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About This File


This mod allows you to handle your bounties with sex in an immersive way.



Current Version:

v1.3 - 5/11/2015




- Fully voiced interactions (using Vanilla dialogue)

- Supports both player genders, with appropriate interactions for both guard genders for each.



- When you are confronted by a guard, you will have a new option telling them that you don't have enough gold to pay your bounty

- The guard won't believe you, or won't care. But then you make them an offer they can't refuse...

- Except they can refuse. That's the point. The bigger the bounty, the higher the guard's arousal will have to be to let you go.

- In the dark of night, when the city is asleep, a guard might be a little bit more willing to shirk his duties to have a good time

- You will offer the guard a random sex act in exchange for letting you go and wiping your bounty. The higher the bounty, the more you might offer. So for example, if you're caught picking someone's pocket you might just offer the guard a handjob (it's not that serious of a crime), but if you are guilty of murder you might have to offer to let him get rough with you.

- Of course, if you are caught while you're horny, you might offer the guard more than you otherwise would

- If the guard isn't interested, he will tell you so and you will only have the options to pay your bounty (if you can), go to jail or fight


Bounty Hunters

- If you run into a bounty hunter in the wild, you can offer them sex to let you go.

- They will be a little more willing to accept your offer than a guard might be, but their arousal still plays a role in their decision.

- Unfortunately, the only thing a bounty hunter can offer you in exchange for sex is to let you walk away. They have no authority to wipe your bounty. You'll have to go deal with the guards directly for that (and you won't find them as willing).



- If you commit a crime in an Orc stronghold, they will tell you that you have to pay with blood or gold. But you come up with a better idea, to pay with your body.

- The Orcs won't say no, but they won't be gentle either.


Bonus Features

This mod also comes with a slight overhaul of the Thane get out of jail free system. It always annoyed me that a Thane would only get forgiven once. And so...


- A Thane can use his influence indefinitely for petty crimes.

- A Thane still gets to use his influence for one serious crime.

- If you've already used up your serious crime, you can still demand that they let you go, they will just tell you no.



The Numbers:

These are the equations at play for the various features. I suggest not looking at them, or not trying to strategize around them. The point of this mod was to have a chance to get out of your crime, but to also have a chance to end up in jail.



Guards Arousal Arousal Required Base Equation: (Bounty / 20) - (Speech / 10)

- Between 8pm and 6am, your chances will improve, with the biggest impact between 12pm and 2am

- The perk Persuasion will improve your chances

- The perk Allure will improve your chances with the opposite sex

- Agent of Dibella will improve your chances with the opposite sex

- Amulet of Articulation and the Blessing of Dibella will both greatly improve your chances

- Having a weapon drawn will decrease your chances


Bounty Hunter Arousal Required Base Equation: ((Bounty - 1000) / 20) - (Speech / 10)

- All of the same variables from the guards apply to bounty hunters as well


Thane Status Changes

- Petty crimes means your bounty is less than 1000 gold.

- Serious crimes range from 1000 to 2000 gold (the 2000 gold cap was already in the game)

- To disable this feature, open the console in game and type: set sexbounty_thanefix to 0

- To enable this feature if you disabled it, open the console in game and type: set sexbounty_thanefix to 1



Feedback Requested:

So far I haven't gotten any feedback about Bounty Hunters and them not being spawned with arousal. Unless I hear otherwise (or ever actually encounter one in my own game) I will assume that is working as intended...


I am looking for more ideas of things that should increase or decrease chances of success, especially things that will decrease it. Currently the only thing working against you after the initial calculation is whether you have your weapon drawn. I would love for there to be more things that could work against you that would seem natural. I had tossed around the idea of checking if you are diseased and making that decrease your chances, for example. If anyone comes up with ideas about how to increase or decrease your chance of success, please post them in the support thread.



Upcoming and Potential Features:

- Offering followers in your place - I laid more groundwork in 1.3, but I'm still making some fundamental decisions about how I want to implement this feature

- Nudity increases your chance of success - Plan on implementing this feature once I make some of the follower decisions (it makes an impact)



Required Mods:


Sexlab Aroused Redux



Suggested Mods:

Sexlab Aroused Monitor Widget




- Paycrime

- PaySexCrime - This came out at pretty much the same time as mine and seems to be a more expansive version of the same idea. If you want something more complex, check it out.



Known Conflicts:

This mod has two known conflicts with Prison Overhaul.

- Dialogue for wanted criminals (when a guard recognizes you and initiates an arrest): Prison Overhaul and I both found a bug in this interaction and fixed it. But in order to offer the guard sex for your bounty when that event happens, Sex Bounty needs to be loaded after Prison Overhaul.

- Bounty Hunters: Prison Overhaul bounty hunters are a completely different entity to the regular bounty hunters, and will not have any options from my mod. A compatibility patch might be possible but for now, just pretend that the PO Bounty Hunter is too scary to even proposition.



Change Log:



- Restructured scripts to make updating easier

- Adjusted nighttime hours and their impact a bit

- Added check for Persuasion perk, Allure perk, Agent of Dibella, and weapon drawn

- Changed Amulet of Articulation and Blessing of Dibella from sure success to just a large reduction in required arousal


- Bugfix for dialogue between female player and female guard



- Guards are more easy to convince at night



- Console command to toggle Thane bonus features

- Player arousal also affects sex act choice



- Initial full release






I am very amenable to people taking my mods and building on them. I would ask that you contact me first, but odds are that if you want to expand on my work I will probably be cool with it.


That being said, I'd like to express the following points:

1) If you are just looking to further fine-tune my idea without actually taking it anywhere new, I'd rather you talk to me about including your changes into my own mod somehow.

2) I released my mod on this site for a reason. In most cases I would prefer that anything built on my work be also hosted here. I have granted access for a few translations that will be hosted on sites in the target language, but generally I'd prefer to keep things here in this community.

3) I released my mod for free, and I do not give consent for anyone else to host it or anything built upon it behind a paywall, under any circumstances. Just don't.


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