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[REQ] A combination Between Sexis Defeated, SD and No Death Mod

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A combination with this mod could be cool! I was thinking, first when you engaged and defeated in a combat, start the Sexis Defeated, where the character are raped by every enemies. After that, start the script to No Death Mod, where you are left with no itens in a remote place. So you have to go to the dungeon to recover. If you are defeated on the Dungeon where are your itens, start the Sanguine's Debauchery Mod, and you are enslaved inside the Dungeon.


This sounds great! I don't know if it is too hard to do.


What do you think?

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You can combine both using Sexlab, just set No Death Mod to 10% and Sexlab Defeat has a minimum-max setting which you can set to 11-25%. At least it works perfectly for me, too bad... isn't compatible with  Sanguine's Debauchery Mod (havent tested the 3 mod together, but Defeat might conflict with SD).

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Really, there is no actual way to make SD work together with this mods :(


But Sexis and No Death Mod works fine.


Um yeah there is? 

I been playing with both mods smoothly. In fact no death mod actually leaves you vulnerable to SD moments. When you lose consciousness, you wake up naked and have to fight your way through a bandit camp to recover your items, which could lead to you getting captured.


All you need to do is set SD to something like 20% and No death to 5%. That way, when you are defeated by a non sd enemy, when you fall on your knees, the next hit leaves you unconscious.

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