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TamagoClub 1.15c / HiyokoClub1.10a stuff ENG

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One more question....is there a way to change my children's hairstyles with the construction set so that i dont have to keep saving and reloading until i get one that i like/doesn't glitch through their head?


I loaded up all mods i have in the cs and i cant find their names under the npc list

There is a x117 wig mod take a look


So at least you can change your children's hair.

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One more question....is there a way to change my children's hairstyles with the construction set so that i dont have to keep saving and reloading until i get one that i like/doesn't glitch through their head?


I loaded up all mods i have in the cs and i cant find their names under the npc list

There is a x117 wig mod take a look


So at least you can change your children's hair.


Those look great! I'll definitely be trying those instead of spending forever trying to generate a kid with non-clipping hair LOL

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Just a note, in this latest thread string. You can use TES4Edit to delete unwanted hairs from MODs, including 117s. The issue is some hair NIFs don't exactly work well with some 117 heads is all.


Yeah, okay it's a bit of work to do so; identify the race with clipping hairs, identify the hair NIFs, etc. Then delete them in TES4Edit.


I found this quicker than trying it in CS/E.


A better but more work would be to create a MOD that acts like a database for 117 hairs. I do have one I use Hair Master, just never motivated to extend it 117s.

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I agree, Movomo's wigs look great.


I am no big fan of wigs instead of hairs, but that's probably because I may not fully understand the differences between them yet. Please feel free to correct me :


* hair :

- can be colored on the fly inside chargen (and probably by script/OBSE) by tinting a texture

- does not take an inventory slot


* wigs :

- can not be colored inside chargen (but probably by script/OBSE by replacing a texture)

- takes an inventory slot


This has always made me prefer "true" hair over wigs, even if Growlf's animated hair/wigs really managed to tempt me a while ago. Now the temptation is back with Movomo's work...


PS : Thanks for the tip about PerfectionCat's mod. Does it work better than VipCxj's mod ? I've had issues with the latter.


PS 2 : Me = contributing to derail threads on LL since 2011 <.<

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Fear not, PerfectionCat has made an excellent mod for changing hairs, eyes and hair colors "on the fly", i use it and i couldn't play whitout it now :)




I am gonna try Movomo's wigs anyway, they looks great.


Thanks, I'll take a look at that.


After a month of Sundays, part-time I feel I'm finally close to narrowing down the issues related to 117s and Hiyokos generated from them. It has a lot to do with my installed 117 MODs; ESMs, ESPs and very specifically to the 117NPCs.esp


Reviewing of of my 117 MODs, what I discovered is in CS/E the Races that are problematic are defined having specific NIFs and in turn, specific .dds files keyed to them, yet opening the actual NIFs in NifSkope, they instead are pointing to a different texture file/.dds. Weird.


This CS/E NIF & Texture vs. NIF & Texture conflict file in turn causes issues in Wrye Bash, resulting in Wrye reverting to the default Imperial eye NIF & Texture. There also seems to be some issues with Hairs being specified by some 117 MODs, yet missing in others, again resulting in Bashed Patch conflicts. I think this is contributing the clipping hairs issue, as again Wrye reverts to using default NIFs & Textures when it cannot locate the one specified by a MOD.


My immediate and recent quick fix was to begin separating out those conflicting 117 MODs (mostly F2ch Lives!) and add those to an additional Bashed Patch (Bashed Patch, 1.esp), and fixing them via TES4Edit, since Bashed Patch, 0.esp often is rebuilt. This way I can continue on the path of developing one consistent eye, hair master that I can apply to all 117s and any resulting Hiyokos.

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Evil Hiyoko Discussion (cont.)

Just a note that I was able to successfully get the game to generate some evil and PC attacking Hiyokos.



Eggs or sperm from your PC will end up adding those Hiyokos to the Player faction which is NFG, as their resulting ModDisposition is to high to your PC. So you essentially want evil to evil NPC parings.


NOTE: Not all resulting evil Hiyokos attacked my PC, but that may have to do with the Follower Limit. Still testing that...


What you need to make it work:

1. An evil, non-virtual (if it's labeled Temporary Actor if you use FormID Finder4 on them, you don't want those.) female NPC. I think re-spawning is also desired. This is the one providing the eggs, or you can collect eggs from other evil NPCs and implant them into this one. (I used a resurrected Noveni Othran for my experiment.)


2. Evil NPC sperm provider, male or female. (I used LoversStalkerMN to help trigger the pairings of nearby NPCs. I imagine LoversEncounter may work too.)


3. Add the following code snippet from WappyOne's HGBM, scn a3hgbmGenerator to your choosen HiyokoGenerator, scn a3hgDefaultGenerator, making sure you also have any variables not originally in your version of HiyokoGenerator (I know I had to add one or two, just don't recall which ones):

Code Snippet to Add:



;The following code borrowed from WappyOne HGBM MOD
  ;Adjust values usually scrambled by CreatreFullActorCopy on creatures
  set j to gene.GetAV Aggression
  hiyo.SetActorValue Aggression j
  set j to gene.GetAV Confidence
  hiyo.SetActorValue Confidence j
  set j to gene.GetAV Energy
  hiyo.SetActorValue Energy j
  set j to gene.GetAV Responsibility
  hiyo.SetActorValue Responsibility j
  set j to gene.GetAttackDamage
  ;scale damage?
  hiyo.SetAttackDamage j




As a reference ONLY, here is my entire modified script, for what was originally Justinof's HiyokoGenerator, scn a3hgDefaultGenerator:



scn a3hgDefaultGenerator
short n
array_var argv
array_var conception
short Sex
ref Mother
ref FatherGene
ref MotherGene
ref FatherGeneBase
ref MotherGeneBase
ref race
short i
string_var sRace
ref hiyo
ref gene
ref genebase
array_var aHiyo

;Set a generated array of children with SetFunctionValue. HiyokoClub will randomly choose one from the array.
;All children should basically be created with CreateFullActorCopy (Unused children will be removed automatically with DeleteFullActorCopy)
;Passing references created from LeveledCreatures should be OK too.
;It is also possible to directly pass non-dynamic actor references but this will require careful management of the resources to ensure
;that a second or third child doesn't get assigned the same reference.
Begin Function { n argv }
let conception := argv->Conception
let Sex := conception->Sex             ;Sex
let Mother := conception->Owner            ;Actor that delivered the child
let FatherGene := conception->FertilizedOvum->Sperm->Producer    ;Genetic father (actor that ejaculated the sperm)
let MotherGene := conception->FertilizedOvum->Ovum->Producer    ;Genetic mother (actor that produced the ovum)
let FatherGeneBase := conception->FertilizedOvum->Sperm->ProducerBase  ;BaseObject for genetic father (in case the reference got deleted)
let MotherGeneBase := conception->FertilizedOvum->Ovum->ProducerBase  ;BaseObject for genetic mother (in case the reference got deleted)
let aHiyo := ar_Construct Array
SetFunctionValue aHiyo              ;Set the return value in case the return on any error
;Decide from which parent part gene is taken
if 0 == IsFormValid FatherGeneBase || (Rand 0 100 < 50 && IsFormValid MotherGeneBase)
  let gene := MotherGene
  let genebase := MotherGeneBase
  let gene := FatherGene
  let genebase := FatherGeneBase
if IsFormValid genebase
  ;If the parent has not vanished choose a child based on the genes
  let race := GetRace genebase
  let sRace := sv_Construct "%n" race   ;Additionally, try a vague search on the race name strings
  if -1 < sv_Find "Argon" sRace
   ;lizard race
   if Sex
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgArgonM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgArgonF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
  elseif gene.IsCreature || -1 < sv_Find "Khajit" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Tabaxi" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Beast" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Horkew" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Wiera" sRace
   ;creature or animal species
   if Sex
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM03Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM04Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF03Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF04Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
  elseif -1 < sv_Find "Elf" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Elves" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Chanpon" sRace
   ;Elf race
   if Sex
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfM02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfF02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
  elseif -1 < sv_Find "Imperial" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Breton" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Nord" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Redguard" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "GoldenSaint" sRace ||  -1 < sv_Find "DarkSeducer" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Human" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Mitzha" sRace || -1 < sv_Find "Lolita" sRace
   ;Human races
   if Sex
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanM02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanF02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
  elseif -1 < sv_Find "Siren" sRace
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgDarkSirenF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgDarkSirenM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
  sv_Destruct sRace

if 0 >= ar_Size aHiyo
  ;If no selection could be made randomly choose one from all children
  if Sex
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanM02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfM02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgArgonM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM03Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalM04Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgHumanF02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgElfF02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgArgonF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF01Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF02Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF03Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
    ar_Append aHiyo a3hgAnimalF04Ref.CreateFullActorCopy
;Initialize child data
let i := ar_Size aHiyo
while i > 0
  let i -= 1
  let hiyo := aHiyo[ i ]
  Call a3hgcSetHiyokoName hiyo FatherGeneBase Mother ;Name
  Call a3hgcSetHiyokoEyes hiyo genebase   ;Eyes
  Call a3hgcSetHiyokoHair hiyo genebase   ;Hair
  ;Inherit the information of the mother gave birth
  if IsFormValid Mother
   Call a3hgcInheritHiyokoInventory hiyo Mother ;Partially inherit inventory
   Call a3hgcInheritHiyokoFaction hiyo Mother ;Inherit factions
  ;Adjust the degree of friendship with the parent
  if IsFormValid Mother
   hiyo.ModDisposition Mother 100
   Mother.ModDisposition hiyo 100
  if IsFormValid FatherGene
   hiyo.ModDisposition FatherGene 50
   FatherGene.ModDisposition hiyo 50
  if IsFormValid MotherGene
   hiyo.ModDisposition MotherGene 50
   MotherGene.ModDisposition hiyo 50
  ;The following code borrowed from WappyOne HGBM MOD
  ;Adjust values usually scrambled by CreatreFullActorCopy on creatures
  set j to gene.GetAV Aggression
  hiyo.SetActorValue Aggression j
  set j to gene.GetAV Confidence
  hiyo.SetActorValue Confidence j
  set j to gene.GetAV Energy
  hiyo.SetActorValue Energy j
  set j to gene.GetAV Responsibility
  hiyo.SetActorValue Responsibility j
  set j to gene.GetAttackDamage
  ;scale damage?
  hiyo.SetAttackDamage j
SetFunctionValue aHiyo




There may be more that can be done to make them more aggressive towards your PC, like lowering the current ModDispostion values of 50 for this section of the script. I may experiment a bit with that next. (I also think the value for Mother of 100 can be lowered to something like 50):



;Adjust the degree of friendship with the parent
  if IsFormValid Mother
   hiyo.ModDisposition Mother 100
   Mother.ModDisposition hiyo 100
  if IsFormValid FatherGene
   hiyo.ModDisposition FatherGene 50
   FatherGene.ModDisposition hiyo 50
  if IsFormValid MotherGene
   hiyo.ModDisposition MotherGene 50
   MotherGene.ModDisposition hiyo 50




Screen Captures








In this example the evil PC attacking Hiyoko was able to detect my PC sneaking around and immediately attacked, even before her mother, Noveni Othran.


This is beginning to open up the desired possibilities I'e been wanting to produce in-game. Once I get this portion to where I want it, I'll begin experimenting with functionality from movomo's HiyokoFutureDream, to be able to have them advance in skills, stats, etc over time too. (The main change is to not have them be added to the player faction I think.)

Edited by varenne
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The main issue, that prevents an evil, PC attacking Hiyoko is the Player Faction add to them. I have also yet to get a Hiyoko to be naturally produced in-game that is purely evil, if PC eggs or sperm is ever used. Again it's the Player Faction add I feel preventing it. That and the Friendliness factor to Mother and set ModDisposition value of 100.


I'm still running tests on non-virtual NPCs added by add-ons like, Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood. Once I get evil, PC attacking Hiyokos from them I'll know I'm on the right track.

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Well, that's interesting.

HFD is also supposed to do such thing. I was just not sure if evil folks naturally could give birth. And HFD's random factor is strong, it's pretty much uncontrollable.


I decided to revisit your HFD MOD and review both the scripts and ini file. I think I may have been confusing the issue and semantics a bit, so apologies for that. Evil, is a class distinction and is working as intended in your MOD, with what I see as one limit.


In scn a3hfdGetHiyokoClass, you are only calculating for rClassFather rClassMother, and not BirthMother, GeneFather, GeneMother. This places a limit on possible scenarios.


Scenario 1: Mother is ovum producer, father is sperm doner. Works, and a typically coupling. Hiyoko will inherit Class, based on fEvilParentMultiplier setting in the ini.


Scenario 2: PC collects eggs and sperm from doners and becomes the birth mother; playing mad scientist. (This is where I think it is limited.) Does the PC somehow become rClassMother in your calculation, even with an already fertilized ovum? Or is it purely based on the originating OvumMother and SpermFather? I see a lot going on in your main script, scn a3hfdOnBirthA, but don't see this scenario. (Could be I'm just not reading it right.)



None of this, or any other script or ini setting that I've reviewed directly affects either Disposition or Aggression levels towards your PC, hence my recent HiyokoGenerator edits to include WappyOne's code. (I see Confidence and Responsiblity in scn a3hfdSetBehavior being addressed, but not Disposition or Aggression levels, which I feel is what controls a Hiyoko attacking your PC or not.)


My definition (my behavioral perspective and slightly incorrect semantics) of an Evil NPC is one that attacks either my PC, Guards etc. where you were using the correct definition where Evil is a class distinction and not actually or directly behavioral.

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You're right about that. I never thought about players playing mad scientist thing. That's mostly because I always play with the highest realism level (or one below). That is I don't steal/barter ovum or womb from npcs.


So in my scripts always only scenario 1 is assumed. evil/good is purely class distinction that's right too, like bandit is evil and healer is not evil. I probably feared about children getting killed by townfolks or guards because of high aggression. In some situations where birth mother and genetic mother are different... looks like I decided not to care about gene thing as I don't think gene would affect children's ego very much.

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You're right about that. I never thought about players playing mad scientist thing. That's mostly because I always play with the highest realism level (or one below). That is I don't steal/barter ovum or womb from npcs.


So in my scripts always only scenario 1 is assumed. evil/good is purely class distinction that's right too, like bandit is evil and healer is not evil. I probably feared about children getting killed by townfolks or guards because of high aggression. In some situations where birth mother and genetic mother are different... looks like I decided not to care about gene thing as I don't think gene would affect children's ego very much.

AFAIK, the evil setting is passive - it's ONLY function is that killing one doesn't count as murder.

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As part of my Mad Scientist, Hiyoko Breeding Program, lately I've been mostly focused on collecting already fertilized ovum by an equivalent class father (genetic mother is = to genetic father, as anything that involves my PC as Birth Mother ends up not being what I want to produce, faction or class-wise. I have had success if I implant those into a non-Temporary Actor type of PC, so partial progress.


Eventually, and my immediate first goal is to get this Evil, PC attacking Hiyokos production working automatically or naturally, with LoversEncounter in the mix. That way I can free up my PC from artificial insemination tasks to others. (It should provide the Good Roaming NPCs I have in-game with some new challenges too.)  :P Once all that is where I want it, NPC to NPC enslavement is on my To-do list...


I have not experimented with 'borrowing' wombs yet as ovum and sperm is more than enough to experiment with. I may revisit that once I get ovum/sperm combos where I want them.


Based on today's discussion and experiment, I see I have more tweaks to make. PC + Father/Mother Faction is one; current Hiyokos with PC as Birth Mother only produce Hiyokos with PC factions and no others.




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  • 2 weeks later...

So i've reached more problems. I have Hiyoko Future Dream and all of the right options enabled but they will not gain xp. I don't even get a message when they kill something. I'm also curious if there is a way to edit/change their stats and class?


My second problem is with my PCs latest pregnancy there are like 20+ hiyokos spawning at the end of it but there's only supposed to be 2. 

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There is the spell you have to cast on them, then the option to self-manage XP gains, as I recall. I believe you can reset  stats or attributes, not sure if it is editable, never tried it. But that too is located in the same menu after casting the spell on them. Movomo can speak better to this.


No idea what could cause 20+ Hiyokos at once. I'd check your ini settings.

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There is the spell you have to cast on them, then the option to self-manage XP gains, as I recall. I believe you can reset  stats or attributes, not sure if it is editable, never tried it. But that too is located in the same menu after casting the spell on them. Movomo can speak better to this.


No idea what could cause 20+ Hiyokos at once. I'd check your ini settings.


My ini settings haven't been touched. I haven't altered them and this is the only time this has happened. All other times everything worked as it should. I have no idea what caused this. I believe it may be an identical twin bug because they all look exactly the same and it's only registering as 2 deliveries even though a ton of them are spawning. Only the original 2 are proper size the rest are all super tiny and dont have umbilical cords. 

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Post your latest LO and we can look it over. HFD should not be LO dependent, but IMO there may be a better spot for it, depending on MODs you are using.


Regarding the +20 twins, I'd maybe try resetting the twins % in the ini too, especially if you happen to have any of the save games just prior to it happening.


I've noticed some very odd ini behaviors lately; not running or initiating properly upon game load, or loads much later during game play, but have been unable to locate the cause.

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Post your latest LO and we can look it over. HFB should not be LO dependent, but IMO there may be a better spot for it, depending on MODs you are using.


Regarding the +20 twins, I'd maybe try resetting the twins % in the ini too, especially if you happen to have any of the save games just prior to it happening.


I've noticed some very odd ini behaviors lately; not running or initiating properly upon game load, or loads much later during game play, but have been unable to locate the cause.





Beautiful People 2ch-Ed.esm



Lovers with PK.esm










Lovers with PK.esp



MCS extension.esp





x117 Wigs.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Vanilla Race.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed MS Elves - NoSc.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Disable BandBlindMask.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Eye Modules.esp

Beautiful People 2ch-Ed Merged Hair Modules.esp







I have saves prior to the birth but i think i may have accidentally deleted the one before fertilization but I'll try resetting it anyways. 

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Try moving HiyokoFutureDream.esp just below LoversRaperS.esp. That's about where I have it, with many more MODs than you have.


Is there any specific reason you have DLCShiveringIsles.esp so low in your LO? That IMO should be higher up, say just below your last ESM.


I don't know if I mentioned it already or not but be careful running both MadCompanionshipSpells.esp AND HumantouchNPC.esp, especially in regards to Hiyokos. I personally stick with HFD, Hiyoko Utility Spells and MCS commands for them. Otherwise there is the potential for AI conflicts.

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Try moving HiyokoFutureDream.esp just below LoversRaperS.esp. That's about where I have it, with many more MODs than you have.


Is there any specific reason you have DLCShiveringIsles.esp so low in your LO? That IMO should be higher up, say just below your last ESM.


I don't know if I mentioned it already or not but be careful running both MadCompanionshipSpells.esp AND HumantouchNPC.esp, especially in regards to Hiyokos. I personally stick with HFB, Hiyoko Utility Spells and MCS commands for them. Otherwise there is the potential for AI conflicts.


I'll try that and Shivering Isles must have gotten bumped down before when i was fixing my load order....ill move it back up. 


Also what's HFB? I'll also get rid of humantouch and get the utility spells instead. 

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I currenly have disabled Tamago support for any NPC in my game :




;Enable/disable NPCs acquiring sperm after internal cumshot
; set a4tc.AllowNPC to 1
set a4tc.AllowNPC to 0


I did this :


1/ to preserve CPU cycles

2/ because I don't really care about NPCs getting through a full-featured "realistic" Tamago pregnancy


I would like to add this back to my female henchies however.


Two questions :


1/ even after disabling Tamago support for NPCs, I still can see "wombs" and "ova" for female NPCs. Can I further look into disabling this, or would I risk breaking stuff ? I know there are "realism" levels, but they seem to only hide them, not remove them altogether (or rather never create them to start with).


2/ Can I somehow trick the game in adding Tamago support for my female henchies (result = OK for female PC + female henchies, but KO for other female NPCs) ?


Thank you for your insight and assistance.

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I currenly have disabled Tamago support for any NPC in my game :




;Enable/disable NPCs acquiring sperm after internal cumshot

; set a4tc.AllowNPC to 1

set a4tc.AllowNPC to 0


I did this :


1/ to preserve CPU cycles

2/ because I don't really care about NPCs getting through a full-featured "realistic" Tamago pregnancy


I would like to add this back to my female henchies however.


Two questions :


1/ even after disabling Tamago support for NPCs, I still can see "wombs" and "ova" for female NPCs. Can I further look into disabling this, or would I risk breaking stuff ? I know there are "realism" levels, but they seem to only hide them, not remove them altogether (or rather never create them to start with).


2/ Can I somehow trick the game in adding Tamago support for my female henchies (result = OK for female PC + female henchies, but KO for other female NPCs) ?


Thank you for your insight and assistance.


set a4tc.AllowNPC to 0 controlls only sperm, so NPC don't get or give sperm.

Womb is not disabled.

With the newest version Rev 4 Alpha you can fine tune this more like NPC's in player faction only, but womb is never disabled.


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