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About This File

1. Description
2. Requirements
3. Installing
4. Uninstalling
5. Compatibility & issues
6. How to use
7. FAQ
8. Changelog




1. Description


A modder resource that implements few papyrus functions related to console. You can execute console commands, change selected reference and some other things.




2. Requirements


SKSE 1.7.1 or higher: http://skse.silverlock.org/




3. Installing


Exctract Data folder over your Skyrim Data folder or use a mod manager to install.




4. Uninstalling


Remove files you added when installing or use a mod manager. Any mod that requires this mod will not work properly (at least the console parts).




5. Compatibility & issues


Don't think there are any.




6. How to use


Once installed, open Data/Scripts/Source/ConsoleUtil.psc. You will see which commands are available and how to use.




Change field of view to 90.

ConsoleUtil.ExecuteCommand("fov 90")

Open actorRef inventory to allow taking items.

ConsoleUtil.SetSelectedReference(actorRef)ConsoleUtil.ExecuteCommand("openactorcontainer 1")

Print message to console.


Check installed version of mod.

int version = ConsoleUtil.GetVersion()if(version == 0); not installedendif


7. FAQ


Why make this?
Some commands were not available from papyrus but are from console.


Can I include this with my mod?
I would rather you didn't, if there's an update and multiple mods include this then the versioning becomes confusing and would cause problems. Include link here as requirement or write your mod with optional support ConsoleUtil.GetVersion will return 0 if mod isn't installed.


I screwed up my game
Console commands are powerful and can cause a lot of problems if misused. Make sure you (or mod author) knows what they are doing.


It doesn't work
Create a text file in Skyrim's directory called "ConsolePlugin.txt", start Skyrim and get to the part where it doesn't work, then open the file and see if any errors were written. If no errors then your script is incorrect or plugin wasn't loaded in SKSE.




8. Changelog


3 - 14/10/2015

  • Added a command to read last line that was written to console.
  • Fixed bug where sometimes SetSelectedReference would not work immediately. Thanks to Kerberus14 for that.

2 - 26/05/2015

  • Fixed bug that would crash game if printing message longer than 1024 characters.
  • Fixed bug where printing from multiple threads may cause weirdness.
  • Fixed bug where printing % symbol could cause weirdness.

1 - 25/05/2015
Initial release


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