my PC is a bit perverse to use his foes for the same reason, I think he may have the "choice" of what foe he wants to rape ;-)


That's why I thought of a mod with this kind of options in MCM. I'm not a modder so..............


- Rape in SKYRIM YES NO (allow to choose active MOD or not).

- Agressive sex rapes YES NO (allow the agressive animations)

- Soft sex rapes YES NO (allow the soft animations)

- Interracial rapes YES NO (allow rapes between different races or not)

- Ignore preferences YES NO (If yes, the NPCs sexual orientations are ignored and may rape anybody)



- PC health for being a potential victim : X% (determines at wich health lvl your PC MAY be a victim...)

- PC chances for being a victim at this health lvl : X% (determines the chances for your PC to really be a victim at this health status... Beacause all the ennemies should not be in the mood for rape... or to rape your PC ^^)


If the PC complete this two conditions, and if this PC suits to the foe preferences (if the ignore preferences is set to NO), then, the PC is automaticaly raped without any need of anything (key, spelL...)


- Chances for other living foes of the group may join to the rape on the PC : X% (not all the people may want to...)

- Chances for Kill the PC after rape : X% (may be the foe just wanted to rape your PC ;-)

- Chances for Steal / Rob the PC after rape : X% (may be he wanted to check if your PC have anything in his pockets...)



- Same options for followers



- Health % for automatic submit the foe to a rape : X% (the health % value to get an automatic rape animation to beggin with the foe as a victim)

- Default marking the foe as a PC potential rape's victim : ALL foes - all MALE foes - all FEMALE foes - NO foes at all

(This option would allow to CHOOSE what kind of orientation have your PC. He/She may prefer to rape nobody but females or males or both etc... This means that your PC will automaticly rape the foe if it suits to its orientation because this foe is marked for that "by default").

- Change the default mark on a foe : X (This last option gives the possibility to CHOOSE each time with a key. If you decided to check "no foes at all" in the option ahead, this key allows your PC to rape THIS PERTICULAR foe. If you choosed "all females" but you are fighting a male foe, you will not rape this foe except with a press on this key for a changing of the default mark)


I hope this was clear. Of course it would need to be modded and some more work ;-) But I'm sure you understood the idea. Personnaly, I do not want to spell someting or to do the right key at the right short moment. I prefer automation for this "kind of game play" ;-)

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just an opinion

i think there is already a mod similiar to your idea, 'sexlab defeat' and not use spell ( if you set it to grapple which use stamina when attempted, not magic at least)

but there's no prefrences check or mood check

well just ignore this you already know


but i see some problem here



- Health % for automatic submit the foe to a rape : X% (the health % value to get an automatic rape animation to beggin with the foe as a victim)


if this hapen , imagine your dovakin like female and there is 3 female enemy then when 1 enemy automaticly get raped by you how about other 2 , you will get killed when attempt it , =)

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- PC chances for being a victim at this health lvl : X% (determines the chances for your PC to really be a victim at this health status... Beacause all the ennemies should not be in the mood for rape... or to rape your PC ^^)


- Chances for Kill the PC after rape : X% (may be the foe just wanted to rape your PC ;-)

I'd like to see this implemented in SL Submit and SL Defeat. Like, 60-70% of the time they only rob you, and the oter 30% they rape. Maybe a 5% chance of being killed after, to make it a bit frustrating.


- Interracial rapes YES NO (allow rapes between different races or not)

Interesting. Very interesting. I'd like to see this randomized.

- Ignore preferences YES NO (If yes, the NPCs sexual orientations are ignored and may rape anybody)

 The problem here is that you'd have to set pretty much every NPC's preferences... or randomize it. Yeah, random sounds good, and a message saying "Bandit Chief likes girls, so she isn't interested in your juicy, slimy, round and delicious penis."


- Agressive sex rapes YES NO (allow the agressive animations)

- Soft sex rapes YES NO (allow the soft animations)

You can set this by chosing which aggressive animations you want ("aggressive" as in "non consensual") in the SexLab MCM. It's more tedious than a simple yes/no switch, but it can work.


- Health % for automatic submit the foe to a rape : X% (the health % value to get an automatic rape animation to beggin with the foe as a victim)

In my opinion, automatic PC aggressor should be a no-no (unless completely optional). A key so you, the human playing, are always in control of your character's actions sounds better.



Everything else is already there, albeit sometimes in a simpler shape than what you said. C:

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i know it not immersive.


but i would a simple on off switch to for (0) to turn rape off and (1) to turn on rape.


where if i get hit i get raped 100% of the time.


oh and after they rape me they die and fill 25% of my health stam magicka


or fill a soul gem or something.


cuz really succubus mod would be cool with out the race mod being used.

just a set of spells or enchanted equipment for cursed armor or something. lol.


where you don't even have to fight back. just lay back and spread your legs to leave a trail of bodies.

fyi i play a female character if you haven't guessed lol.


heh a succubus that likes to be raped lol.

add a special interaction dialogue menu for consensual (no killing after orgasm lol)


and i would be so happy if this was made.


anyhow got academic probation gonna teach myself how to mod/script this shit

wish me luck ;)


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While I'm not sure the novelty of it would last very long, the last one is pretty simple, if that's what you want.  You just put an magic effect on yourself, with an OnHit event to run some code to pacify the NPC attacking you, then do StartSex(), and after that, you add a Hook that runs another short bit of code that does whatever you want, and ends with Rapist.Kill()



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- PC chances for being a victim at this health lvl : X% (determines the chances for your PC to really be a victim at this health status... Beacause all the ennemies should not be in the mood for rape... or to rape your PC ^^)


- Chances for Kill the PC after rape : X% (may be the foe just wanted to rape your PC ;-)

I'd like to see this implemented in SL Submit and SL Defeat. Like, 60-70% of the time they only rob you, and the oter 30% they rape. Maybe a 5% chance of being killed after, to make it a bit frustrating.




Everything else is already there, albeit sometimes in a simpler shape than what you said. C:


Hrm, I hadn't really thought of that approach.  I won't commit to it or anything, but it is an interesting idea.  Make an MCM slider (0-100%) to determine the base chance of getting raped or only robbed, have some flat modifiers based on race/gender/etc to influence the chance a bit like I do with the Speech component.


Again, not committing, but something to consider.

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- PC chances for being a victim at this health lvl : X% (determines the chances for your PC to really be a victim at this health status... Beacause all the ennemies should not be in the mood for rape... or to rape your PC ^^)


- Chances for Kill the PC after rape : X% (may be the foe just wanted to rape your PC ;-)

I'd like to see this implemented in SL Submit and SL Defeat. Like, 60-70% of the time they only rob you, and the oter 30% they rape. Maybe a 5% chance of being killed after, to make it a bit frustrating.




Everything else is already there, albeit sometimes in a simpler shape than what you said. C:


Hrm, I hadn't really thought of that approach.  I won't commit to it or anything, but it is an interesting idea.  Make an MCM slider (0-100%) to determine the base chance of getting raped or only robbed, have some flat modifiers based on race/gender/etc to influence the chance a bit like I do with the Speech component.


Again, not committing, but something to consider.



Indeed, interesting idea!


Meleagre, did you actually try Defeat? You don't need to use any spells to make shit happen, as aggressor you use a Hotkey to stun your target and as victim you are stuned by hit then raped.


The next version will have NPC vs NPC too, but there will not be any complicated conditions but a sex check, a health percentage check and a on hit chance percentage check.

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I think it would be okay to implement these things as settings that you can toggle. Changes to a mod shouldn't be done to limit the mods potential. Regarding the mood check I think it should depend on a value like the character's charisma. I know such a value doesn't exist but it could be added as a slider that you set in the menus. If you have high charisma they can't resist using your body(because how often does a pretty lady walk into a bandit camp?).


If you play a male character and your victim is female her sexual orientation doesn't matter so no need to take that into account unless you are the victim but the female could try to resist and have a chance to escape.

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