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SexLab Framework LE

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These Skyrim LE mods are all related to the SexLab adult framework and thus are of an adult only nature.

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  1. Stress and Trauma

    Stress and Trauma
    WARNING: This mod is very script heavy and I can't recommend using it! I only leave it online for the sake of completeness.
    This is a lightweight mod that simulates Stress through combat and Trauma by violation through non-intrusive visual effects only, no status effects are used.
    All options, that can be changed and/or turned off are marked with an "(MCM)".
    SAT uses a simplistic approach to simulate Stress and Trauma. The aim is to alter only the feel of the game, not the gameplay itself. Therefore only visual effects are used, no "hidden" status effects, buffs or de-buffs. The effects are subtle and easy to ignore for some time, but still aim to make the game feel diffrent.
    SAT introduces two new values into the game, Stress and Trauma, ranging from 0 to 100. While these values rise the mod applies increasing visual effects at values of 10 (MCM), 33 and 66. The lower threshold can be adjusted in the MCM and serves as a "grace period", so the values don't have to sink down to zero until the effects to stop.
    The Trauma effect adds a recurring, pulsating, circular blur to give a feel of flashback and anxiety. Trauma points are gained by being violated (i.e. the player is the victim of an aggressive animation). The gain values differ depending on the animation (anal, oral, vaginal, beastiality) and can be adjusted individually. There is also the option to set Trauma gain for consentual animations, too.
    Once the lower threshold is exceeded, Arousal will be blocked (MCM), because the character is taumatised.
    Trauma can be reduced by drinking alcohol or Skooma/ Sleeping Tree Sap (MCM). Apart from that, Trauma sinks over time by a daily rate (MCM). For that the player can't have sex or can't be violated (MCM) for a number of days (MCM), before the Trauma value starts to fall.
    Example: By default, you can't have sex for 2 days for Trauma to start sinking, after 3 days of no sex the reduction will be 20 (default daily rate), after 4 days of no sex the reduction will be 40 and so on.
    Stress adds an increasing tunnel vision and, at high values, short flashes of double-vision. Stress is gained in two ways:
    1. Time spent in combat. Every 10 in-game minutes of combat generate 1 point of Stress times a multiplier (MCM).
    2. Damage taken. Every 10% of health lost generate 1 point of Stress times a multiplier (MCM).
    Stress can be reduced by drinking alcohol or Skooma/ Sleeping Tree Sap (MCM). Stress, too, sinks over time by a daily rate (MCM). The Stress reduction starts directly after leaving combat, without any waiting time.
    Stress is also reduced when having sex (MCM). Not when being violated, being the violator is okay.
    At Arousal values of 50 and 70 surreal, colorful effects appear in irregular intervals (MCM). Also Arousal is linked to the Stress value and rises, but doesn't sink, with it (MCM). This show the effect of the adrenalin that has build up over a long fight. The linking can also be enabled for up to 4 follower (MCM).
    When the player is violated a light blur flashes up every 0.5 seconds for the time of the animation (MCM) to underline the horror of the act.
    Sexlab Framework 1.62 Sexlab Aroused or Aroused Redux  
    Personal Note:
    You can't imagine how much I cursed making this mod... My original plan was to used a purple filter for arousal, strong desaturation for Trauma and bright red flashed in violations. But than I had to learn the hard way, that ENB says no to Imagespace Modifiers (the name of the filter in CK)... No colors, no saturation changes... The only thing that did work were diffrent kinds of blurs. At first I was so disapointed that I wanted to drop the mod, but since it was basically finished I decided to not give up and changed all visuals to use blurs. And I'm rather pleased with the outcome
    07/11/2018 Initial Upload  



  2. SexLab Raven Beak Prison

    Raven Beak Prison
    A way to roleplay in prison
    I don't have the time anymore to take care of this mod. I know RBS was never really finished, but if any modder wants to pick it up and continue development, feel free to contact me.

    I wrote this mod just for myself and not until later I decided to upload it. Therefore it come with no MCM, adjustable settings or ways for customisation. Afterwards it thought it had become a nice piece of work and that maybe someone else might also have fun with it. When you try this mod you will notice some "unused potential", rough transitions or other flaws. That's because I noticed I was losing motivation half-way through and started tp cut corners on purpose so I'd at least finish something. Maybe I'll develop this mod later on, but not anytime soon, I've real life incoming and then there is FO4 which I want to attend to
    A word to Prison Overhaul: I like PO and had a lot of fun with it, it's a very good mod. But it doesn't offer a lot of roleplay choices or freedom. So I made my own interpretation of a prison overhaul (with blackjack and hookers ).

    Raven Beak Prison:
    This is the prison where the mod takes place. The vanilla prisons will be circumvented and ignored. The background I thought of was that there is an old fort on top of forgotten iron veins beyond Skyrims southern border. A group of shady people had the idea, similar to the Silverbloods in Markarth, to let prisoners do the mining and sell the ore. Now they buy prisoners from all over Skyrim and put them to work. The hold don't have to deal with their scum anymore and get the full bounty. The inmates get very high sentence, which gets reduced by the ore they dig up. Every piece of ore buys one day. Therefore it's in the prisoners own intent to mine as much ore possible. But since the guards are less more than bandits with a sense for business they don't really care for what the prisoners are doing. If they mine or not, have a fight or shady deals, the guards don't really care.
    When you have a bounty over 1000 gold and go to jail you'll be sent to Raven Beak Prison. If you go to jail with a lower bounty you trigger the vanilla jail. When your bounty is below 1000 gold you can offer the guard sex to get free. (I thought that is a good way to bribe a guard, but once you're a too high profile criminal the guard can't cover it up anymore, or can't reconcile helping you with his conscience or morals, or a fuck isn't just good enough for you just killing a couple of his long year friends and colleagues.) You can pay any bounty are an orc stronghold with sex too. No prison here. You get a sentence of one day per 10 gold of bounty, making it a minimum of 100 days. For every piece of ore mined and delivered to a guard you loose one day. Don't worry, the ore veins have a respawn time from 1 to 5 hours in game. So 100 ore are easily mined on a day. You can demand ore and other things from the other inmates. Other inmates can demand something from you every hour. You can team up with and fellow inmate to escape. Trade things with one of the Khajiit (not the grey one, the red-ish, brown one).  
    The bully system:
    When you come into the prison you start with a bully level of 50. Each hour between, 9 am and 10 pm, there is a percent chance that a prisoner will approach you, making it a 50% chance by default. They eigher want to steal your things or demand sex. An exception is when you are naked, you will be approached every hour and the demand is always sex. You can try to intimidate your opponent, submit, fight him or try to persuade him to escape with you.
    When you submit your bully level decrases by 10 points, making it 10% more likely to be approached next hour again.
    When loosing the intimidation you get -5 bully level, or gain +5 when winning. When choosing to fight you have to fight the other one with no rules. You need to get your opponent below 20% health or kill him to win. A win brings +10 points bully level. Respectively you loose the fight and 10 points bully level when your health drops below 20%. If sex was demanded it will result in an aggressive sex animation. Sex in general has a 50% chance to turn into a threesome.
    When you demand stuff from another inmates you also gain and loose bully level like above. 10 in a fight and 5 in an intimidation.
    The intimidation and persuation becomes easier or harder depending on your bully level:
    1 - 30: Hard
    31 - 80: Average
    81-99: Easy
    Your bully levels minium is 1 (you get approached every hour) and the max is 99 ( a 1% chance always remains).
    There is no way to see your bully level at this time so you eigher ignor it or need to keep track in your head.
    SexLab Framework
    Fus-Ro-Do(h) - Silent Voice
    Prison Overhaul
    any mod that alters prisons or the guard dialouge most likely.

    Use Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer
    drop the extracted archieve into you Skyrim\Data folder
    I haven't tested the mod with followers. (I just forgot). They might be teleported in with you, so I recomment to release them and hope they go away, but you can also try to play with them, it should also work out most of the time^^
    Try not to wait. It won't break the game, but waiting messes with the rountine of the other prisoners. That will look a bit strange, but nothing more. If you need to wait, do it in one hour increments and see if you're approached. Sleeping at night is ok, the best wake up time would be 6 am or at least before 7 am.
    The prison is not directly connected to Skrim, you get teleported in and out. Did I mention the unused potential? So you can't escape on your own. You either need to get your sentence to 0 days and be released in the morning. Or you use the escape quest. When you escape your stuff will be lost.
    When you are arrested you still need to pay your bounty from the gold in your inventory and you're searched for stolen items. If you don't have enough gold you will loose all you have on you.
    Ashal for SexLab Framework



  3. SexLab Horrible Harassment

    Horrible Harassment

    I thought we were missing a simple non-combat rape mod. I always wanted to have something more like this:
    I don't have the time anymore to continue to develop this mod. If a modder is interested in develop HH further feel free to contact me.
    This mod makes random NPC stop the player when walking by. After a short dialouge the NPC overwhelms the player with a spell and rapes her.
    The mod was written with a female player character in mind.
    The attacks are triggered via the comment system (like when NPC commenting on the player being naked). You can set the chance for a comment in the MCM. They say a short "Hey!" or "Whoa!" and then start a dialouge. There are diffrent lines depending on the kind of NPC, but there is only one answer for the player and it always ends with being raped.
    To explain why the player could just clear a huge dungeon, but then is subdued in the streets - it's magic! The Npc uses a paralyze spell (the rape riggers even if it doesn't hit).
    During the animation the NPC might want more. There is a chance that an animation stage is repeated a 2nd time. This can happen up the three times during one animation. The probabilities of the second and third repetition are 2/3 and 1/3 of the original chance respectively. The chance can be set in the MCM.
    Afterwards there is a one-hour time-out in which no new comments occur. If you hit your aggressor during this time he'll cast the spell again and take you a second time. After this the one-hour period restarts (you could theoretically sustain this forever if you hit him again and again).
    Then there is the "Dangerous Condition" option in the MCM. This simply bypasses the original comment chance and triggers a comment nearly every time. Its meant for when naked, wearing slave-tats or other stuff that makes abuse more likely. There is still the one-hour time-out with no new comments (I actually wanted to disable that with this option, but it didn't work out).
    There is at the moment a grey line with "Global:" in the MCM. I used it to test if a variable is properly filled by the slider and forget to delete it later. It doesn't do anything and you can just ignore it.
    Future Plans:
    I have no real intention to develop this mod any further or do anything than bugfixes.
    SexLab Framework
    Silent Voice - Fus-Roh-Du(h)
    Use the ModOrganizer or Nexus Mod Manager or drop the contents of the archieve into you skyrim\data folder.
    Ashal for SexLab Framework



  4. SexLab Skooma Whore

    Hey, psst, psst. Hey you! Yes, you! You look weary looking for mods. I have something to help you relax while playing Skyrim, if you are intrested.
    I don't have the time anymore to continue to develop this mod. If another modder wants to pick Skooma Whore up, feel free to contact me.
    Short Description:
    Skooma Whore add 18 drugs to Skyrim. All drugs work like potions, but will make you addicted eventually. Once addicted you will suffer from withdrawal effects. These effects can be suppressed for some time by taking another dose of any drug, but that will only increase your addiction. The drugs are for sale at one dealer in every major city. Also the drugs can occure at any alchemist or as loot from enemies and chests.
    + all drugs have individual textures and bottles
    + extreme and long visual effects
    + loot the drugs from dead enemies and chests
    + three diffrent kinds of withdrawal effects depending on the drugs you take
    + get force to dink a random drug when raped
    + risk of blacking when taking too much
    + Addicting H/M/S Potions, called "Brews"
    + Player get treated as scum when highly addicted
    + All drugs are craftable with the right recipe
    Detailed Description:
    The addiction system:
    All drugs follow the same basic scheme. The addiction is seperated into three aspects: Mental Decay, Physical Decay and Magical Decay. Each aspect has it's own respective withdrawal effects. Every drug adds a certain value to the Drug Pool of one or more aspects. This value varies by a small amount every time. Every aspect has five stages with more and worse withdrawal effects the higher the stage is. Once a Drug Pool exceeds a threshold the stage inceases. The thresholds can be adjusted in the MCM.
    Each drug is assigned to one aspect. The effects of a drug decrease the higher the value of the assinged Drug Pool is, meaning the more addicted one is the less high he gets. In addition to the drug effects the Withdrawal Suppression effect is applied. This effect cancels every active withdrawal effect for a couple of in-game hours. After the Withdrawal Suppression effect wears off withdrawal effects are again applied according to the current value of the Drug Pools. The time the Withdrawal Supression effect lasts gets shorter the higher the addiction, only counting the highest Drug Pool.
    Every 24 in-game hours the Drug Pools are reduced by a certain amount. This amount can be set in the MCM. To make this reduction more smoothly the relative fraction of this value is used every three in-game hours. To get rid of the addiction one just have to wait (for a long time...). The cures "Herb Tea" or "Purifying Solution" reduce the Drug Pools actively and accelerate recovery.
    Acquireing Drugs:
    All drugs occure as loot of slain enemies and in chests. Also random drugs are sold by alchemists among the normal potions. The drug dealer met on the road sell all drugs and have a dialouge option to pay for Skooma with sex.
    In all of the 5 major cities is one skooma den. They can be found in locations where scum and drug dealers can be expected. Just look carefully around.
    When the amount of drugs taken within one in-game our exceeds a certain threshold one risks to black out. For every durg exceeding the threshold there is a cumulative 10%-chance of blacking out. Example: With a Blackout Threshold of 5, the sixth dose has a 10% chance of causing a blackout. The Seventh 20%, the eighth 30% and so on. With the 15th dose the blackout will happen automatcally because the chance would be 100%.
    When blacking out in a city or town (all with mapmarkers) you'll wake up in jail. But you are not actually imprisoned. You just got yourself a night in the sobering cell.
    But when having a blackout in the wilderness there is now a chance to get raped while unconcious. The next version of the Non-SexLab Animation Pack will have some fitting animations with a motionless female (two were made by myself for this purpose), which are used by SW.
    High Risk:
    There is a 1% chance by default that any drug has a lot higher strenght than usual (+100 in most cases) when the player is on Decay Stage 0 or 1. This throws him direcly into a high addiction and simluates that one can get addicted at the first time.
    Active Withdrawal Effects:
    Every 3 IN-GAME hours, by default, the player may trip and fall down or drink a random drug from the inventory when on Decay Stage 3 or higher and no Withdrawal Supression effect active.
    Now various kinds of Brews can be dropped by enemies. These are basically the same as normal Health-, Magicka-, and Stamina-Potions, but increase addiction. Also the drop rate of the normal Potions it a bit lower so the Brews might occure slightly more often. I want to show that its eays to make a effective substance, but its the high art to make one without side effects and non-addicting. Every medicine is also a drug. The Brew are impure potions made from poor ingredients or by an unskilled alchemist.
    Junky treatment:
    When on Decay Stage 4 or higher the player starts to feel the comtempt of the people around him. 1. NPC will comment the player in humiliating manner. 2. A Guard might approach and tell the player to leave the town. 3. Inn Keeper will demant Gold or Firewood from the player only to stay inside.
    All drugs can be crafted at the cooking pot if the player carries the recipe. The recipes have a very smal drop chance, but can also be aquired through the starter kit option in the mcm.
    SexLab Framework
    Fus Ro Do-h http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14884/?
    Important: When updating from version 0.9.8 or earlier, make a clean save! There have been huge changes!
    1. make a save
    2. deinstall Skooma Whore
    3. load previous save, wait a minute, save again
    4. install new version and load the save from 3.
    Don't confuse the version numbers, the latest version is 1.0 we left the beta.
    The older versions began with 0.9.x to show that the mod was still beta.
    I now consider Skooma Whore finished and have no further updates planned.
    Ashal for SexLab Framework
    ContentConsumer for providing the basic ideas and names of the new drugs
    vito740 for allowing me to use his textures for the drug bottles
    Grine for making me these awesome drug dens and sharing a lot of other ideas with me



  5. VO Succubus Rape Spell LE

    VO Succubus Rape Spell Legendary Edition
    Version 1.0.A -March  2022
    by Virtual Oxytocin
    Description :

    This is a reupload from the Skyrim SE version:
    - Skyrim LE
    - Succubus Heart LE
    Disclaimer :
    I am not an experienced modder
    I don't own skyrim LE so the esp plugin was made using Skyrim SE Creation Kit.
    It is probably not a big deal at all, I have received post and comments saying that my mod works fine in Syrim LE as it is.
    They even asked me to post it in the Skyrim LE section.
    If you think this is a big deal, open my plugin in the Skyrim LE CK, save it, and you are good to go.



  6. Patch for Mihail's Succubus and Radiant Prostitution

    SE Version
    This is a patch that makes the succubi from Mihail's Succubus into prostitutes for Radiant Prostitution (both are required). Install like any other mod, and make sure this mod loads after both of them (LOOT should take care of it).
    If normal NPCs aren't asking the succubi for sex, go into the MCM of Radiant Prostitution, under NPC Events, and click Reset NPC Scene. 
    - -Caden- for the original Radiant Prostitution
    - Mihail for Succubus
    Knows issues:
    Technical details of what this mod does more specifically (for a normal user this is probably pointless information, but feel free to look at it anyway if you want)



  7. Devious Loading Screen Replacer

    Add a Vanilla Default Loading Screen With Devious Device Inside.
    See Screenshot for Simple Description. (Replacer Only)
    Loading Screen Already Added with Devious Device:
    load screen adventure 01
    load screen adventure 02 (DLC Dragonborn).
    load screen alchemy workbench
    load screen enchanting workbench
    load screen instruments
    load screen market 01
    load screen mask altar 01
    load screen metal cage
    load screen money 01
    load screen mr altar 01
    load screen noble bed double 02
    load screen potion 01
    load screen reagent 01
    load screen shops magic 01
    load screen sinister 01
    load screen smith 01
    load screen thief 01
    load screen town 01
    load screen war 01



  8. Devious Statue

    Make All Female Statue in Skyrim With Devious Device.
    Based from many wonderfull modder in Skyrim...
    (Just Copy and Paste in Meshes and Textures folders. Main File is Requied Because include statue texture files. Or download it from original author below...
    Still Need Devious Device textures from Zadil

    --Alternate Version--
    True beauty for Dibella (Statues) by Letstryagain -- (left, default)
    Sevenbase Dibella statue by by Edhildil -- (right, alternate)

    Mara (left, default).
    With waist band (right, alternate).

    Corset (left, default).
    Belted female Talos (right, alternate).
    For statue in Shine of Talos in Windhelm it have 3 alternate version
    Unplug with plug still in the belt (Plug Slide follow the gravity....) (Left)
    Unplug with Seperate Version. Plug and Belt not together. (Middle)
    Pluged, but Bra in front of her.... (Right)

    MCKING Night Mother Replacer by evenstar01 (left default)
    Edhildils Nightmother Corpse Skimpy (middle alternate)
    Edhildils Nightmother Corpse Nude (right alternate)
    All Edhildil version is alvaliable (rope+rag, rag only, rope only, and nude).

    PiersonLin and bedgie Mage Statue

    --Thanks to--
    Devious Device By Min and Zadil.
    Devious Statue by DzOnIxD.
    Sexy statue from multiple modder (Nikitaa, evenstar01, Letstryagain, Edhildil).
    Sexy Azura Statue by Nikitaa
    Polished and Sexy nocturnal statue
    MCKING Night Mother Replacer by evenstar01
    True beauty for Dibella (Statues) by Letstryagain
    Sexy Talos Statue
    Vaermina Effigy 
    Sexy Falmer Statue
    Temple of Mephala
    Sexy Boethiah Statue
    Winterhold Mage Statue
    Meridia Statue
    Mara statue
    by Edhildil
    Sexy Statues Skyrim v2 By bedgie
    Another Sexy Statues of Skyrim by PiersonLin
    If anyone want to to add a nude statue in Skyrim lets suggest. Like "Kynareth and Namira" Statue still not exist. Please tell me if I miss something.



  9. SLSO Player Succubus Addon

    Mod was sponsored by Rosalia \o/
    If you like my mods, you can support me on Subscribestar
    Required Mods 
    SexLab Sex Animation Framework
    SexLab Separate Orgasm
    In\Suc-cubus role-play\Consequences mod for SexLab Separate Orgasm mini game.
    Mod allows you to soultrap your sex partners and drain their souls, underperformance wont be tolerated, so you better suck them dry.
    You probably better not try this in crowded places.
    Mod supports PC males and females.
    Description pt.2
    With this mod, when you have sex, you can press hotkey to activate drain. Drain can only be activated before any actor of sex scene has orgasm, activation costs 25 mp, so no, you most likely cant use it while enslaved.
    When drain is activated SLSO widgets will change color.
    When Npc orgasms it will get soultraped and drain power will increase.
    When Pc orgasms all actors will get soultraped and drain power will decrease.
    Soultrap is hostile spell and all actors will hate you for trying to steal their souls, duh!.
    After sex act is finished, soultraped actors will receive X damage and, maybe, die filling your soul gems.
    Damage is calculated with this formula
    Damage = (PC("Health") + PC("Stamina") + PC("Magicka")) / 3 * drainmagnitude
    where drainmagnitude = npc orgasms - pc orgasms
    Therefore you performance during SLSO game actually matter
    Or... you can turn that fancy crap off and just insta-kill everyone. FUN!!!
    Description pt.3
    Oh and this is independent succubus mod and has nothing to do with "Player Succubus Quest"... unless you use included patch



  10. Devious Arachnophobia

    This is an expansion of Princessity's Arachnophobia mod. I know there already is one, but that didn't quite fit me, so I did my own. In this version the cocoon is not the only peril a spider puts you in. You will also be equipped with cobweb devices which you need to find your way out of.
    Struggle yourself free:
    While the cocoon has only a limited duration you can also try to struggle yourself out of it by using the W A S D keys. Holding the right key down will progress your escape, while holding the wrong key (or several at once) down will drain your stamina even faster. The required key will change in random time intervals. The bigger the spider the longer the cocoon lasts by default and the harder it is to struggle out of it.
    This mod builds around stamina as a core mechanic, so engaging higher level spiders without investment into stamina is ill-advised.
    Cobweb devices:
    While in a cocoon a the game will try to equip a device on you every five seconds. So the faster you get free the less devices will trouble you. "Try to equip a device" means the game will choose one of four equipment slots at random and if you do not already wear a device in that slot one will be equipped. Due to missing models devices will only be equipped to female actors and only to the player or her follower, so other NPCs don't get stuck indefinitely. You also have a chance to avoid a device equal to half your poison resistance. (it's only half so items like Hevnoraak don't trivialize this)
    Devious Devices 5.0 and all of its requirements.
    ZaZ Animation Pack.
    Known incompatibilities:
    -other versions of Arachnophobia
    -mods that change the spit attacks of Frostbite Spiders
    -Deviously Cursed Loot's Bondage Lover setting (Consequences -> Uncontrollable Lust -> Bondage Lover) will prevent the devices from being destroyed on unequipping them. This is not a game breaking issue, however.
    The DD Team for their awesome work.
    Princessity for creating the original Arachnophobia mod.
    Code Serpent for giving me the idea of the strugge mechanic with his Devious Lore mod.
    lastbytescout for the bugfixes he released for my scripts.
    Chesko for the Frostfall code that I have reused.
    This mod is published under the MIT license.



  11. Estrus Chaurus Spider Addon /╲/\( •̀ ω •́ )/\╱\

    GitHub:EC V4.xx, ES V3.94, ES V4.xx
    If you like my mods, you can support me on Subscribestar
    Required Mods
    Estrus Chaurus+ v4.xx and everything Estrus Chaurus requires

    You must put this mod after Estrus Chaurus
    If you use Devious Devices, install:
    Devious Devices - Integration ES DDI Patch  
    You must put this mod after Estrus Chaurus+ in your load order
    Estrus Chaurus but with Spiders, because everyone loves spiders! /╲/\╭(ರರ⌓ರರ)╮/\╱\
    This mod is an addon, so it is compatible with EC+ v4.31 and, maybe, future versions.
    There are four methods by which the ES effect can be applied to the player or a follower:
    Spider spit attacks can trigger tentacle attacks - the chance of attack is configurable via the ES MCM(disabled by default as its unimmersive) Spider spit attacks can trigger paralyze attacks - the chance of attack is configurable via the ES MCM Sexlab scenes involving a Spider triggered by another mod Sexlab scenes involving a Spider Penis from SexLab Parasites - Kyne's Blessing ES+ scenes triggered by other mods through mod events
    Updating from version less than 4.21r1 to version 4.xx requires a clean save or new game.
    For Modders
    Known Issues
    Mod is partially not compatible with Arachnophobia, since both mods edit spider poison spit spell, you'll need to place ES after Arachnophobia or remove spider poison spit edit from Arachnophobia if you want ES tentacle/paralyze effects to work, impregnation through sex will still work.
    There seems a problem with sexlab 1.6x spider animations, ES tries to fix it, by resetting spiders after SL scene.
    Ed86 =D
    Bane Master



  12. Estrus Chaurus Dwemer Addon

    GitHub:EC V4.xx, ED V4.xx
    If you like my mods, you can support me on Subscribestar
    Required Mods
    Estrus Chaurus+ v4.xx and everything Estrus Chaurus requires
    Optional (Sexlab animations for dwemer automatons sexing through sexlab):
    SexLab Animation Loader
    or other animation pack that adds dwarwen animations

    You must put this mod after Estrus Chaurus
    If you use Devious Devices, install:
    Devious Devices - Integration ED DDI Patch  
    You must put this mod after Estrus Chaurus+ in your load order
    Notes(TODO n STUFF):
    Consider mod Alpha Early Access Beta, so make backup saves.
    Hatchery is not implemented as automatons are mechanical and dont really grow up, so im not sure how to handle it
    Only machine attacks were tested as im not sure how to install SLAL and all that fancy stuff
    As dragonborn, you can eat birthed dwemer spheres, dont forget to pour some dwemer oil for better taste. LOL
    wait for someone to make mcm picture with dwemer sphere racing and spiders hanging from top and sides, cuz why not xD
    Estrus Chaurus but with Dwarwen automatons, because everyone loves steampunk tech!
    This mod is an addon, so it is compatible with EC+ v4.31 and, maybe, future versions.
    There are four methods by which the ED effect can be applied to the player or a follower:
    Dwarwen attacks can trigger machine attack - the chance of attack is configurable via the MCM Dwarwen attacks can trigger paralyze attack - the chance of attack is configurable via the MCM(disabled by default as it needs SLAL and animation pack installed) Sexlab scenes involving a Dwaren Spiders, Spheres, Balistas, Centurions ED+ scenes triggered by other mods through mod events  
    Known Issues
    Mod will conflict with other mods that modify:
    ShockDamageFFAimedDwarvenSpider - Lightning Bolt
    crDwarvenSteamBreath - Steam breath
    Ed86 =D
    Bane Master



  13. Harder Devious Regulation

    Civil War "Devious Regulation" Now Requires to Wear a Plug.
    Because Many Female Soldier Break The Chastity Regulation, They Assume Plugged a Dildo can Reduced that Problem, also it's Helpful to Motivate them. From Now on, Female Soldier Must Wear It Without Excuses. More Easily Punishment. See Description Below.  
    Need Original Devious Regulation Mods by Srende. Replace with Devious Regulation Fix. Fix Some Bug and Add Support for Devious Integration 4.3 and 5 Version.  
    Harder Devious Regulation Version 1.12:

    Getting Punish by (Rikke, Tullius, and Galmar) if:
    Not wearing a Regulation Plug. How You Can Remove it? Wearing Another Plug. Can Replace it without Remove the Belt? Carry A Master Key. They Think You Want To Escape! Not Wearing A Vibrating Plug or Collar After First Punishment. (1.08 Version) They Noticed You After You Get a Punishment! Must Wearing a Vibrating Plug After Reach Praefect or Bone-Breaker Rank (Version 1.10). Get Promoted also Get an Upgrade for The Plug Too... Quaestor Rank for (Imperial Legion) . Ice-Veins Rank for (StormCloak).  
    Devious Regulation Equipment Have Good Enchantment.
    Also side effect if Not Worn Correctly (Without Plug or Chastity Belt).
    For Collar: Both Punishment Collar can Shock player if Not Wearing a Regulation Plug or Belt (Damage Stamina and Magicka). Padded Collar Still Allowed You to Carry a Regulation Key. Padded Collar Still Allowed you to Wearing Non-Vibrating Plug. Posture Collar Will Punish You if Carry a Regulation Key. Posture Collar Must Pairing with Vibrating Plug (Normal for Strong Plug). Posture Collar Have a Greater Damage than Padded Collar. Only Posture Collar Can Handle Strong Punishment Plug Effect. For Chastity Belt : Reduced Player Carry Weight if not Pairing With Regulation Plug. Belt can Increase Player Carry Weight. Stronger The Plug will Give a Greater Effect. For Plug: Iron and Primitive plug (Basic Plug) also need wearing a correct belt (Regulation Belt). Regular Punishment Plug Still Allow You Not to Wearing a Collar. Strong Punishment Plug Can Handled Only by Posture Collar. For NPC: Separate Slot with Player (can't be looting). No Effect to Reduced Over Chastity and Plug in Area.  
    Available for Armor and Non-Armor version.
    Belt and Collar have armor bonus. Work with Heavy, Light armor Perk. Also Mage Armor Bonus Perk.
    All NPC Chastity Belt Now Separated With Player That Wearing, And Unplayable. Avoid Stacking.
    Regulation Belt and Plug Only Find Inside Castle Dour or Palace of The King.
    I Removed CWRS Version Because CWO Redux is Already Launched. I Will Move It Into Another Page.
    Originally Devious Device Regulation Created by Serende.
    Thanks for all modder who created the best mods for Skyrim.



  14. Alternate Start - Devious AIO

    Alternate Start Always With Chastity Belt and Plug!
    Simple Description:
    3 combination mods into 1 Esp file.
    Alternate Start - Live Another Life by Arthmoor. ImmerSlave by arbiter. Live Another Life - Live a Deviant Life by Aelie.  
    Try To Delete Loose Script (Pervious Version) Inside The Folder To Avoid Conflict With Another Mods.
    It Can Cause CTD After Upgrade, Try Re-Enable The Mods After Disable It.
    Spend 3 esp slot since Skyrim only allowed 250 mods max. only for alternate start? Like both Aelie and arbiter mods and want to use it all? Like using Devious mods for alternate start but sometimes player can avoid being belted? Have a good chose, why must select a bad one? Such "I wear nothing... My friend took me home.... No Crime.... Anyway I have Proudspire Manor!"?  (You Can Do It In 1.02 Anyway) ?  
    So... this mod remove an unbelted option. Player will forced to wear chastity belt it since the beginning!
    Arthmoor, Aelie, and arbiter file already combined. it's already include here.
    Single Esp File just Replace an original file.
    See screenshot for more details.



  15. Infiltration and Assassination

    Psst. You! Yeah, you! The one skulking about! Rumor has it that you want a little more from your assassin quests than "find a person and stab them." Well, I know just the person you should speak with.
    Head to Riften. The Bee and Barb. Find a woman named Silk. She'll be dressed as a tavern wench but don't be fooled - she's killed more people than Alduin himself. Ask this "wench" for a Midnight Dagger and she'll know I sent you.
    What's New (Version 1.2 (28 Feb 2021)
    A new beginning! Begin your career with a small killing in Riften before getting your next assignment.
    Welcome to Infiltration and Assassination
    This is an assassination quest mod. It has nothing at all to do with the Assassin's Guild or questline (don't tell them - I don't need Astrid hassling me right now). 
    Here's how it works:
    You will talk to your handler, whose name (as far you you know) is Silk, and who will be able to find around Skyrim wearing various disguises as she blends in with the rest of the people. She will give you the name of a mark and the general area where they can be found. At that point, it's up to you to find them, discover the best way to go about getting them alone, and kill them. 
    Some of the clients will want the kills to look like an accident. Some will want it to be clear that the mark was murdered. Some will want your mark to die in very specific ways.
    Along the path you will need to talk to people to find clues, such as where your marks usually hang out and what kinds of people they may like to have around (or definitely would not be around). Follow the clues to get close enough to your mark to do the deed.
    How to begin
    Go to the Bee and Barb in Riften and ask Silk for a Midnight Dagger. Then follow the clues.
    Listen to the clients' requests and be rewarded. Go against their wishes and you may find yourself on the other end of the assassination equation.
    Note for SE users: Apparently this works with SE as is, although there may be extra quest markers.
    Complete change log



  16. Devious Regulation V Pet Project

    The Bridge Between 2 Srende Mods.
    Continue An Oath Even She Wearing A Pet Chastity Belt. Without Get Regulation Punished.
    Can't Continue "Civil War" Quest Because Wearing Pet Chastity Belt? Can't Have Chaste Life Because "Civil War" Quest Not Done Yet? Love Both Srende Mods, But Conflict Each Other Because Long Term Belting?  
    What The Mods To Do?
    Add Keyword for Regulation Chastity Belt and Pet Plug Both Fraction, So They Can Recognize As "Devious Regulation" Belt. Add Dialog In First Time, When Player Taking An Oath. (Allowance About Chaste Life). No More Waiting Each Other. "Between Marriage and Civil War Quest Line"  
    "PetProject.Esp" File Replacer Only. No More Addition For New ESP File. Available With Armor and No Armor Verison.  
    You Wil Get Punished After The Husband Take Off The Chastity Belt, And Not Take Regulation Belt Back Again. Both Side Will Will Not Punish You If You Suddenly Replace it With Pet Chastity Belt in The Middle Civil War Quest Line. Or Vice Versa.  
    Devious Regulation Pet Project Devious Regulation Fix Harder Devious Regulation  
    Srende That Make An Devious Regulation and Pet Project Mods.
    All Devious Modder That Make Skyrim Awesome.



  17. Devious Regulation Fix

    Devious Regulation Fix For Devious Device Integration Version 4 and 5.
    Several Fix Serende "Devious Regulation 1.7e Version", Need All Original File, Replace with this ESP Only.
    - Fix Galmar Screen When Begging (When Galmar Replace the Belt).
    - Fix Plug Slot.
    - Fix Plug And Chastity Belt Color (Now With Faction Color).
    - Add Key On Table (With Map) in Castle Dour and Palace of King.
    - Fix Chastity Belt Container Inside Palace of King.
    - Fix Chastity Weight.
    - Punishment Collar now unlock with Regular Restraint Key.
    - Fix Several Keyword.
    - Can Craft Master Key After Reading Devious Device Book.
    - Disable Dialog for Change Side. (Jagged Crown Quest).
    -- Same With My Devious Armor Mods, But This one no Armor Version.



  18. SexLab Alicia Painslut (January 2021)

    A few words of background.
    This mod is an extension of the unique voice acted character mod Alicia PainSlut by DDproductions83 - you can download the original version in this thread.
    DDproductions83 was kind enough to let me run away with updates from his mod, so you do not need to download the original version if you want to use this sexlab version. All the files should be included.
    This mod (the sexlab version) is currently in a state of advanced beta.
    Current discussion thread
    WIP Discussion thread: (locked)
    SexLab Alicia PainSlut
    Original voice acted mod by DDproductions83
    Port to SexLab and customizations by SkyrimLL.
    Back story - "Once in a generation, Sanguine selects a special pet and sees that she is raised for his personal enjoyment. For reasons unknown, her name is always Alicia. She is the whore often depicted under Sanguine's thumb."
    Alicia, a unique S&M and fully voiced companion available for your pleasure. Find her in a cellar under Hjerim (Player house in Windhelm)
    Many thanks to DDproductions83 for allowing me to build on his fantastic character and practice modding while making Alicia SexLab aware.
    What changed from the original version:
    - support for SexLab actions
    - support for default and advanced follower behaviors.
    - support for Zaz animation pack items (gags)
    - multiple personalities (two for now)
    - dynamic stats based on how you treat her (the more you hit her, the stronger she gets)
    - dynamic perks based on how horny she gets (related to hit rate)
    - quest to discover her origin and control her fate
    - moved to Windhelm (Hjerim) and loosely integrated with the Butcher's quest
    Previous change log:
    Alicia 3.0 - Halloween release - is a complete rewrite of SexLab Alicia PainSlut.
    Treat it as a new mod. Upgrades will be unpredictable.
    If you already have version 2.02 installed:
    - Dismiss Alicia (using a Banish Alicia spell if possible) and quit your game
    - Uncheck the old mod (and remove the esp, esm and bsa files)
    - Load your game without the mod and save again
    - Reload with the new mod checked and go find Alicia in her basement
    This should work, although I have not tested an upgrade.
    Make sure to read the release notes and the forum posts!
    And as always, save your gave before upgrading in case something really wrong happens.
    Be careful and save before installing this version!
    The optional zip file only includes vanilla body and textures to give you a sense of where files should go. No need for me to include CBBE, UNP or any other resource for your favorite body mod.
    - SexLab framework 1.53 or later (http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v111b-updated-0710/).
    - Zaz Animation Pack 6.0 or later ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/156-zaz-animation-pack/ )
    For her Whip (in the basement chest), bondage equipment and torture devices.
    - XP32 Maximum skeleton ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800/? )
    :: This is a suggestion if you don't have an enhanced skeleton. If are using one, install the optional files and copy your skeleton/ body shape files to Alicia's folders.
    Optional but strongly recommended:
    - Fuz Ro D-oh ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14884/? )

    Mods used to customize her in the screenshots:
    - Injured bodies and faces - UNP Mature : Different levels of cuts for her skin
    - UNP petite : for the base body
    - BodySlide for UNP: for the body morph
    With that, I highly recommend using an enhanced blood effect and giving her a basic armor and just knives to get the full effect of her companionship
    - 'Old Book' for testing
    - 'NathanSteele' for some of the new books content
    - Insanity's food mod resource (for the pumpkin model)
    - Skin textures for Alicia by Ekirts Ykcul ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/835-skintextures/ )
    - Default 'ceremonial armor' from TERA armors UNP conversion
    Apologies to Baudelaire for merging and customizing three of his poems:
    The vampire - Self tormentor - To a red hair girl
    Check out DDproductions83's mods at: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/modules/members/index.php?id=1574451
    Full change log



  19. Extra Voices: Voice Packs for DoA: Marie Rose and Kokoro

    Voices ripped from the game, sorted for quality/ relevancy, resampled to 41k. 
    Requires extra voices expanded, Replaces voice packs 4, 7, and 8 but can go into any one, so long as it's made for 15. 
    Voice Descriptions are as followed 
    Voice Pack 4 Marie Rose: 
    Voice Pack 7: Kokoro, more breathy until climax
    Voice Pack 8: Kokoro
    I tried my best to keep words to a minimum and in context, but things won't always be right. 
    I also had to combine some voiceless Japanese audio with English. No Japanese words or anything.
    I don't check here often, so if anything doesn't work, make sure you reload the voice registry. If that doesn't work, use audacity or equivalent to ensure audio is sampled around 41k, not 48k. 
    Paste sound files into Skyrim data folder. No clue if it works with modloaders, but it's literally just audio files. 



  20. Dragonborn In Distress

    Defeat, imprisonment, abuse, trauma, and addiction. The Dragonborn no longer a paragon of virtue or an undefeatable hero.
    This mod is now being continued as two separate mods. Peril covers the defeat aspects of the mod. Corruption covers the addiction aspects of the mod.
    This mod is intended to be a light-weight defeat, slavery, and addiction mod, integrated seamlessly into normal Skyrim gameplay, completely voiced by vanilla voice lines, and supports several other mods that can add to the experience, without requiring them. It's core is a gameplay cycle of trauma and addiction. If you are defeated and abused, you will become traumatized. To recover, you will either have to wait several in-game days, or find some substance, device, or activity that can distract you. The catch, is that all of these actions and items are addictive. If you go too long without them, your mind or body will deteriorate, leading the Dragonborn into a downward cycle.
    !Important Compatibility Issue!If you have two mods that are both soft dependents of the same mod, but don't have that dependency installed, one or both of the mods may break. Dragonborn in Distress is particularly susceptible to this, with the number of soft dependencies it has. The most common culprit is another mod that is soft dependent on Devious Devices or SexLab Aroused. This bug can be fixed by simply installing the soft dependency. If you don't want to have the mod fully installed, just make sure the scripts are installed, and disable the plugin.
    Defeat and Capture
    It is now possible for the Dragonborn to lose a battle or surrender. If you press the surrender hotkey, set in the MCM, you can surrender to any and all enemies you come across in Skyrim. Surrendering via the hotkey immediately captures you and any companions with you. Alternatively, you can enable automatic surrender and bleedout surrender. With automatic surrender, when your character falls belows a certain health threshold, and either a magicka or stamina threshold, your character will have reached their limit. You will recover your health, but if it falls below the threshold again you will surrender and will be captured. With bleedout surrender, if you start bleeding out in combat you will get a second wind, recovering your health. If you bleed out a second time you will surrender and will be captured. With both cases, the only way to avoid capture would be to kill all potential captors before you surrender, or run away. You only get one second wind while adventuring on her own, so act wisely.
    If you surrender, and if you have allies with you, or another band of adventurers or soldiers happen across your potential captors, you may have a chance to escape. For as long as your potential captors are in combat, there is a periodic dice roll that your character may rally and pick herself up. If you fall in combat again, you may also rally again if your captors are still in combat.
    If the Dragonborn is captured, a variety of things can hapen to her. If your captors belong to a crime faction, then you will be passed off to the guards and sent to jail. Otherwise, your captors will rape you and any allies you have with you. The number of abusers that will go at you at once is dependent on your level, the same goes for your allies. SexLab is searched for appropriate animations, and if there are none available, the sex scene is cancelled. If you don't want a specific animal or creature raping you or your allies, simply disable their sex animations.
    Once your captors are satisfied, they will steal all weapons, arrows and bolts, potions and food, and gold and lockpicks, if Theft is enabled in the MCM. Your allies will be searched as well. If your captor's hideout has one or more jail cells or cages, you will be thrown in with the door locked, and any allies will be locked up in any other empty cells that are available. If you have a cell, but there aren't enough for all of your allies, they'll be taken somewhere else, and will meet up with you if you manage to escape.
    After being locked up, you will be left in shock, with your stamina and magicka drained, and you left unable to run. This will last from a few hours to a day or two, depending on how traumatized you are. The duration until you recover from shock is shown in the MCM. Shock can be disabled in the MCM.
    At this state, a number of things can happen, depending on how you act. If you carried enough lockpicks and shivs with you, you may have managed to conceal one of each from your captors. Alternatively, you can try looking around any furniture nearby to try to fashion a lockpick or shiv. Keep in mind, your captors will be watching you. If they spot you searching for something, or trying to take something from them, they will rape you, take whatever valuable items you have on you, and may bind your hands and blindfold you. If they spot you with a weapon equipped, they will rape you, disarm you, and may bind your hands. If they spot you trying to run away, they'll take any lockpicks you managed to find, and may blindfold you and lock leg cuffs and bondage boots on you. If you manage to escape your cage, you will be attacked on sight. If you start combat with them, and fall in combat again, you will be raped, disarmed, and your hands may be bound. Additionally, every day or less, your captors will pull you out of your cage...and I'm sure you can figure out what will happen.
    Your punishments are partly dependent on how your captors view you, how threatening and how weak-willed you are. Your threat starts dependant on your level, increases anytime you initiate combat or are seen with a weapon, and decreases over time and everytime you are bound. Your weakness start dependent on your addictions, increases over time and whenever you are bound, and decreases everytime you initiate combat. Higher percieved threat makes it more likely you will be bound when punished, and makes your punishments more severe. Higher weakness causes your captors to use you more frequently. You can view percieved threat and percieved weakness in the MCM.
    There are three ways to escape capture: kill all of your captors, run away from your captors, or wait for rescue. The first two are self explanatory. For rescue: while you are captured, you can simply wait until your captors decide to throw you out, where someone will find you and bring you somewhere safe. By default, at zero percieved threat and zero percieved weakness, your captors will use you for a day before throwing you out. This can be modified in the MCM. If you are seen as threatening, your captors will likely throw you out sooner. If you are seen as weak-willed, your captors will keep you around for longer. When a rescue attempt occurs, you may choose to wake up in the house of a friend, or at an inn, or at the Temple of Kynareth. You can also choose to remain captured. Rescue attempts can be disabled in the MCM.
    If theft is enabled in the MCM, when you are captured you will likely have some things stolen. While you are captured, these items will be kept with your captors. You can retrieve them by pickpocketing or killing the person or creature that defeated you. Or, if their hideout has a prison section, you may find your stuff in a nearby knapsack.
    If you escape without retrieving your items, your former captors will start selling off your gear. These items are not irretrievable though. You may stumble across your stolen items by searching those knapsacks in prison wards.
    In a future update, I'll add a Black-Market location, where you can buy any gear that your captors sold off. For the meantime, you can also disable item loss in the MCM.
    Being captured and abused takes its toll on everyone, including the Dragonborn. Everytime you are raped, abused, or otherwise gang-banged, your trauma will increase. The number of people going at you at once determines how severe the trauma increase is. Trauma will decrease overtime, but only at a rate of 1 point per day. This rate is increased if you have high addiction in something, but will decrease if you are withdrawn in something. The duration until you completely recover from your trauma is available in the MCM.
    At high trauma levels it will become difficult for you to focus, lowering the rate at which you gain experience in skills. This can be overcome through some form of addictive relief like alcohol, skooma, or sex. If your addiction to something is higher than your trauma, and your withdrawal in that same action is lower than your trauma, then you will be able to focus again. The trauma experience penalty can be disabled in the MCM, but it will still affect addiction, as described below.
    Trying to find relief this way initiates a vicious cycle. At high levels of trauma your addiction to substances and actions increases much faster, which can start uncontrollable behaviour, which may lead to more trauma.
    Addiction and Withdrawal
    There are a number of addictive substances and actions that can help you overcome your trauma. All of them follow the same basic rules. Performing some addictive action increases your addiction and lowers your withdrawal in that action. Over time your addiction decreases and withdrawal increases. At higher withdrawal your addiction decreases slower. At higher trauma your addiction increases faster. If you spend time near a shrine your addiction decay won't be impeded by high withdrawal. The Tribunal Shrines and Shrine of Auri-El added by the DLCs can help your addictions if you install the DLC patch. A whole range of sliders exist in the MCM to adjust how fast withdrawal and addiction changes for each kind of addiction. Each addiction can be enabled or disabled at any time in the MCM. They start as disabled by default.
    At high levels of addiction and withdrawal your character may start to do things spontaneously to get their fix. If your character's last spontaneous urge was more than 12 hours ago, your character's thoughts will be put up on the screen as a warning. If they get the urge again within 12 hours they will go through with it with no other warning.
    You become addicted to alcohol through drinking mead, wine, and any other alcoholic drinks you may find. At high levels of withdrawal and addiction, you may spontaneously pick up and drink any bottles of alcohol you spot or carry in your inventory. You may also demand innkeepers to serve you a drink, even if you can't afford it. Arm and wrist binds will prevent you from stealing and drinking alcohol spontaneously, and a gag will prevent you from demanding innkeepers for alcohol. Alcohol added by official DLCs can affect your alcoholism if you install the DLC patch.
    Narcotic Abuse
    You become addicted to narcotics by consuming skooma, moon sugar, and related drugs. At high levels of withdrawal and addiction, you may spontaneously pick up and drink any narcotics you come across or carry with you. You may also demand the caravans or other road-side dealers you find to hand over their goods. Arm and wrist binds will prevent you from stealing and consuming drugs spontaneously, and a gag will prevent you from demanding dealers for their goods. Redwater Skooma can affect your narcotics abuse if you install the DLC patch.
    You become a kleptomaniac by stealing and pickpocketing items. At high levels of withdrawal and addiction, you may spontaneously steal any valuable item left out in the open, without thinking to check if anyone is watching you. Arm and wrist binds prevent you from stealing spontaneously.
    You become addicted to lactation by becoming a Milk Maid through Milk Mod Economy, and using milking pumps and harnesses. At high levels of withdrawal and addiction, you may spontaneously jump into a milk pump at any farm or mill you come across. You may also demand farmers and general merchants milk you dry on the spot. Wrist binds and chastity bras will prevent you from jumping into milk pumps, and a gag will prevent you from demanding others to milk you.
    Sex Crazed
    Sex addiction is handled externally through SexLab Aroused. Your 'Withdrawal' is read from your SLA Arousal and your 'Addiction' is read from your SLA Time Rate. At high levels of withdrawal and addiction, you may masturbate on the spot out in the open. You may also demand any man or woman you come across to fuck you in the street, though only lowlives or moralless scum would accept the invitation in broad daylight. Wearing a chastity belt or a gag will stop you from demanding others for sex.
    You become addicted to exotic sex with tentacle creatures after being assaulted by chaurus tentacles added by Estrus Chaurus. Tentacle attacks can occur through spit attacks, or through harvesting chaurus eggs. At high levels of withdrawal and addiction, tentacle attacks may occur without provacation underground and near certain items like falmer totems and chaurus egg sacks. Wearing a chastity belt will prevent tentacle attacks.
    Bondage Reliance
    If you wear wrist binds while being addicted to alcohol, drugs, or theft, then you may become reliant on bondage. When you are reliant on bondage, and you're not wearing wrist restraints, you will become paranoid and may spontaneously bind your hands with whatever devices you carry on you, or demand a guard or blacksmith bind them for you. Wearing a gag can prevent you from making these demands.
    Chasity Reliance
    If you wear a chastity belt or bra while addicted to lactation, sex, or tentacles, then you may become reliant on chastity devices. When you are reliant on chastity, and you're not wearing chastity devices, you will become paranoid and may spontaneously equip a chastity belt or bra if you are carrying one, or you may demand a blacksmith to lock one on you. Wearing a gag can prevent you from making these demands.
    Gag Reliance
    If you wear a gag while you are addicted or reliant to something that can cause you to make demands, then you may become reliant on your gag. When you are reliant on gags, and you're not wearing one, you will become paranoid and may spontaneously equip any gag you're carrying, or you may demand a blacksmith or guard to lock one on you. Wearing a gag prevents you from demanding guards and blacksmiths to put a gag on you.
    Troubleshooting and Uninstallation
    Theft and Capture have Safe-Word buttons in the MCM. Press these if something starts going wrong.
    All addictions can be disabled in the MCM. You should disable all addictions and press the Safe-Word buttons before uninstalling the mod.
    The following mods can be added to improve the features this mod has:
    SexLab Aroused Redux - Dragonborn in Distress uses this mods values for sex addiction.
    Devious Devices Integration 4.x - You may be bound in devices when defeated, and can use devices to quell your addictions.
    Milk Mod Economy 26-01-2019 or higher - Enables using Milk Pumps as a form of relief, and enables milk pump addiction.
    Estrus Chaurus+ 4.x - Enables tentacle attacks through chaurus eggs, enables using tentacles as a form of relief, and enables tentacle addiction.
    Description for 1.x Versions



  21. Relationship Dialogue System 2.3 beta German/Deutsch

    Relationship Dialogue System Deutsche Übersetzung
    benötigt originale Mod:



  22. Apropos2: Resistant and Nonconsentual rape descriptions DB

    This is an edit of descriptions and synonyms for the mod Apropos2.
    I've made a different, (and subjectively better) overhaul here. It's incompatible with this database, and far more intensive.
    Apropos2 is great, but with the removal of theme options it's jarring to go from a message about a character struggling and fighting to non-rapey "I actually wanted this"/"Weee I love rape" type themes back to struggling.  If possible I'd want to not have the 2nd type at all.  My personal preference is for the rape themes to be cruel/merciless and unwanted, and the pleasure messages to be forced/shameful and explicitly nonconsensual.
    Without theme/filtering options, the only way to make sure ONLY those type of descriptions were used during rape was to edit the descriptions themselves.
    I went ahead and spent way too many hours doing just that. Since it became a massive time sink, I decided to only change the 2nd person descriptions. This DB removed descriptions that didn't fit the theme, and editted many more. Editted descriptions add usage of synonyms, change the flavor of the descriptions to nonconsensual, and occasionally fix a few minor grammar issues. I also customized synonyms a bit. Many of the editted messages use the new synonyms to work correctly, and might say odd things without the editted synonym file. The most editted descriptions tended to be for creatures.
    With gooser's permission I'm posting this to share to share the customization with others have the same preference.
    Remember to update the database in game to have working synonyms.
    If you want 3rd or 1st person perspectives, you can simply copy/paste the 2nd person descriptions into 3rd or 1st person and update the grammar. I'd recommend something like notepad++ for quick ease of use with copy/pasting over the apropos editor. CTRL C + CTRL V will save you loads of time. Notepad++ also lets you use CTRL+F to find and replace words, for easy grammar changes.



  23. [SSLX] Succubus Skill Loss (LE+SE)

    This is a rewrite of the SexLab Skill Loss mod to make more of a game out of SLSO. The mod is very lightweight. I have now added SXP integration so it works with that too.
    It matches a succubus style character (hence the name) but is very flexible if you want to use it for a different sort of game / PC. Importantly, you don't have to use the skill loss/gain features to be able to use the SexLab Sex Skill Loss feature. Also you can completely disable just the gain features or switch them to loss features. I have made this to be as flexible as possible for anyone that wants skill gain or skill loss events added to their game.
    [SE USERS] Perk debt feature does not work on SE. If you lose a level and regain it, you will have an extra perk point above what you would normally have at that level.

    [MODDERS] You can now use this mods skill loss and gain functionality by sending a simple mod event. There is examples of this below under "By SendModEvent [MODDERS]".
    So how this version works is...
    On Sex End 
    - You will GAIN skills on sex end
    Gain Per Partner Orgasm
    - You will GAIN skills on partners orgasm
    NOTE: Works with group and creature scenes.
    Loss Per Orgasm
    - You will lose skills when your character orgasms
    SexLab Sex Skill Loss
    - With this enabled, you will lose SexLab sex skills from rape. This only applies to oral, anal and vaginal types. 
    SLSO Player Succubus Addon
    - You will GAIN skills on drain
    - You will GAIN skills on drain kill
    NOTE: Patch is required for PSA that is in downloads (SLSO_PSA_SSLX Patch)
    SexLab Defeat
    - You will lose skills when defeat triggers post rape scenario.
    Prison Overhaul Patched
    - You will lose skills every X hours in prison (only works with POP but not required)
    Whipping (Punishing Lashes)
    - You will lose skills per whip received. This should act on all whipping from all mods.
    - Scaling whipping skill loss to Punishing Lashes whipping injury level.
    SexLab Survival - Cum Addition
    - You can set to lose X skills every X seconds while cum addicted and ravenous. 
    - You can set to lose X skills every X hours while starving, dehydrated and/or fatigued.
    You can enable/disable any of the above and alter the amount of skills lost per event, as with previous versions.
    By SendModEvent [MODDERS]
    - The mod now listens for a SendModEvent that can be used to trigger skill loss or gain, it also takes a string for notification. It's super easy to use, see spoiler text below if you want to use this.
    Other features:
    With SXP, you can set to lose SXP experience instead of levels. There is a debt that is stored when you go below 0. Experience gains through SXP itself or this mod will be reduced by the debt. No longer gain SexLab sex levels/stats (Vaginal, Anal, Oral) from being raped (non-configurable). You lose experience when you lose skills, and gain experience from skill gain. This is at the correct rate in vanilla but other mods editing experience/stat gain may mess this up. You lose H/M/S when you lose a level. This is chosen randomly, but weighted so your more likely to lose higher stat. If you lose stamina, you lose appropriate carry weight. This feature uses INI settings so if you use something like SkyTweak keep that in mind. You can lose levels and there is a perk debt feature when you regain a level, it will take the perk so you don't have 1 extra.  Skill MCM menu where you can choose what skills you want to disable gain/loss. Skill increments below 1, the loss/gain is applied when you accrue 1 or -1 in a new float. Key set in MCM to report SexLab stats. Key set in MCM you can use to switch between victim/consensual in the current animation. This is for mods that don't tag animations properly, I was considering not adding this feature because it can easily be abused. If you don't have mods that incorrectly tag you as victim in animations etc, I would leave the key unset. Sound effect from skill gain and loss. Option "Always lose from sex" to switch consensual scene gains to losses.  
    Changes/fixes from SexLab Skill Loss not mentioned above:
    I have added a patch for PSQ to the file downloads. This is the same as the PSQxSLSO patch except I have brought over the SLA arousal tied to succubus energy feature from PSQ Tweaks. This patch needs to overwrite PSQ and is not compatible with PSQ Tweaks. To use the arousal bound to energy feature, you need to lock your characters arousal gain in SLA/SLAX.  
    This is what I use, same as above (PSQxSLSOxSLA) but you will no longer drain health and stamina from your sex partners (and no longer kill them even if you turn the setting on in MCM) .If you are using PSQ  just install one of the 3 patches depending on your preference. The PSQxSLSO patch is available on SLSOs page.  
    PSQ Tweaks
    The other option is to use PSQ Tweaks and disable the drain functionality. It won't work with SLSO or any of the patches so you will need SexLab Survival to regain energy. Use alternative energy mode if you do use this as you will not be able to gain Succubus levels in PSQ.  
    SexLab Framework  
    Optional mods:
    Prison Overhaul Patched Defeat SLSO Player Succubus Addon (Requires patch SLSO_PSA_SSLX patch from downloads) SLSO (Essential for best usage)
    I recommend you turn off female orgasm bonus and multi-orgasm to low setting OR set your skill loss from orgasm in SSLX to a low amount. Play around with the settings and get this working how you like. ZaZ Animation Pack (should work with v7+) Slaverun Reloaded Required patch from Punishing Lashes page for whipping scene end losses to work with Slaverun Reloaded. Punishing Lashes iNeed SexLab Survival SXP Whorecrux  
    Recommended mods:
    Special thanks and credit to Huan (Huanrenfeng) for weight calculations and improvements made for [SexLab Skill Loss]. (See Huan's Patreon page here: https://www.patreon.com/modderHuan). If you like this mod, please consider donating to Huan - it would really help him out.

    Special thanks and credit to Hilaribad for his LevelUpEventPlugin used for applying perk point reduction (and perk debt functionality) on level up + POP integration + Defeat integration from [Defeat Skill Loss].
    GPL 3.0
    - RMCW for this version (Succubus Skill Loss)
    - Hilaribad for the original Defeat Skill Loss mod Link to mod
    - Huanrenfeng for his version (SexLab Skill Loss) Link to mod
    If you like my mods and tweaks and would like to ask any questions or have suggestions, feel free to chat with me on Discord linked below.



  24. Masochist Tweaks

    Mod tweaks to make escaping DD by cheating impossible and to generally make your game more hellish.
    Tifa Lockheart had to be locked in some pretty severe devices, as seen in the images above, due to her recent activities stealing over 100k Septims. She is a "GAPING ANAL SLUT" and doesn't do well without a strong hand to keep her in line. Her thieving hands have been taking many keys from around Skyrim and so she kept slipping out of her devices. I have put a stop to this with these mod tweaks. If your also a horse fucking slave whore, you will probably enjoy these.
    These require the original mod (linked below) and only work with the version listed.
    Devious Devices (DD - Masochist Tweaks)
    - Cooldown modifier set to Experimenting and MCM option removed.
    - Keybreak modifier set to Born Slave and MCM option removed.
    - Difficulty modifier set to Born Slave and MCM option removed.
    - Lock jamming checks removed (always on) and MCM option removed.
    - Key break checks removed (always on) and MCM option removed.
    - Debug option to remove devices removed.

    For mod version: V4.3a OR V5.0, just download the correct one for your version

    Mod and credits etc see: Devious Devices

      Player Exhibitionist - Masochist Tweaks
    - Removed the option to turn off console restrictions.
    - Extended list of banned commands (see images).
    - Removed autosave on open console.

    2 versions included in downloads. See screenshots of banned commands for the difference. The smaller list is v1.

    For mod version: 1.61

    Original mod and credits etc see: Player Exhibitionist

      Slaverun Reloaded - Masochist Tweaks
    - Removed the cheats page from MCM

    For mod version: 3.0 Beta1 03 June 2018

    Original mod and credits etc see: Slaverun Reloaded

      Devious Followers - Masochist Tweaks
    - Removed the options for removing DD devices from MCM.
    - There are 2 versions in downloads. v2 also disables the reset option.

    For mod version: 2.12.2

    Original mod and credits etc see: Devious Followers - Continued

      TAWoBA Armor Break - Masochist Tweaks
    - Added MCM lock to bottom of menu.

    For mod version: 3.0

    Original mod and credits etc see: The Amazing World of Bikini Armor - Armor Break

      BakaFactory Bikini Quest - Masochist Tweaks
    - Added MCM lock to bottom of menu.

    For mod version: Should work with all versions up to 2.7 at least

    Original mod and credits etc see: Bikini Armor Quest  
    Just overwrite (merge with) the existing mod you have installed, or allow it to overwrite in MO2 etc.
    I'd recommend just overwriting so you can't as easily switch it off out of game, and so that you remove it when you update to a new version of any of the mods. I'll update the tweaks if necessary when mods are updated but there will likely be a delay.
    I will likely have to add more mods to this list to keep Tifa compliant, check back for updates if your interested. There are other mods with menus that can remove DD items etc that I will probably look at when necessary.
    SSE compatability? IDK if the original mod scripts work then these tweaks will. Try it and let me know so I can update the description.
    If you like my mods and tweaks and would like to ask any questions or have suggestions, feel free to chat with me on Discord linked below.



  25. Sexlab Mass MatchMaker Extended actors

    So, according to the original mod  SexLab MatchMaker - Updated 09/17/2014 Rev 7 ,  MatchMaker is intended as a simple proof of concept mod for the SexLab Framework. It will give the player two spells, a target and a self version called "Irresistibly Attractive". When used it will apply a magic effect for up to 3 characters, including the player . Will it be true?
    For this variable I have not used CK, Blender, and no changes have been made to scripts .
    Changed the number of actors.  More actors in the animations. Obviously the number cannot exceed that allowed by the animations installed
    Area of effect increased.  Increased area of effect so that the spell is no longer single effect, but group. Everyone inside the area will be affected
    Increased the activation time .  Increased activation time. This will allow all influenced actors to participate in the animation
    Strength increase  This will make it much more difficult to fail the spell
    Magnitude = Strength of the spell, the greater the more difficult the failure
    Area = The increase of the area transforms the single spell into a group one
    Duration = Activation time. By increasing the time, the various actors are allowed to participate in the animation if it exists
    Final result = Instead of performing 3 spell casts, having also the obligation to aim the target, with this variable, the casting will be reduced to 2. A Self and a Target, just throw the Target in the area, all those hit, will enter the animation
    It works by involving NPC's and creatures where animation exists
    Requirements : 
    Sexlab Framework , Sexlab Mass Match Maker REV7 ( at least, I use this version ) , and obviously , the animations . Since this is a modification of ESP , it should work with other versions of Match Maker as well . 
    Extract , copy / drop into Skyrim data folder,  overwrite , launch FNIS , enjoy 



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