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SexLab Framework LE

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These Skyrim LE mods are all related to the SexLab adult framework and thus are of an adult only nature.

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  1. Pearl Juice Continued

    See the original mod Pearl Juice for information about the mod.
    Continuing the mod instead of @ffabris.
    Just replace the old version, the new version is save compatible, so just plug and play.
    Be sure to not overwrite the generated file PearlJuice.json, as a tip for Mod Organizer, place it in a new mod named "Pearl Juice Generated Files" for example.



  2. Slave Trainer

    Slave Trainer is a mod inspired by games like Slavmaker.
    You capture or buy one slave, train her and then sell her, maybe turning a profit.
    THIS IS NOT A QUEST. This mod is about enslaving some random bandit, stripping her naked, teaching some skills and then selling to a slave trader for some septims.
    Everything is located in Whiterun, so you will spend most of your time there.
    Slaves are female only. It is possible to enslave male NPCs but everything was made with females in mind. This might change later.
    You can have up to 100 slaves (following you/waiting at home), but you can train only one slave at a time.
    Slaves are useless in actual combat.
    You can enslave friendly NPCs if you really want to. You can't unenslave them, so it will break some quests.
    How to start:
    Go to Whiterun and talk to Charna near Hall of the Dead. Hit slave with a cane to open the menu. Hit slave with a cane to stop whatever they are doing.
    If you want to enslave enemy NPC, hit them with a cane after their health drops below 50% (configurable in MCM).
    If you want to enslave friendly NPC use Scroll of Submission (can be bought from Charna) or look at them, go to mod configuration menu, find Enslave button and press it.
    Slaves as followers:
    For compatibility with other mods you can "hire" your slaves. To do that just talk to them normally and pick something like "Follow me, I need your help". Also, for compatibility, you have to dismiss them before selling.
    Multiple slaves:
    Even though you can train only 1 slave at a time, it's possible to have multiple slaves following you around/waiting for you at home (up to 100).
    To do that open the slave menu and pick "Pause training", then you can get a new slave or resume training of other slaves.
    Obedience - Increases with punishments. When obedience is high enough it starts increasing with rewards. Affects learning speed. Fear - Increases with punishments, decreases with rewards. Sanity - Goes down when both Obedience and Fear are too high. When reaches 0 slave becomes mindbroken, making them really cheap.
    Pain Tolerant - Spanking does nothing Masochist - Spanking is a reward Frigid - Sex punishments/rewards do nothing Nympho - Sex punishments are rewards instead, sex rewards are double effective Exhibitionist - Being naked is a reward Sanguine - Hard to mindbreak Depressive - Easy to mindbreak Obedient - Doesn't try to escape Disobedient - Tries to escape more frequiently
    Sex Slave Fighter Enchanter
    Change equipment - Wearing Devious Devices or being naked affects attributes. Rename - Let's you rename the slave. Purely cosmetical. Pause/resume training Pillory Spanking Jail Massage Cunnilingus Training sex skills Wash - Removes dirt and tally marks.
    Sex skills - Player. Combat - Recruits behind The Companions building. Rape slave when she loses a fight, which also increases sex skills. Enchanting - Farengar. Recharges soul gems while slave masturbates (don't question it).
    Hit slave to give orders. Hit slave to stop current action. Hit any NPC during the pillory scene to start sex. Hit any NPC to enslave it (there is a health threshold option in the mod menu).
    Charna in Whiterun will always have some untrained slaves to sell. She will also buy your trained slaves.
    People looking for slaves
    Charna Balgruuf Eorlund Hulda Proventus Avenicci Andurs
    Usually slaves look angry after you just enslave them and later become sad/happy depending on what you do to them. Slaves try to hide their private parts in shame if you strip them. Slaves will look dirty after some time and people will start scrawling tally marks on them. (Requires SlaveTats)
    You can save and restore outfits through the slave menu. Restoring an item from outfit cost money, unless you already have that item. WARNING: Items from Devious Devices Integration might trash your inventory or get lost.
    Slaves try to escape if their Obedience is too low.
    Installed and working:
    Sexlab 1.62 - http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v162-updated-jun-3rd-2016/ Zaz Animation Pack 6.11 - http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/156-zaz-animation-pack-2016-03-31/ Devious Devices Assets 2.9.2 - http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/269-devious-devices-assets/ UIExtensions 1.2.0 - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57046/?
    Compatible with:
    Items from Devious Devices Integration 2.9.2+
    Slave Trainer will use some features from these mods if you have them installed:
    SlaveTats 1.2.3 + SlaveTats-scrawl-2014-08-16.7z - http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/619-slavetats/ - Slaves will look dirty after some time and people will start scrawling tally marks on them.
    Doesn't conflict with:
    Milk Mod Economy Prison Overhaul
    Probably conflicts with:
    Slaverun, everything else that adds new objects to the streets of Whiterun.



  3. Defeated Slaves

    When asked "What is best in life?"
    A wise man once said "To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women."
    So that's how I like to play my Skyrim
    - I like to play as a male
    - killing and taking
    - making npcs my captives (especially the more difficult ones) and collecting their women as trophies to keep in my harem
    So i'm a big fan of Paradise Halls Enhanced and Home Sweet Home mods. While waiting to have some things worked out with pahe, I started dinking around with the idea of making a light weight simple defeat, capture and bounty mod that works for me from available mods out there. I don't mind the bagging system that SLDefeat offers but I miss the following feature that SLSubmit offered and wanted almost everything done through dialog. The only problem was I don't know how to write a mod from scratch or use papyrus script at least not efficiently. I'm more of a reverse engineering tinkerer.
    But I did produce something that works for me through record manipulation and I figured I'd share it. Maybe someone can make it better.
    Defeated-Slaves(1/2): Tour of Slave Cave. Purchasing from slave trade and capturing 3 females in the wild at Fort Greymoor
    Defeated-Slaves(2/2): Demo-ing dialog menus & selling captives, collecting bounty for one captive, keeping one and selling the other
    My little mod grew to be a bridge between other better mods
    end results:
    Conquer enemy npcs or friendly if you like and turn them into your captives. multiple restraining positions and other animations enter SLDefeat faction exit and enter again. have your way with your captives collect bounties from guards for them prostitute them to other npcs enslave through dialog after they have been defeated or pummel with the cane elevate them to slave training I relocated Charna to the Slave Cave and turned her into a shrewd old slaver boss. Slave Cave: in back of / adjacent to the Honningbrew meadery. lets you buy and sell slaves from Charna. Store slaves there if you wish. added the whip from pahe which enables hitting in succession and leaves marks on the subject for a shorter period of time than the cane when slaves attempt to escape after entering their training stages they will need to be caned as an attitude adjustment. untrained slaves moved to the MHIYH faction don't seem to get along well with other slaves that has started training. keep em seperated untrained captives health stays low and can die easily. I like this. It turns long runs into an escort quest because i don't fast travel. I included a few articles of clothing from my disciplinary female slave attire collection for those extra sassy slaves Mod is 2.57 MB. It still has bugs, if i can fix em I will Slave Trainer MCM, I disable emotions, set all emotions to custom1 and let Female Facial Animations and my esp handle them.
    Trouble Shooting Help
    -170822 changes and updates
    -170819 changes and updates
    -170815 changes and updates
    -170812 changes and updates
    -170807 changes and updates
    SexLab Defeat
    Slave Trainer
    MHIYH 2plus (recommended)
    followed by my mod Defeated Slaves
    Thanks to:
    SexLab Defeat by Goubo
    Puppet Master by h38fh2mf
    Slave Trainer by shakrum
    paradise halls by layam - CliftonJD
    (MHiYH 2plus) by Volek and upgraded MCM options by Smashly



  4. SkoomaWhore 1.0 patch

    SexLab Skooma Whore 1.0
    adds ability for other mods to add custom drugs to be used during rape
    fixes player drugging by non humans
    fixes drugs/addiction effects applied to player when they should not (ex: NPC drinks skooma and PC get drugged)
    For Modders:



  5. SexLab Animation Loader

    This mod makes it easy to register new animations in SexLab.
    Several animators on LoversLab have been creating lots of new animation files, but don't have the modding experience necessary to create mods that load them in Skyrim. This mod aims to help solve that problem. Now you can create simple animation packs without needing any modding experience, and then you can use this mod to load them in Skyrim.
    Dependencies For Users
    If you just want to load an animation pack that someone else has already built, this is all you need:
    SexLab 1.60+ JContainers FNIS
    Dependencies for Animators

    If you want to build your own animation packs, you will also need:
    Python 3.x  

    Just install this normally like you would install any other mod. This mod doesn't come with any animations though, so you will likely want to also install some animation packs as well.
    Installing animation packs:
    Install animation packs just like you would any other mod. (They need to be unpacked and put into your Skyrim data directory.)
    After installing the mod, open the MCM menu, select the animations you want to register, then click "Register"
    Rebuild the SexLab animation registry after uninstalling this mod to remove any animations it added.
    Upgrade Procedure
    No clean save or special upgrade steps needed. You will generally want to rebuild the SexLab animation registry after upgrading animation packs, to make sure you pick up the new pack data.
    Creating animation packs
    Rydin has written up an excellent guide describing how to create animation packs.
    The mod itself contains a readme and an example animation pack source file.
    Normally you'll want to edit your animation pack source file, then run SLAnimGenerate.py to generate the FNIS lists and the JSON data read by this mod.
    You will need to run GenerateFNISforModders.exe if the FNIS lists change.
    An example animation pack can be found here.
    Additional documentation can be found in the README or in the example source file.
    I'd like to make SLAnimGenerate automatically update the FNIS behavior files, so you don't need to manually run GenerateFNISforModders.exe.
    Probably several. Feel free to let me know if you run into anything unusual.
    Public domain. Feel free to do whatever you want with this. If Ashal or rydin ever want to include any of this code directly in SexLab or NSAP that would be cool with me.
    - Ashal, for SexLab
    - Earen, for JContainers
    - rydin, for writing awesome docs, helping support users, and helping to build packs
    - CGi, for the German translation and setting up translation files for other languages
    - CPU, for fixing creature races when multiple races are used in an animation
    - MadMansGun, for updating the creature races list to match the latest More Nasty Critters release
    - All the awesome animators on LL for inspiring me to write this
    - Probably others I'm forgetting



  6. [BFACCA] BeeingFemale Addon - Creature Child Actors

    This is a Addon for BeeingFemale, which adds Creature child actors (puppies) for pretty much all of the races supports by SL-Animations.
    The child actors have the same functionality as the standard BeeingFemale children, while their appearance is that of a miniaturized version of the grown creature. However most of them won't be able to use weapons/armor or use magic. Exceptions: Rieklings can use 2h-swords, Spriggans can use their health absorb spell... etc (btw. they have human voices.. )
    The children / puppies / cubs / whelps will grow over time using the built-in BeeingFemale system.
    NPC child actors are supported as well.
    The actors use a custom race, have the SexlabForbid-keyword and are part of the SexLabForbiddenActors-Faction, so it is not possible for them to be animated by SL-Animations.
    I have also included separate vanilla (female/unisex) creature meshes for the female actors, so they don't get schlongified by MNC / CreatureFramework.

    - BeeingFemale and its dependencies -> http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1284-beeingfemale/
    --> use BFACCA v0.3(fix1) for BeeingFemale v2.7.2 and earlier
    --> use BFACCA v0.32+ for BeeingFemale v2.8 with the new AddonManager
    - Sexlab: needed for SL-animation blocking keywords
    -> http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v162-updated-jun-3rd-2016/
    - MoreNastyCritters -> optional and compatible (see above)

    - Download archive, that matches your skyrim DLC configuaration
    v0.3: V = just vanilla; V+DG = only dawnguard; V+DB = only dragonborn; V+DG+DB = all DLCs = legendary edition
    v0.32: noDLCs = just vanilla; onlyDragonborn/Dawnguard = if you only have one DLC installed; allDLCs = all DLCs
    (you don't need to install the 'noDLCs' aswell)
    - Install archive using MO / NMM or manual installation
    - Load your game and check the AddOn-Tab in the BeeingFemale MCM for the BFA_CreatureChildAcors_V+... record
    It should be possible to install this addon at any time, even if an NPC or the Player is already pregnant. However child actors that have already been born will not be affected or changed into creatures, if their parents were creatures.
    How to disable/enable the AddOn:
    - go to the BeeingFemale MCM
    - open the AddOn tab, where you can see all the installed AddOns
    - click on BFA_CreatureChildActors_V+... to see more options and disable/enable it, when necessary
    Note about the merged plugins:
    Due to the way I built the addons for the different DLCs, the FormIDs of some edits are slightly different between the different merged esps.
    So switching between the different esps for vanilla/DG/DB/allDLCs mid-game is not recommended, if creature children have already been born in your savegame, as they might disappear or other unwanted effects mighty occur.

    - remove the old version, install the new one, load your game and wait for the new addons to be initialised

    List of supported races:
    - (Frost/regular) Troll
    - (brown/black/snow) Bear
    - Dog
    - Chaurus (/ -Hunter -> spawns regular Chaurus)
    - Alduin / Dragon
    - (male) Falmer
    - Giant
    - Horse
    - Fox
    - (snowy) Sabre Cat
    - Frostbite Spider
    - Wolf
    - (Venomfang) Skeever
    - Spriggan
    - Goat
    - Elk
    - Deer
    - Hare/Rabbits
    - Horkers
    - Dwarven Centurion and other Automatons
    - (brute/sentinel/green) Gargoyle
    - (armored Trolls -> spawns regular Trolls)
    - (Death Hound -> spawns regular Dog)
    - Husky
    - Vale Sabre Cat
    - Riekling
    - Seeker
    - Lurker
    - Frost/Ghost Giant
    - Boar (/ Mounted Riekling -> spawns a Boar)
    - Netch
    - Ash hopper
    I tried to support all creatures that can be animated using sexlab with of the latest version of MNC. As more become available and widely accessible through MNC or new animations, I will add them. If I missed any, please let me know.

    Known issues:
    - Dragon child actors animations are really buggy. Sometimes their wings get folded under them, they have trouble with clipping then walking up slopes and they start flying in a fight and don't ever seem to land afterwards. I recommend disabling this RaceAddon in the Addon-tab of BeeingFemales MCM for now.. or create a save before birth, so you can still disable it (should spawn a Nord child actor, if disabled).
    - Dawnguard Frost Giants will create regular Giant child actors, because they use the regular Giant race, whereas the Dragonborn Frost Giants have their own race.
    - Seeker child actors seem to be unable to fight / attack an enemy
    - Horse child actors can also be mounted, so it can be difficult to talk to them
    - Boars and Netches somehow have no voice acting (Hello, Bye etc.). But they still have the full BF-dialogue.
    -> If anyone can help with these issues, please post in the support thread or send me a pm.

    Change Log:

    - milzschnitte for creating BeeingFemale and providing support
    - Ashal for Sexlab
    - some youtube-tutorials, whose creators probably don't want to be named here, for teaching me CK
    - LL for being LL
    - Lydia and the frost troll on the way to High Hrothgar for kindly inspiring me to create this addon..
    and they talk like human children..



  7. Sexual Vampire Feeding

    What does this mod do?
    This mod adds small, conditions-based dialog choices to female NPC's throughout Skyrim that the Dragonborn can attempt to seduce, feed, and then have sex with using.

    The dialog is voiced using vanilla assets on MOST of the NPC's. Most meaning that NPC's that use unique voices, such as Delphine, will not be voiced and have silent dialog.
    This mod was heavily inspired by FoxFinger's Amorous Adventures and by the blood doll seduction in the game Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
    How do you seduce NPC's?
    Conditions for seducing NPC's varies on several factors:
    First, you must obviously be a vampire.
    Second, you must be indoors or outside from the hours of 7pm to 5am. I did this for personal lore reasons. Some people may overlook a couple getting a little nookie out in public and others may pretend that your little nip on the neck was just a playful kiss, but naked feeding and fucking in broad daylight was a bit too much for my tastes.
    Third, you must seduce the target by passing a speech check. The difficulty of the check depends on whom you are trying to seduce. A commoner will be an easy check requiring a speech between 18 and 25 (depending on perks). Trying to feed on another vampire will be a bit harder, 35 - 50. The Thalmor aren't exactly the most forgiving of people, so feeding on one of them is hard, between 53 and 75 speech required. Trying to feed on a Dawnguard woman will be the hardest challenge for your vampire, between 70 and 100.
    Commoner NPC's will also require you to have some form of trust between the NPC and your character, so a relationship level of 2 (confidant) is required. Dawnguard characters must have a relationship level of 1 (friend) before you can ask to feed upon them. You achieve these through normal questing and favors throughout the game (or console it in.)
    Each group also has slightly different dialog. Be warned, if you fail to seduce a commoner or vampire, you can always try again later, but failing to seduce a Thalmor or Dawnguard will cause them to attack you!
    After you successfully seduce a woman, she will be added to a new faction of seduced victims, giving new dialog (based on faction) that does not require a speech check. You can only ask every couple of hours.
    Be careful on feeding too much on non-essential NPC's, just like normal vampire feeding, they can possibly die from overfeeding.
    What's new in 1.4?
    Finally more animations! Special thanks to AnubiSs2167, SirNibbles, Funnybizness, and Leito86 for not only creating the amazing animations, but also for giving me permission to use them in my mod. Please be sure to thank them if you enjoy the new animations. Also special thanks to Orxx for SexLab Animation Loader
    SexLab Animation Loader (SLAL) and the Sexual Vampire Feed SLAL pack in the download section are now a requirement for all vampire animations to play. While the feed script will still sate your vampire's thirst, you will not be able to play any of the new animations without my pack and only a generic sex animation will play instead. But why would you want that?
    New animations finally include three dedicated lesbian animations and two more male vampire/female animations for ten total, with more possibilities in the future! No more females wearing a strap-on using male animations!
    Also, Sexual Vampire Feed now allows players to feed upon NPCs outside, but only between the hours of 7pm and 5am for more role playing goodness.
    Lastly, the script has been updated so that only context appropriate animations will play. Tired of non-vampire NPC's using the feeding on your vampire? Well that's no longer a problem! All this was done while keeping the script increasingly light, just as before, since it only activates during specific dialog and directly to the animation hook. No worries about script lag here!
    What's new in 1.3?
    Finally some variation in animations!
    Sexual Vampire Feeding's script used to use the key word "Xandero" so that only the feeding animation would play, which was only the same one. 1.3 has had a small script change to allow any animation with the tags with either "Vampire" or "Feeding" to play instead. With the release of SexLab Animation Loader, NSAP is no longer needed, but you can still use it and will not interfere in any way. Any animation pack that is released that has those tags will be able to be used.
    Simply follow the instructions of SLAL and then head over to here to get some preloaded packs that already have animations that have vampire feeding and properly tagged! I recommend Anubs', FunnyBizness', and Xandero's packs.
    You can even easily edit the packs to allow any pack to sate your thirst when seducing.
    Now, you get to pick which sex animations will sate thirst!
    What's new in 1.2a?
    1.2a has no new content, but comes with one change. I was tired of every normal indoor female having the option to reveal yourself and I prefer some RP when I play. You wouldn't just come out to every person on the street that you are a secret vampire, so some trust between the NPC and player is needed. So I made it a requirement for normal NPC's to have a relationship level of 3 with the player. This will come normally over time as you do quests.
    Only normal NPC's were changed. Vampires, Dawnguard, Thalmor, Delphine, and the Prostitute are unaffected with this change since they have their own difficulty.
    Also added an Omnisexual version so you can seduce both men and women. The relationship change is also in affect. Pronouns were fixed to apply no specific sex to your target.
    1.2 will be left up for people that do not want the relationship change, but it will be a part of every update going forward.
    Pick only one version to install.
    New NPC in 1.2!
    I kinda made her while messing around, don't click if you want to be suprised
    Previous NPC in 1.1
    Are there any bugs/issues?
    I have only tested this with Better Vampires and Vampiric Thirst, since I'd be hard pressed to find a person that doesn't use one of them.
    I have no intention for adding support for vanilla Skyrim. Dawnguard is a hard requirement for this mod.
    Sometimes upon first starting a new game, the dialog will not show up until you reload/restart the Skyrim. This is only an issue on brand new games.
    This is my very first time scripting, but I took efforts to make the script as simple as possible.
    There seems to be a small issue with Vampiric Thirst if you are using blood points. That script is independent of mine and I will change Miss Leeches script. Better Vampires has no issue with blood points.
    Will this mod be expanded?
    It was much easier than I thought to add more and more dialog options once I got used to it. I've also had some practice editing voice files. That means I may possibly emulate Amorous Adventures by giving unique dialog to NPC's and even making small quest requirements for them to allow you to feed upon them.
    One thing I will NOT do is add rape options into feeding/sex. There's plenty of rape mods here and it is not my fetish. Never gonna happen.
    Requirements and installation
    1. Download the main file for male characters seducing female NPCs and female characters seducing male and female NPCs. Download the SLAL pack as well.
    (Optional) The Omnisexual file to allow males characters (or anyone with a male flag) to seduce both men and woman. Download and overwrite the main file.
    2. You'll need Dawnguard, SexLab, Sexlab Animation Load and anything those mods require to function. Fuz Ro D-oh is not a hard requirement for the mod to work, but any unique voiced NPC will skip their dialog without it, but the sex should still work fine. I recommend installing it.
    3. To install, I highly recommend using Mod Organizer. Just install it like a regular mod. There should be no issues installing through Nexus Mod Manager.
    4. Place the Sexual Vampire Feed esp below any vampire mods you have, such as Better Vampires or Vampiric Thirst. Shouldn't be required as it doesn't edit any of their stuff, but it can't hurt either.
    5. Follow instructions of SLAL and the packs. Be sure to
    6. Go to SLAL in the Skyrim MCM and find the Sexual Vampire Feed pack. Pick the animations you want and register them.
    7. Become a vampire, make sure your speech is high enough (or not), go find a woman indoors (or outdoors during the proper time) that you have the required relationship level with, and ask her about vampires.
    Please enjoy this mod and give me feedback and suggestions. The better the feedback the better I can make it, assuming it is within my ability.
    Special Thanks and Credits
    Xandero for his animation that gave me the idea.
    AnubiSs2167 for his vampire animations and permission to use them. Excellent work.
    SirNibbles for letting me use his fantastic animations.
    Funnybizness for always making more animations and giving me permissions to use them.
    Leito86 for all the loving sex animations and permission.
    I really appreciate all the hard work that animators put into their work. Without it, there'd be nothing here.
    Miss Leeches for helping me with the vampire script and Vampiric Thirst.
    Ashal for SexLab and making my script better.
    KS Hairdos



  8. Creampie and Pregnant Voice Pack

    What is this?
    This is a voice pack for SexLab that replaces some of the moans with spoken lines (in English) of the woman asking for creampies, pregnancy, or both.
    How does it work?
    It does this by placing a select few of the moans in the Data\Sound\fx\SexLab folder. Because SexLab plays the moans randomly from it's selection of packs, the voiced lines are placed in at roughly a 1:5 ratio of spoken dialog to SexLab moans, but only in half the voices. This is to minimize the chance of dialog being repeated over and over, but there is still a chance of that happening. There is also a chance of no voices being played at all.
    The SexLab voices that have the new dialog are the Classic, Quite, Average, and Mature voices. The other four are unchanged. Efforts were taken to match up the voices with the theme of the default moans.
    There are two downloads to choose from. The Creampie Voice Pack has no mention pregnancy in it if that is not your thing, just the woman asking to be creampied. The Pregnant and Creampie Voice pack has women asking for both. Both files override the same sounds, so you can't use both at the same time.
    The third file is more of a resource. It's the raw dialog I pulled from and cuts made from them, so you can make your own voice clips if you want. Please share if you are so inclined. More the merrier as far as I'm concerned.
    Please be aware that these moans will work for all sex scenes involving a woman, including lesbian animations, rape animations, and animations that do not end with the man cumming inside the woman. This is best used for consensual sex, but it's not a requirement. A pregnancy mod is also NOT required.
    As I said, the moans and voices are randomly chosen, so you won't always hear the lines being spoken and sometime will hear repeats.
    To install, pick either the Creampie or Creampie and Pregnant Voice pack to download, then place below SexLab in Mod Organizer.
    If using Nexus Mod Manager, let my voice files override the SexLab sounds.



  9. Sex Lab - Sexual Fame 'Framework'

    A Word:
    As always: my englsh knowlge is limited, so this description and also the mod could contain some language mistakes, I'll make some fixes in the next few days, let me know if something is unclear etc.
    Due my particular inattitude to the English I'll make a lot of Examples to better explain what I mean, for this examples I could use other mods names, this doesn't mean that there's an actual Plugin/Relation from the SLSF and those Mods and neither is a masked request for that, it's only an example.
    Also: this mod is in pre-Final, but tecnically is ok, I just want to wait for some other feedbacks, basic calibrations etc.
    Note 25/03/2016:
    The mod is actually in Pre-Final state, it means that the betatest is almost over and the framework is ready to be used. The Pre Final version REQUIRES A CLEAN SAVE or A NEW GAME, use a Save Tool or it won't work well. The 0.99 is tecnically a Rollback, due the fact that I've abandoned the planned updated (interaction systems, etc.) for various reasons (time and better systems already created from other modders). The documentation about the mod is on the script SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc. Note for Modders: This Framework will grant access to a good number of new data such Fame Levels for the Pc, Fame level of Npc, Equip Status (with auto-access without dependancies to datas from SlaveTats & Devious Devices), feel free to ask if you're searching for something in specific that could be done or not with this mod.  
    Description Features List Possible Uses Requiments Mods using This How it Works Reference Charts >>>How to Do (API, Tutorials)<<< Next Version Permission About Donations  

    1.Mod Description:
    This Mod is essentially a 'Framework' used to provide a Sexual Fame management to Skyrim for the Player Character (PC from now on), by itself it's a passive system, It doesn't have effect on game, NOT provide comment line about fame, it doesn't trigger any scene / ineraction / etc.
    It's purpose is only to collect and manage data about fame for OTHER MOD to use (With or Without Hard Dependancies).
    So it could be used for various things, like a base system for other mods or to support Comment Plugins, Extensions, etc. See the section "Possible Uses" if interested.
    2.Features list:
    Fame System:

    Equip System:

    NPC Extras:


    3.Possible Uses:
    The possible uses of this mod is various and variable, it's nature is about Collecting Datas to share between mods to better/easily achieve what those mods want to do.
    Some Example:

    SkyUi, (Really, there's someone that doesn't use it?) For the MCM Configurations
    UiExtensions, for the In-Game menu
    Fuz Ro D-oh, for read the comment provided from other Plugins
    SexLab, ...Ok that was easy... 1.61+
    ZazAnimationPack, Various Resources, 6.1
    SexLab Aroused (I suggest the Redux Version, because is Updated)
    5.Mods Using This:
    Note: Those aren't required, install which you want
    -Slaverun Reloaded by Kenjoka (Comment Plugin, 0.95b+)
    First of all, If you're interested to use this LET ME KNOW. Obviously I have a better knowlege of the SLSF and I could suggest the best way to do things with it. Use the support topic or the PM.
    Fame System:
    Fame Contage:
    Equip Status:
    Npc RoleTypes:
    Npc Reactions:
    Here The Quick References, in case of need. You could also find that in the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc & in the SLSF_FunctionAccess.psc.

    8.HOW TO DO:
    Tutorial Moved to the Second Repley of the Support Topic
    >>>API For Modder<<<
    You'll find all the Documentations, Functions and Examples on the SLSF_CompatibilityScript.psc (Soft and 0-Dependancy) and on the SLSF_FunctionAccess.psc (Hard Dependancy), for a brief look check the Second Replay of the Support Topic.
    If you don't find the function that you're looking for, need assistance or info about the system, feel free to PM me or use the Support Topic.
    For the Tutorials check the Second Replay of the Support Topic for those available, if you have some other request about, let me know.
    1.0 will contain:
    Hopefully nothing else  
    This mod is ONLY for LoversLab website. You may not repack, re-publish, etc., any of my work.
    Translations of this mod are allowed, just contact me first, in case someone else already doing that.
    Obviously you can freely make plugin about this mod , I just ask to know about.
    I do not take any responsibility for save corruption, game problems, etc.

    I DON'T want any donation, this Mods is my personal contribute to the Lovers Lab Comunity, if you want donate something



  10. Sleep For Credit

    Tired of long, arduous classes on the alchemical properties of butterfly wings or long-winded lectures on wards? Hop to the top of your class at the prestigious College of Winterhold by getting extra credit the fun way!
    Pretty straightforward: speak to the inhabitants of the College of Winterhold to have sex and raise your skill level in whatever their specialty is by one. At this point, everyone but one will only allow it one time each (although the other students will be happy to sleep with you as much as you want - you just won't learn anything from them).



  11. College Days: Winterhold

    Still looking for that sex fix during your time at the College? Get Sleep For Credit, the long-awaited companion mod for CDW that adds the fun back in!
    College Days: Winterhold is now only available as the clean version.
    Doing four versions of it is just too much. But fear not! My new mod Sleep for Credit is available now!
    Video killed the Mod Description star (or something). It's in French. Well, not this mod's part.
    Anyway, click HERE.
    Mod Description:
    Ever gone to Winterhold to do the Mage quests and then find yourself wondering how it's possible that someone who has been part of the school for all of a week and has no magical skills above Apprentice can become Archmage?
    Me too.
    This mod aims to fix that. You will go to the college, meet your instructor, and work your way to archmage-dom.
    Upon entering the college in Winterhold you will meet Jordan Mhoram hanging out around the entrance to the Hall of Elements. Speak to him and he will charge you insanely exorbitant fees to take his classes. Upon payment he will provide you with books. As you progress in your spell abilities, you will be able to go back and speak to him again to start the next "semester". Once you have reached Expert level, he will direct you to the various masters of their individual schools in order to do the Master level quests.
    You can specialize in one school of magic. As long as at least one of the schools has reached the next higher skill level, you can go back to Mhoram for more books. Technically you reach the apprentice level of a school when it reaches 25. However the minimum spell level (in any school) to get to the second semester in this mod is 30, since some skills start at or near 25 and it would be a tad immersion breaking to advance to the second semester at the same time you started.
    Breakdown of semesters and spell levels:
    The end of each semester will include a short series of message boxes that will talk about the previous year and what is to come in the future. Rudimentary, and not as cool as cut scenes, but i think they do a pretty good job of adding to the feeling of time having gone by.
    This mod is linked to the Vanilla College of Winterhold quests. You will not be able to progress without first gaining appropriate skills.* The break points are these:
    You can go to Saarthal immediately. In fact, your instructor will tell you to do so before giving you your first books.
    Once you have reached Apprentice level in at least one school of magic, you will be able to do Hitting the Books and Good Intentions.
    Once you have reached Adept level in at least one school of magic, you will be able to do Revealing the Unseen and Containment.
    Once you have reached Expert level in at least one school of magic, you will be able to go to Labyrinthian for the Staff of Magnus.
    It might conflict with mods that edit the Vanilla mage questline, if any such mod exists.
    Not a mod conflict, but if you set a school of magic to Legendary, it will make the skill level 15 and this mod will not recognize that it isn't a Novice level skill.
    Now fully voiced! Twice! (Choose only one from the download)
    There are two different voiced versions of this mod. What happened was this: I requisitioned a voice actor, but he had health and equipment troubles and was unable to complete the job. So I went onto the voice actor's forum and found a sample by Musetrigger that I quite liked. Once he agreed to the job, I sent him the script.
    While I was waiting, Connorchamp approached and offered his services. I sent a pm to Muse but did not hear back in a few days (he's a busy guy!), so I told Connor to go ahead. Not many days later, I received samples from BOTH of them, and both said they were nearly done. A conundrum - I didn't want either to feel his work was wasted. So I thanked them both. Very soon afterwards, both came through with final products. They are very different from each other, which is awesome. I have provided samples so you can choose which you prefer.
    tl;dr - I am an impatient idiot, but now there are two excellent voiced versions to choose between. Huge thanks and apologies to both.
    Patch! If you have Perkus Maximus, grab the patch by SoundofDrums so you get the correct spells.
    Blatant advertisement!
    Highly recommended Nexus companion mod:
    College of Winterhold Entry Requirements by TorchicBlaziken
    Faralda will really test your abilities to gain entry, instead of letting just any old fool who can make a magelight into the college. Fully voiced from Skyrim's secret "no time to finish the game properly, just cut stuff and ship it" storage bunker!
    Note: I have Immersive Winterhold College and it works just fine.
    Updating instructions:
    I recommend deleting the old version and installing on a clean save (in as much as such a thing exists) at the very least.
    Special thanks to SkyrimLL and murfk for their help getting the sex part to work.
    Extra special thanks to PeCool for the Spanish translation!
    Complete Change Log:



  12. SexTalk [Gay]

    SexTalk is a mod for gay men, similar to SLEN, but with 95% less functionality. In short, the idea is: talk to a (male) NPC, get sex going. Nothing else.
    That said, SexTalk has a few extra features. In particular: lots of dialog, and once you've decided what you want to do, the NPC will follow you to where you want to "get it on". Oh, and also, after sex, you get a bit of conversation. (It always annoyed me that NPCs would just walk away, like nothing happened at all. Feels very jarring to me, so that was the main reason I decided to write this mod.)
    This mods fits my KISS (*) style: few options, no frills, no fuss, no going nuts over a ton of settings and understanding what they do and how they interact with other options. Currently, these are the options:
    Sex can increase relationship rank: what it says. If this is enabled, you can specify: Acquaintance -> Friend: Chance of relationship increase from Acquaintance to Friend. Friend -> Confidant: Chance of relationship increase from Friend to Confidant. Confidant -> Ally: Chance of relationship increase from Confidant to Ally. Ally -> Lover: Chance of relationship increase from Ally to Lover. Allies and lovers may randomly greet: if enabled, allies and lovers may greet the player on location change, directly leading into the sex dialog. Chance of greeting: chance of this greeting occurring.
    The right side of the MCM panel will show whether you have certain animation types available. This serves to indicate if some dialog choices will be available when chatting up an NPC. So if you have no hand-job animations, you won't be able to suggest a mutual JO. Same for fisting. Lack of n-some animations will restrict the number of participants in an orgy.

    Note: If you installed SexTalk in a new game, then SexLab will not have initialized when SexTalk does. Thus the above indicators will all be unchecked. However, SexTalk runs this check on each game reload, so once you have set up your game, save, exist, reload, and the indicators will show correct values.
    Some specifics...
    If your relationship with an NPC is low, and they're not aroused enough, and your speechcraft is low, they will refuse sex. No chance to haggle or bribe, they just walk away. If your relationship with an NPC is low, sex will be aggressive (they're little more than strangers, so no "sweet" stuff).
    You can select aggressive and group sex with NPCs of any relationship level.
    Once you've decided on the sex act, the NPC goes into follow mode, so you can go somewhere private, if you want. Talk to him again to get things doing. After sex, there is more conversation. If the NPC is a lover, then you also get a kiss animation (unfortunately, with SexLab, that will result in orgasm; no easy way to prevent that).
    Nothing in the mod prevents it from being used by female players. However, the dialog is very much geared to MM sex. I made this MM-specific for two reasons: 1. If I attempted to write FM or FF dialog, I would be laughed off the site. 2. The sheer quantity of dialog involved was a tad overwhelming.
    Skyrim SkyUI SexLab SexLab Aroused (Redux)
    Fuz Ro D-oh Silent Voice M2M Gay Animations
    Thanks to...
    Vachnic and jackharrow for testing and feedback.

    (*) KISS ... Keep It Simple, Stupid!
    NOTE: This mod is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. In other words, feel free to make changes to the mod in any way you like, and upload the changed version. You do not need to ask permission. If you do so, you must credit me, and your version must be free. Further, you also need to credit any other mods used as resources, including those used in my original. Your own creation must in turn be released under these same conditions.



  13. Being a Guard

    NOTE: I consider this mod completed. I have no plans to make further changes, other than fixing any bugs which may be reported.
    This is a silly, cheesy, non-immersive, sex-filled little romp for gay men. It totally breaks immersion! If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, don't download it. I won't make it more serious; there are abundant other mods like that.
    Start the quest going by speaking to any guard in Whiterun (within the city).
    While I have done my best to try to not break the vanilla game, this might still happen. So I recommend this mod for those who have completed the vanilla game, or who (like me) have stopped playing it entirely.
    This mod requires all the ones below - along with their requirements.
    Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch SexLab SexLab Aroused Redux KS Hairdos Renewal M2M Gay Animations
    "Before the Storm" must be completed, or use a mod that removes the quest, such as Skyrim Unbound. You also need to have enough male guards available. Up to 4 are needed, depending.

    Fuz Ro D-oh Silent Voice CoP Whiterun Paradise City for Vanilla Skyrim Expanded Towns and Cities Plastered Farmhouses Grimoas Almighty Talos Statue Replacer SkyHunks or Masculinized Level Lists (not both) Helmets Begone No Naked Comments My Home is Your Home and/or a follower mod
    Possible Conflicts
    Anything that drastically alters the interiors of the Whiterun guard barracks or jail, Riverwood Sleeping Giant Inn, the river edge between Riverwood and Half-Moon Mill, near North Shriekwind Bastion.
    French - by floranais  
    Static dishes and food resource, by Tamira Ready Clutter and Furnishings, by Lilith

    NOTE: This mod is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. In other words, feel free to make changes to the mod in any way you like, and upload the changed version. You do not need to ask permission. If you do so, you must credit me, and your version must be free. Further, you also need to credit any other mods used as resources, including those used in my original. Your own creation must in turn be released under these same conditions.



  14. Aroused Nips

    This is a small mod that applies BodyMorphs to characters' nipples, depending on their arousal.
    The morphing is proportional to the arousal of the player or NPC in question, with no change at 0 and full effect at 100, with everything in between scaling linearly.
    - Inspired by some random post I saw like half a year ago -
    SexLab Aroused Redux v26 or later
    RaceMenu/NiOverride 3.4.5 or later
    BodySlide 2.8 or later
    SkyUI if you want to use the MCM
    BodySlide compatible Body and Armors

    Important: The effect will only be visible if you have properly generated the Morphs in BodySlide for your current nude body or armor!
    See: http://imgur.com/LbVn1cA
    Important II: If you are using the "Crash Fixes" mod (and I honestly recommend it), you need to set "AlignHeapAllocate=1" in its ini file, or your game might crash while applying the morphs.
    The strength of the morphs can be adjusted individually in an MCM, at a step rate of 0.01, so you'll be able to make exactly the nips you want. I recommend using the RaceMenu sliders for preview purposes.
    This mod works purely event-based, and therefore shouldn't cause much script load.
    Just remove the mod. NiOverride will automatically remove all the morphs.



  15. Animation-Appropriate Arousal Adjustments

    This is a patch for SexLab Aroused Redux that modifies how exposure decrease after an act is determined, depending on the position of the actor in the animation that was played.
    SLAR strictly expects Male-on-Female action only, and may or may not bork things in any other case. (And even then, cunnilingus doesn't always work either.)
    AAAA will improve accuracy for anyone except "default" couples.
    AAAA changes SLAR's behaviour to be more consistent:
    - Male characters & creatures will no longer orgasm after a non-sex animation (e.g. kissing). [insert "came too early" joke here]
    - Ability to orgasm is no longer linked to sex of actor, instead depends on their position in the animation. This allows for correct treatment of non-default sex and/or gender combinations.
    - As a result, DD restraint belts work for all actors now. That's a good thing, probably...?
    - Characters in "female" position can now orgasm from cunnilingus, 69 and lesbian animations.
    More precisely:
    - Actors/Creatures in "male" position can orgasm in animations with one of the following tags: Anal, Vaginal, Masturbation, Blowjob, Boobjob, Handjob, Footjob, 69.
    - Actors/Creatures in "female" position can orgasm in animations with one of the following tags: Anal, Vaginal, Masturbation, Cunnilingus, Fisting, Lesbian, 69.
    - Additionally, creatures can orgasm in animations tagged "Oral", as many of those lack the proper, more specific tag(s).
    Current Version: 1.0.5 for SLA Redux v28b
    IMPORTANT: Your version of SLAR needs to be precisely one of the specified. This mod works by directly modifiyng the base script of SLAR. It will absolutely not work with old SLA, and very likely not work with previous or future versions of SLAR. (until I update it, of course!)
    This should work for all correctly tagged animations,
    but I can only guarantee that it "Works On My Machine", so please tell me about your success or any weirdness you encounter while using it!



  16. SexLab Mind Control 2015-06-13

    Once upon a time, a disgruntled and misunderstood student from the College of Winterhold had a crush on one of the professors.
    She searched archives and ruins for a device that would give her what she wanted - total control over the object of her desires.
    The device she eventually found was inactive.
    Activating it turned out to be trickier than expected...
    Read more about the mod in the main thread: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/21334-sexlab-mind-control/
    Adds a mind control circlet somewhere in the game (see below for spoilers) Slip the circlet in the NPC inventory to control them The NPC is usually submissive (with a chance to be dominant) The NPC becomes a follower instantly, with an option for marriage New dialogue options will allow you to interact with your slave Removing the circlet from the NPC comes at a cost depending how long the NPC is your slave - the circlet has no effect if worn by the Player Wearing Ysra's necklace as the Player will give you a spell to scan for potential victims and a boost in Speechcraft - the necklace has no effect if worn by NPCs. The circlet will want to return back to you if the NPC bleeds out too much or dies. Your slave will become essential after wearing the circlet long enough.
    Getting started

    You will find the circlet on the shore, somewhere between Dawnstar and Winterhold

    Known Issues
    Forcing NPCs to be followers may come with side effects depending on the follower (essential NPCs, quest givers..). Save often in case you have to backtrack. If something goes wrong, you can try to reset the NPC:
    - Remove the circlet from their inventory to dismiss them
    - Open the console and click on the NPC
    - Type 'resurrect' in the console to reset them
    If that doesn't work, you may have to reload from an earlier save game (before you tried to dominate that NPC).
    Some NPCs will not have the full range of follower options. I did my best to make them follow you anyway but I can't promise it will work for every possible NPCs. Children and guards are especially problematic - stay away from them
    There is no way to force the disposition of NPCs if they are essential. This means a coward NPC will flee combat after being enslaved (I added a Courage spell to the circlet but it doesn't seem to work yet).
    I haven't tested the mod in every possible configurations. Enhanced follower mods will need testing especially (AFT, EFF or UFO).
    Enslaving a new NPC will dismiss your current follower. This is by design, to allow management of multiple followers to kick in if you are using an enhanced follower mod (in theory... I haven't tested that aspect yet).
    The spell to scan for victims will highlight NPCs that are not essential / not children / not guards / not employed by Jarls and with a confidence high enough to help in combat. This is usually a good indication of a 'useful' follower but it is now always the case. This means it is possible some good NPCs will not be highlighted while useless NPCs will be highlighted.
    It is also possible that an NPC will not follow you because it is running an AI package with higher priority (such as being in the middle of a discussion with another NPC, or someone with a very limited or fixed route).
    - SexLab framework (http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v111b-updated-0710/).
    - Zaz Animation Pack ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/156-zaz-animation-pack/ )
    - Compatibility with Puppet Master through a personal patch ( available on SexLab Hormones download page).
    Recommendations to add the circlet to an NPC
    - Pickpocket. The easiest way assuming you don't get caught.
    - Give gifts to anyone in Skyrim - for a simple way to add the circlet to an NPC inventory ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37495//? )
    - SexLab Defeat - for a way to force the item on a reluctant NPC - use the grapple / rob option ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/286-sexlab-defeat/ )
    - Aetherial Crown Replacer - for the circlet model ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38778//? )
    Full change log



  17. Dibella Sanctuary of Whiterun (2015-01-01)

    "As Civil War, Slavery and Dragons are spreading across Skyrim, The Sisterhood of Dibella in Markarth is bringing much needed pleasures and beauty to all."
    This is a simple add-on to turn the Luxury Suites into a fully functional extension of the Temple of Dibella in Whiterun.
    Main features (for now):
    - Luxury Suite NPCs are now Sisters of Dibella with various ranks
    - The Sanctuary is only accessible to the player as a home after completing the Heart of Dibella quest
    Install it after BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp in your load order.
    It is designed to work alongside The Sisterhood of Dibella ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/392-the-sisterhood-of-dibella-2014-12-28/) but doesn't require it.
    SexLab is required in prevision of future quests but is not used at the moment.
    - SexLab ( http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/150-skyrim-sexlab-sex-animation-framework-v159c-updated-oct-3rd/ )
    - Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11427/? )
    Change Log



  18. SexLab Tools v3.0

    -------------------- What is this mod?
    SexLab Tools is a simple mod that aim to give the player some tools to control a sexlab sex scene, mainly the pose & tags, using menus from the UIExtension mod.
    If you have ideas about improving this mod or adding options let me know.
    -------------------- Requirements
    SexLab Framework by Ashal
    UIExtensions by Expired
    -------------------- How to use?
    You can open the tool menu by holding the Modifier key (Left shift) and pressing the Tool key (H by default) while aiming a NPC in a sex scene or when the player is involved in a sex scene.
    Change stage - Opens a submenu where you can choose a stage to play for the current animation.
    Disable current animation - Disable the current animation (it disables it in the SexLab MCM menu.)
    Unregister animation - CURRENTLY NOT USED, meant to be used to remove manually the custom added animations from the SexLab registry, waiting for Ashal’s implementation of such feature.
    Cum outside - Change the current animation by a non vaginal/anal one if needed and ends the scene.
    Write tag or animation name - Opens a menu where you can write a tag or the name of an animation you want to play, if you write the name of an animation it will be added to the current set and will play it.
    Change current scene tag - Opens a submenu where you will be able to choose a specific tag to change the current set of animation.
    Pose selector :
    You can change the pose of the current scene by pressing the Tool key (H by default) while aiming a NPC in a sex scene or when the player is involved in a sex scene.
    Tool actor list key:
    Press this key (H by default) to display a list of the NPCs involved in a SexLab sex scene, you can then click on the NPC name you wish to to open the pose selector.
    Clicking the name while holding the modifier key will open the tool menu.
    If the key is the same as the tool key the priority will be given to the player scene or your current target, otherwise it will open the list menu.
    /!\ Bug that can’t be fixed be is not that important: In the text area when you press “0” on the numpad the game takes it as “enter”, you might want to use the standard keyboard to enter zeroes.
    Enter the name of the animation, once registered you will be able to see the created animation in the SexLab menu, note that creature animation will automatically have the tag of the corresponding race. (e.g. (Wolf) The name)
    You can either create a human animation or use a creature race, a list of races will appear if creature is chosen.
    Change the type of the animation, this can changed during the creation so you can mix aggressive/normal animations
    The default duration is also affected by this, see the durations for each stage and each types in SexLab's MCM
    The animation will inherit of the "Aggressive" and "DefaultAggressive" tags if the option is set to "Aggressive type" on registration
    Number of actors:
    Use to determine how many actor will be part of the custom animation (up to 5)
    Use a filter to sort the animations when you set a stage.
    e.g. If you enter "Arrok" only Arrok animations will be displayed in the animation list.
    Upercases unneeded and multiple filters is possible: e.g. "arrok,foreplay" (Separate with a comma)
    Stage X: The animation for the stage of the custom animation.
    Stage of the chosen animation: Self-explanatory.
    Stage timer: Timer for this stage (duration), 0.0 means it will take the default timer for this animation's stage that is set in SexLab MCM menu.
    Once you have set all your stages use Register to SexLab option.
    To remove the created animations:
    All the created animation have the tag “Custom”, you can use the unregisterer feature of the mod to unregister a particular animation by entering its name or unregister all the new animations by entering "Custom".
    You can also use "Reset Animation Registry" in "Rebuild & Clean" in SexLab's MCm menu
    You can organize multiple SexLab scenes with this tool
    Use the hotkey (disabled by default) on a NPC to register him as the receiver or as an actor of the queue.
    Use the hotkey without any NPC under your crosshair to register the player, remove a NPC from the queue, modify their animation(s), begin the scene or erase the scene.
    When the scene starts depending of the animation registered for the NPCs (Can be a tag, a set of animation or an animation in particular) it will start a SexLab scene with the receiver and the next NPC(s) in line, when the SexLab scene is over the next scene will start with the next NPC
    - Choosing a 3p animation or a set of animations will need the two next NPC in line (4p, 3 NPCs and so on), no matter what animation is set for the next NPCs.
    - Registering a NPC without a receiver and setting him a 1p animation will start a solo animation
    Enter the name of the animation or the tag of the set of animations you wish to unregister.
    Use "Reset Animation Registry" in "Rebuild & Clean" in the SexLab MCM menu to retrieve the unregistered animations.
    -------------------- Credits & thanks
    Ashal for creating the SexLab Framework and answering my questions about it.
    Expired for his UIExtension mod.
    -------------------- Change log



  19. Ammo Unequip on Sexlab Animations

    Automatic Ammo Unequip on Sexlab Animations
    This is just a very light weight little script that checks if any of the actors involved in a Sexlab sex scene has arrows or bolts equipped.
    If they do, it unequips them.
    That's about it.
    The idea for the script code is 90% stolen from the source code of a seemingly dead mod named Cupid - Arrow Be Gone.
    So what's the difference to Auto Unequip Ammo, you ask?
    Well, first it does work for me which that mod never did. And it works on all actors involved in a Sexlab sex scene, not just on the player character and followers.
    It's not customizable either which is a plus in my book because this is supposed to be a very simple feature.
    And before I forget to mention it:
    What this mod doesn't do is check for arrows or bolts added by anything else than the main game and its two DLCs (not counting Hearthfire).
    I needed to put all known ammo items in a formlist for this to work so if someone is using a mod that adds new arrows or bolts then it won't work with those.
    But that's easy to fix, and if you don't know how just ask me and I'll make you a custom version of that formlist.
    Here's a quick how to in case you want to do that yourself instead (which would be great of course ).
    I'll add all custom esp files that get uploaded in the mod topic to that post too so you can find them easier.
    PROXiCiDE for that Cupid source code
    Ashal for the Sexlab API
    Andy14 for convincing me that this is easy to do, because he uploaded another very short script with the same purpose (which I didn't use in the end though)



  20. BeeingFemale

    Pregnancy and menstrual cycle mod that will give a complete new and better feeling to Skyrim. Just give it a try



    Version 2.8 Fix 1
    compatible with SSL 1.50+
    Download the BugFix by Bane Master

    BeeingFemale is a menstrual cycle simulation mod that allows female character to have a menstrual cycle and even to become pregnant.
    It's a very complex mod based on reality with a lot of realistic features like simulating the LH and FSH Hormones, sperm life-time, egg and sperm traveling duration, and way more.
    It's a high advanced mod with many features that won't touch other mods except you want it. It's compatible with most other mods.
    The born children will have an own leveling system, too as well as there own skill and perk tree.
    They can follow you, doing some favours and more.
    If you are a woman in Skyrim, after having sex you can become pregnant - depending on your hormones and your menstrual cycle phase.
    After some many days you can born a little cute girl or a strong cute boy.
    For sure NPCs are supported, too! So even when you are a Men in Skyrim, you can have a lot of fun with this mod and you will have your own child that will give support.
    BeeingFemale is based on reality. It was a lot to read about the menstrual cycle, birth, hormones and stuff.
    A few things in the .esp / .esm files are not cleared. Uncle uploaded a clean version of the .esp/esm files HERE

    Installation Guide
    After I had to reinstall Skyrim, I decidet to explain how to install BeeingFemale from a fresh Skyrim installation with the UNP Body:
    1. Download the latest SKSE version
    2. Download the latest version of SkiUI (+ RaceMenu + HDT if you like)
    3. Download XP32 Maximum Skeleton or Extended for HDT Users
    4. Download the latest version of FNIS and the creature pack
    5. Download the latest version of SexLab + some Sex Mods
    6. Now at first we will install this armor pack.
    7. Download and install DIMONIZED UNP female body
    8. Download and install the Belly Version "UNP TBBP.7z" HERE and overwrite your Dimonized UNP Body again (but you will still have the textures - and now you will have the Belly Node, too)
    9. Download and install the latest Version of BeeingFemale in this thread (OR BeeingFemale CANS Version - Only 1 of them is neccessary)
    10. Run FNIS (data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe)
    11. In Skyrim, open the console and type "bf:test" . This will give all loaded female actors a pregnancy belly. Now you can test, if the "Node Scaling" is working
    Now you can start playing Skyrim with BeeingFemale
    How does it Work / FAQ:
    As I said, BeeingFemale is based on reality. So it works like it does in reality. It's a bit complicated to explain how everything works - only having sex won't impregnate a woman. That's why i wrote 3 Books you can find in your inventory after starting the game.
    Q: The Menu is black
    A: scroll a few lines back. below the Installation guide I've wrote an "important" note
    Q: How does it work?
    A: There are 3 Books in your inventory. It is way to complex to explain everything in a FAQ. But it works like it does in reality - an egg is traveling thought the female body, a sperm can concive it and the woman will be pregnant.
    Q: What are those AddOns?
    A: AddOns are specific mods that include content to BeeingFemale. They can specificate races (changing the duration of a phase, the pain level, the kid of child that will born, and even more, adding more PMS Effects, menstrual effects, ....)
    Q: Where can I find a pregnancy Body / Skeleton / Clothes - and what should i use?
    A: On Lovers Lab! Depending on you body you are using, the textures, the skeleton, the physics there are diferent mods you need. But the good answer is, you can find all of them on Lovers Lab, just use the search function. The first set up of those mods can be a bit anoying but when it works it looks great
    Q: I've got a problem with the Body / Skeleton / Clothes
    A: I'm sorry to say that, but this is the wrong thread for that. The creater of the body / skeleton / clothes can help you way better with you problem.
    Q: My character is spinning when she gives birth
    A: Isn't it funny? I'm sorry i'm not an animator. Those were the best looking animations for birth i could find. If someone could create new realistic bith animations it would be great
    Q: Is Female / Female suported?
    A: Yes, if you have SexLab installed. Even when this is not realistic at all, i made it possible. Just enable the Female sperm effect in the SexLab MCM Settings.
    Q: Are creatures suported?
    A: Yes, if you have SexLab installed. Just enable it in the Beeing Female MCM Settings.
    Q: I had sex with a female guard / thief / ... but she won't become pregnant - why?
    A: Those are non-unique characters. There would be to many problems to make them work correctly. Non-unique characters may change there sex. Sometimes they are female, sometimes male, ... sometimes they are Nord, sometimes argonian.... and when they will respawn after killing them, they may change again. If i would store them it would slow down everything and create massive stored data. Male non-unique can still impregnate female unique.
    Q: Is the Sourcecode included?
    A: Yes! Except the widgets everything is included
    (A typo happend, the Source files are located in a folder that is named "Scource" - Just copy and past all files into your Source folder and you can edit them.)
    Q: Will the childs grow to an adult?
    A: No. This got many reasons. The most imporant is that children won't grow to an adult in just 10 days. Another thing is that this would be realy dificult to make, because of the AddOn System, and stuff.
    Q: I'm suffering on an infection - will my character die now?
    A: Cure it - just buy a cure potion! otherwise you will die.
    Q: Why the min duration of a phase is 2 Days?
    A: This was the easiest way to fix problems with the calculation and the AddOns.
    Q: Why are children / elder forbidden / blocked?
    A: Elder won't have a menstrual cycle anymore... same to children.
    Q: Are there crafts i can create?
    A: Yes. There are many crafts you can create. Contraception Fluid so you can't become pregnant, Anti Sperm Fluid (aka: Wash out sperm fluid) to wash out the sperm that is already inside you, sanitary napkins to fetch the menstrual blood.
    Q: The Conecption Widget says i've got 6% chance to conceive and i'm ovulating - what does this actualy meen?
    A: Such low conception chances are like 0% + tollerance. I don't think your character will become pregnant. Seems the egg won't nist in the utherus or there was no egg when ovulating or something else happend. Wait for the next cycle maybe next time it will work.
    Q: I've got a negative 'State Time' and it's falling even more - what can i do?
    A: This is a bug i couldn't figure out right now. It happens when the BeeingFemale Timer is resumend after a pause (disabled via MCM Menu or Estrus Chaurus Pregnancy). The only way to fix it is a reset the Player Stats using the MCM Menu. I'm still working on this bug.
    Q: Are you a doctor or a midwife or something like that?
    A: Ähm no, not really, i'm software developer who liked Trixy's "Procreation" and continued his work. I've asked some many female friends, reading forums, reading wikiedia with the result - really really to much informations!!! Now i know a lot about FSH Hormones, LH Hormones, even how often and how much menstruation blood drips out.... uuuuhrs.... But i think it was worth it.
    Q: Do you spend hours for just feeding your own fetish?
    A: No. First of all, i spend less time. Sorry for that but i'm busy with my real life as I already said. I love developing and it's better then base jumping when releasing a mod or a bug fix. I don't even play skyrim anymore. Maybe sometimes when I have nothing else to do but most of the playing is just for testing bug fixes in BeeingFemale.
    Q: Is it possible to keep the widgets visible?
    A: Yes, keep the hotkey pressed for 1.2 sec or longer. Press the key again to hide them again
    Q: Are there any console commands?
    A: Yes, there are a few. The most important is "bf:code" (without the quotes) this will display an error code that I need, for fixing some bugs. But I will ask for them, you don't need to send me the code for each request. There are a few more for healing the baby, adding contraception, give contraception bottles to the selected NPC, impregnation, sperm adding, and so on..... Maybe you will find them out sometimes
    Items and Crafts:
    There are a few items you can craft.
    Using the cooker (you can find in a kitchen or a camp fire) you can create the Contraception Fluid and the Wash Out Sperm fluid.
    The Contraception fluid will raise the chance of contraception depending. But don't use them all at once! You must wait around 3 - 4 days till you can use the next contraception - otherwise it won't have the full effect. There is a How To note in your inventory, please read it first!
    Using the Wash Out sperm fluid you can wash out the sperm that is already in you so it won't impregnate you anymore.
    But beware - sperm that is to long (by default 6 game hours - can be changed in the MCM Menu) is in you, already reached the utherus and can't be washed out anymore.
    Then there are the sanitary napkins. You can craft them in the forge -> Leather.
    They will fetch the menstrual blood so you won't have any bloody legs anymore.
    - PapyrusUtil (or SexLab)
    - SKSE 1.7
    - SkyUI 5
    - FNIS
    - RaceMenu
    - A SexLab compatible sex mod so you can have sex
    - Body with pregnant belly support
    - Skeleton with pregnant belly support
    Compatible with:
    - Estrus Chaurus
    - Estrus Chaurus+
    - SexLab Hormones
    - Content Consumer's Alternate Start
    - Slaves of Tamriel Continuation
    Not compatible with:
    - Most other pregnancy mods
    - There is a little bug with Skyrim Romance - will be fixed soon
    Change Log
    2.8 Fix 1
    - De-/Buffs will now be dispelled correctly
    - The Basic AddOn file is now translated correctly
    - The MCM Menu -> Refresh AddOn List is working again
    - Extracted the BasicAddOns to the new AddOnManager System
    - The Emitters for pregnancy water breaking and vaginal blood dropping won't make blue squads anymore
    - Updated the SSL AddOn ini and the BathingInSkyrim ini so they will work correctly
    - Updated the Developer Pack (including the BeeingFemale.esp now as well as the latest scripts)
    2.8 (including the unofficial path)
    - Fixed mcm initialisation for new games and clean saves
    - Fixed sexlab detection
    - Fixed an number of property errors in BeeingFemaleBasicAddon.esp
    - Tampons will now only be automatically added to the inventory of NPCs
    - Fixed virility and sperm survival profile save bug identified
    - Fix for widgets displaying when pressing the information key whilst the console is open
    - Fixed a bug in the script FWAbilityBeeingFemale, that was checking breast value while inflating the belly
    - Updated beeingmale, beeingfemale, beeingbase, PMSSexHurt, PMSHurtingHeadage & BFA_AbilityHungry scripts attached to deleted forms to finish gracefully
    - Mother's Anger effect will now increase damage by 15-20% rather than 1500-2000%
    - Added (and updated patch) code to allow beeingmale and beeingfemale, PMSSexHurt & PMSHurtingHeadage scripts attached to deleted forms to finish gracefully
    - Updated BFA_AbilityHungry code to reduce script load
    - Go AWAY effect will now increase damage by 10% rather than 110%
    - A complete new AddOn Manager System - This is way faster then the onld system
    - The current profile will be displayed in the MCM System Menu if it already exists
    - A Hud Profile was added, where you can set a HUD Profile (containing position, size, color of each widget)
    - Added new Misc-AddOn callbacks: OnMagicEffectApply, OnImpregnate
    - Added new SKSE Events for other Mods: "CanBecomePregnant", "CanBecomePMS"
    - Baby-Items should now have a name
    - Added new console commands "bf:unimpregnate", "bf:cme", "bf:race", "bf:addon", "bf:test", "bf:setbabys"
    - Console Command "bf:impregnate" may have a numeric argument, defining the number of babys the character will be pregnant with
    - The Developer Files are now in a seperate Archive, and now include almost everything, including the HUD and the C++ Files
    - Fixed the MCM Menu - It was possible to raise an infinity bug that spams the skyrim log file to 40gb and more
    - Fixed the "NPCs' moods change" / "NPCs get wayward" Option bug in the MCM Menu
    - Translated the Children Tab to english, in the english MCM File
    - When loading a game, the "Default"-Profile shouldn't be loaded anymore
    - Sanitary Napkins are removed now. There is no need for them anymore. They where not compatible for pregnancy belly, won't work on all bodys (only UNP all i remember) and for some more reasons
    - Edited the BeeingFemale Widget Elements
    - Added a few new Child Perks
    - Menu Title Screen will display the original Image when an adult mod is installed (including Flower Girls and Animated Prostitution)
    - MCM Menu -> System containing more "Compatibility" Mods. Therefore I made a native code inspecting the Script files. With this function, BeeingFemale will 'decompile' script files and check if they contain a specific script function
    - Added compatibility to 'Bathing in Skyrim' to wash out sperm when bathing
    2.7 Fix1
    - Adding String Files for Multilingual support.
    - Fixed some problems in the AddOn Manager
    - Adding console commands
    - Added new FWController Functions: SetBabyHealth and SetContraception
    - DebugInfos were added to the AddOn Manager for the bf:code console command
    - Fixed the multilignual Support for the Baby Item Name
    - Removed the FNIS Animation requirement check
    - Made even more messages multilingual
    - Many Bugs I can't remember anymore fixed
    - Added Baby Sounds, the baby-item will cry, talk, ... now when you carry the baby
    - Added many many new De-Buffs to diferent menstruation cycle phases. I think it was 54 new De-buffs
    - Added the Hungry-Debugg to PMS and 1. Trimester. Now the woman will eat food she is carrying when delivering under "hungry". If there is no food, the stomach will make noices that nearly enemys may alert.
    - non-unique female NPCs may drop items now like Tampons or contraception fluid. Same to all female Guards.
    - Added an alternate Menu Title Image for non SexLab Users
    - Fixed a bug where De-Buffs won't effect the Player/NPC anymore, when loading a game
    - Added an option-INI-File for HUD Widgets where you can set the position, enable/disable, or change the alpha of any widget. (Prepared for a HUD Profile)
    - Fixed a problem, where the default profile was loaded in BF2.6, whenever you load a game so all settings were reset again.
    - Uploaded the Guids and enabled the Donations on Nexus
    - Things I've forgot
    - Couple Widget can now be activated in the MCM Menu
    - Baby Item Inventory-Mesh was replaced (removed)
    - The Child Perk Menu was remade
    - The Child Perk System was remade
    - The Debug View for the Child Skill Window can now be enabled when setting message mode to "All" (Warning, this may lag alot!)
    - Tampon included in the main file
    - Estrus Chaurus Fix included in the main file
    - CANS Support for now disabled - But it will come back somedays
    - Baby Name Files fixed
    - Menstruation Blood was remade (all 3 versions)
    - Menstruation bleeding can now be deactivated in the MCM Menu
    - The Child Followers (Actor) are now less powerful
    - The Summon Enchantments the baby items can born with, are removed
    - MCM Debug Option to test all Child-Perk Files
    - Save / Load Profile option added (6 Profiles are already included, you can create your own, too)
    - You get a notification when the child levels up (and the child will glow, too)
    - Many other bugs were fixed
    - Baby-Item has changed to Baby-Armor!
    - New Enchantment System for the Baby Item. Baby Item will be enchanted
    - Couple System. Couples (Husband, Affair and Friends) may have sex.
    - No SexLab or sex-mods required anymore. (SexLab userers will have some extra Features)
    - C.A.N.S. Framework Support
    - When the Player sleeps next to someone there is a Chance that they will have sex during sleeping (no sex-animations, just the normal fade in black)
    - Enable / Disable Birth animations (Default is Disabled! - You must enable it, to see the Birth Animation again!)
    - New MCM Menu Tab for impregnation (without sex-mods)
    - NPCs may have another Child-Type then the Player ( You can set, that the Player will Born a ChildActor, and the NPCs a Child-Item)
    - many Bugs were fixed
    - NiOverride Scaling added (Required RaceMenu or NiOverride)
    - The children will fight now
    - Added new sounds to the Child Skill Menu
    - Added a new Child Perk - "Reflect Damage"
    - Fixed the "OnPlayerLoadGame" bug - This should fix the Timer problem where you have to reset the player stats and many many more things
    - Sanitary Napkin Widget added
    - NPC Cheats to impregnate and changing phase added to the MCM Menu (nice feature for developers)
    - OK Button in the new Info Window is fixed
    - Added a basic Script for Spells and scrols to give Orders to your child
    - Added 2 new kinds of scrolls to call your children
    - SendModEvent functions for developer (See "For Developers" for the basic SendModEvent useage)
    - Child Tab in the MCM was added (here all your childrens are listed, click on a name and the info window will open)
    - MCM Option: "Reset System" was added. This will restart all components without loosing datas (like the phase the player is in)
    - Basic AddOn Pack - Depressive PMS Effect was fixed
    - The amount of each contraception fluid was raised a lot. The small bottle gives 20% instead of 9%, the medium gives 40% instead of 15% and the Highest gives 70% instead of 40%
    For Developers: Beware, the Script Source files are now in a sub-directory. Remove the old source files in the source directory, starting with "FW.... .psc"!
    - Fixed Child Dialogue
    - Some Debug Messages were removed
    - Some Update Functions were added
    - Basic AddOn Pack is added to the main zip file
    - "German Language" Bug was fixed
    - Children Overhaul
    - Child Skill Menu
    - New Translation System
    - Using some native functions
    - Info Menu overhaul + speed up
    - Widget System redone (hold the Widget Key for 1,2sec or longer to keep them visible, press again to hide)
    - Adding some Bug Fixes
    - FWSystem fixed
    - Precreating some functions for compatibility and more
    - New birth animation (You have to run FNIS after updating!)
    - much more I can't remember
    - Widgets are added
    - A calculation function that calculates the current chance you/a NPC will become pregnant when having sex right now
    - More then 1 craft result when creating a BeeingFemale item (sanitary napkins, contraception fluid, wash out fluid)
    - Childs got names
    1.0 / Beta4
    - many many bugs are fixed
    - info spell shows now everything correctly
    - timer has been fixed (now the characters will give birth, changeing the state when they should, and stuff)
    - added "sanitary napkin" for fetching the menstural blood
    - new MCM Tab "System" added with a simple uninstall function
    - recipes included
    - contraception "Magic effect" support magnitude now, for developers
    - more "misc addon" functions added
    - missing translations added
    - "Cycle magic effects" Addons (CME) are now combined with PMS AddOns
    - CME AddOns now got "Sometimes" effected and "Always effected" properties, for example, when you've got PMS, you will always have "Sex hurts", and sometimes you will have depresive, sometimes aggressive, ..... and so on
    - some global ModEvents are added, so other sex-mods like sexis for example could raise the "AddSperm" event
    - first try to add irregulations
    - menu added for "kind of visual scaling" added where you can set how the Belly / Breasts should grow... realistic, linear, big booms and stuff
    - Breast Scaling fixed
    - Abortus Fever fixed
    Translations and AddOn Links
    - Chinese
    - Russian
    - Estrus Chaurus integration path
    - Beeing Female 1.14 Estrus Chaurus Integration Patch V1.01 (outdated)
    - Beast Baby AddOn
    - AddOn Pack 1.3 by Sleepy_Soul
    - BeeingFemale Shop by Bijapo
    - ScrollMerchant by Content Comsumer
    - RS Children AddOn by Treguld
    - [bFACCA] BeeingFemale Addon - Creature Child Actors
    - BeeingFemale Tampon
    - BeeingFemale Tampon Estrus Path
    - BF_Potions_in_Skyrim by Treguld
    - BeeingFemale 2.8 Patch V01 by Bane Master
    - RS Children AddOn by Gullu
    - Beast Baby Items by Susanoo27
    - Cleaned Master File by Uncle64
    - Bathing in Skyrim workaround by nanashi
    - PMS NoSneak (fix or remove) by asertype
    There are 4 guids planed (2 guides released, 2 guides will follow soon)
    - BeeingFemale Developer Guide - This guide is about creating AddOns for BeeingFemale. Race AddOn, CME AddOn and Misc AddOn.
    - BeeingFemale Perk Guide - Create your own perks for your children!
    - BeeingFemale Make your mod compatible without requirement - All you need is SKSE. There are a bunch of "ModEvents" beeing female supports.
    - BeeingFemale Translation Guide - (must be redone) This guide explain how to create translations for the MCM Menu and the game content.
    - BeeingFemale Script Guide - In this Guide i will explain how to create simple and advanced scripts for BeeingFemale... how to impregnate any woman using scripts only and what options there are.
    - BeeingFemale Modder Guide - This guide descripts how to make mods based on BeeingFemale. For example you talk to an NPC who needs help, rescue her pregnant wife.
    For Developer
    Beeing Female is made for player and developer!
    There are many diferent ways to make developer happy - For example the AddOn Manager. It's easy to create new AddOns like menstrual syndromes, PMS effects, and stuff. It's also possible to create race specific settings or gain access to the BeeingFemale Events.
    Another way to make developer happy is the FWController Class. You can gain access to all NPCs even when they are not loaded or never were loaded. You can impregnate a NPC with just one command, damage / heal the unborn baby, reading and writing the stats and way more.
    There are also functions included to gain access to BeeingFemale without including it to your mod, using the SendModEvent Command.
    Here is a short list for SendModEvent examples:
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "AddContraception", 100) ; This adds contraception to the woman
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "AddSperm", MaleActor.GetFormID()) ; This will add sperm to the woman
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "WashOutSperm", 100) ; This will wash out 100% sperm
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "ChangeState", 3) ; This will change the state to 'Menstruation'
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "InfoBox", 100) ; This will open the info window with all informations
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "DamageBaby", 30) ; This will make 30 damage to the baby
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "HealBaby", 60) ; This will heal the baby with 60 Health points
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "CanBecomePregnant", 1) ; This will make the FemaleActor able to become pregnant in this cycle (0 for disable)
    FemaleActor.SendModEvent("BeeingFemale", "CanBecomePMS", 1) ; This will make the FemaleActor able to become pms in this cycle (0 for disable)
    MaleActor.SendModEvent("AddSperm","", FemaleActor.GetFormID()) ; this is basicly the same as above, except that his is called from the male actor
    More informations can be found in the Guids i've uploaded
    More informations and Links
    You can find more informations HERE , HERE and HERE
    A few helpful links:
    XP32 Maximum Skeleton
    b3lisario´s UNPB BBP Pregnant Body
    Bodyslide UNP
    Pregnancy Scaling Body for Bodyslide2
    UNPB PSVAC pregnancy scaleable vanilla armor and clothing meshes (+TBBP)
    unpb armor conversions with pregnancy and physics support (installer)
    Pregnant-Weighted tbbp armor (Bodyslide2)
    More details comming soon
    Console Commands
    Most of the console commands may have a selected NPC. If no NPC is selected, it will take effect at the player.
    after the command itself there may follow arguments, written in angle brackets. Some of them are only numeric
    Arguments written in square bracket [<...>] are optional and can be set, or not.
    Some commands may take a few second!
    This meen, it will display the error message, that the command could not be found, untill the command is was done successfully.
    Just wait a few seconds
    Special Thanks
    Trixy - for Procreation
    Muon Shan - for your active help
    Huili - for your rus. translation
    Aravis7 - for your france translation and your help with the baby mesh
    xiaomiza - for your chinese translation
    jbezorg - for help with the baby mesh
    Slorm - for sharing his bug fixed FWSystem
    Leito - For the birth animation
    Corum - For the PMS "Depressive" fix
    Lactina - For the Baby-Armor-Mesh
    Vader666 - For converting the Baby-Armor-Mesh
    Vioxsis - For converting the Baby-Armor-Mesh
    Bane Master - For his BeeingFemale Patch
    Chosen Clue - For his BeeingFemale Patch
    qotsafan - For his BeeingFemale Patch
    Lovers Lab Community for the realy great support, help, bug fixing, and way way more!
    Everyone who made a donation! This is realy realy great! Thanks!
    Visit the BeeingFemale Blog, too!
    Here some background informations can be found.



  21. Sexlab Romance PPP (Proper Punctuation Patch)

    What this is:
    This is a quick patch for fixing something I always thought was a huge flaw in one of the best dialogue driven Sexlab mods around - lack of punctuation. In addition to punctuation, the patch also touches upon grammar, formatting and "lore-friendliness". Aside from this it adds no new branches or content.
    You still need to install the original Sexlab Romance mod by Spaceman and overwrite the .esp with this patch.
    I consider this patch to be done and no further updates are scheduled. If you are the original author of Sexlab Romance or someone looking to take over the project, feel free to integrate this patch into the main file.



  22. Apropos Edit

    A Database editor for gooser's Apropos mod, powered by Java Swing and Google's JSON parser, GSON. Apropos relies on a folder structured database of JSON formatted text files, with one file for each stage of an animation. This usually means you need a minimum of four files open to browse or edit the lines for an animation or position, and it can be very easy to make mistakes that leave unparseable JSON.

    As such, the aim when creating this editor was to provide a single application that makes browsing and editing an Apropos Database easier, faster, and more approachable.
    Apropos. This editor isn't good for much else.
    Java SE Runtime Environment 8. Can be ported to Java 7 on request, but I do make use of some of 8's features. Not to mention that you should always use the latest release
    Current Features:
    Select any database folder on your computer. Browse through the list of automatically fetched Actor Combinations. Display an entire position's file's, divided and indented by stage and perspective. Edit any opened line simply by double clicking and typing away. Add new lines, and duplicate or remove existing lines with the right click menu. Wipe entire sections or stages if you wish to start over. Write button to commit all your changes in perfect JSON to be immediately available in game. Simulate Apropos on a set of files by replacing {TAGS} with randomly chosen synonyms and highlight one line from each section to form a set that could have been chosen in game. Open scenes in new windows to make it easier to look for inspiration for new files. Lines in new windows are fully editable, so if you spot a mistake while working on a file in the main window, you can edit and commit the changes from the external window. Copy an existing position's lines to a new position provided by name, automatically renaming the files to match the new position name and loading the new files into the main window. Unify Formatting across the entire database to match the format outputted by the editor, fixing any mixed tabs and spaces or redundant newlines. Will report any JSON Errors in the databases files. Quick descriptions for each button are given with tooltips by hovering over the (?) symbol. Program will remember it's position and size onscreen when closed, as well as any database locations you've added and the actor names chosen for simulation to be re-loaded when you next open it. If a chosen folder has a listing in the UniqueAnimations list, the Unique position will be auto-selected. Window is fully resizable, so make it as big or small as you want. Minimising the main window will minimise every open sub window, and re-maximising any window will bring every window back up.
    Copy an existing position's lines and add them to the matching sections in another existing position. Hotkeys for navigating the application faster, visible by hovering over each button. Add new Stages or remove existing ones. Copy lines, perspectives and stages around in the open position. Positions combo-box will only contain available positions. Rape checkbox will auto-select based on available files.
    Check a file for duplicate lines left by typo-corrections or mergeing files, then choose which lines, if any, you want to discard with a click of the 'Resolve Conflicts' button. Automatically convert between 1st and 2nd Person when using the copy to options in a perspective's right click menu. Get color coded warnings that scale from Yellow (Possible) to Red (Certain) based on probability that the line is long enough to get cut off in-game.
    Update Available Notification in the header when a new release is made on GitHub. Copy and Paste options in right click menu on stage and perspective headers to convert to and from JSON using the system's clipboard. You can now copy lines between windows or even just outside the program. New Hotkey (F5) that re-selects the loaded animation in the drop-down boxes, in case you want to reload it or just forgot what was loaded.
    Word Wrapping for each line of text Tabs for each file opened in the main window. Close with CTRL + W, Cycle through with CTRL + TAB and CTRL + SHIFT + TAB. Update Available Notification in a new Tab with Download button for the new release. Synoynms Viewer to display the contents of the three Synonyms files. Progress Bar in the bottom left will update during long tasks and display current tasks the editor is working on or has completed. Alphabetical Line Sorting for Unify Formatting function, to aid with merging databases. Shortened Filenames in Drop Down boxes and Tabs to free up space for text. Unix Support, becuase why not.
    Installation and Quickstart Guide:
    Download the .zip attached here or just the .jar from the Latest Release on GitHub. Extract the .zip, discarding the sources if you don't care about them. Place the .jar in the /Apropos/ directory, so in the same folder /db/ folder is in. Launch the jar by double clicking, or with command line "java -jar Apropos_Edit-1.0.1.jar". Select "<other>" from the combo-box to the right of "Apropos \db\ Location" Select the db folder that should be right in front of you, otherwise navigate to the database you want to open. Select a folder from the combo-box below Animation Options, a position from the box below that, and whether or not you want the Rape files. Load! Right click on lines for options like Clear, Remove or Duplicate, Double Click to edit, escape/click somewhere else to cancel, enter to save the new line. Click the write button to save your changes!
    CTRL + W - Close Tab or Window if no Tabs Open CTRL + O - Open Selected Animation CTRL + SHIFT + O - Open Selected Animation in New Window CTRL + S - Save (Previously Write) your changes CTRL + N - Copy Selected Animation to new position CTRL + SHIFT + N - Copy Selected Animation and append it to an Existing Animation CTRL + R - Simulate (Run) the lines, opening the names dialog CTRL + SHIFT + R - Simulate (Run) the lines, skipping the names dialog CTRL + TAB - Cycle to the next tab to the right CTRL + SHIFT + TAB - Cycle to the next tab to the left ALT + F - Select the Folder combo-box ALT + P - Select the Positions combo-box ALT + R - Select the Rape checkbox F5 - Select the open animation in the Folder and Position combo-boxes
    Planned Features:
    Best way to keep up with planned features is to check the Open Enhancements on the Issue Tracker, where you can also suggest new features and be automatically notified when those features are worked on or completed.
    Planned for the next release (1.2): Progress [ ||||||||||||| ]
    (T) Making simulation pick a single arousal and wear and tear level for the entire simulation, optionally configured. (T) Wordwrap on the description lines and their attached editors. (T) Support for Editing the various Synonyms files. (T) Regex powered entire database search, like grep but won't require you to navigate to each file, find the line, edit it correctly, etc. Would display every matching line for every animation in the entire database. (T) List Broken Synonyms - Will scan the database for any lines that have {TAGS} that don't have any entries in Synonyms.txt or other synonym files, displaying the lines so you can fix the tags manually. Will find any typos in tags or tags from files that may have come from other databases without the synonyms entries to match. (T) Suggest Synonyms - Will scan the database for any words that also exist under a Synonym tag, so you can add new tags to the Synonyms file and then retroactively replace words the tag produces in existing lines. (T) Fuzzy Line comparison to see if two lines may be duplicates of eachother, where perhaps one may have a fixed typo instead. (T) Copy to Existing Position will check for duplicates before completing the insert, since many files in Apropos share lines between them. (T) Check existing file for duplicates, so you can clean up existing files - especially the larger ones. (T) Warning when line may be too long to display in game, scaling from unlikely to certain based on longest and shortest possible combination of synonyms (T) Button to select the currently open animation in the dropdown boxes. (T) Perspective Shifting when copying between perspectives. (T) Perspective/Stage copy/paste using system clipboard, to allow moving lines between windows and exporting to/importing from other text editors
    Future Plans
    (T) Fix Comma Errors - Will scan for JSON Validation errors in your database and automatically attempt to fix them by manually reading and rewriting the file. (T) Support for Themes, to copy animations and synonyms between, adjust weighting, simulate with a given theme, etc. (T) Support for Keyboard only navigation, so between lines, between animations and between databases. (T) Load recently displayed lines from the Apropos logs for quick editing. (T) Will only happen if I can find any existing libraries that support the process, but potentially, maybe, actually displaying the animation (or at least a few frames from it) while you work on lines for it. Ideally at least looking like Leito's Animation Previews. I don't have much hope for this one, but can't deny it would be sweet. If anyone has any ideas, even a non-java workflow, I'd love to hear it. Potential alternative would just be very dedicated screenshotting, I guess.
    Known Issues (GitHub Tracker):
    (T) Writes use Unix Line Endings instead of Windows CRLF. You will not be able to open the files in Notepad.exe after writing or unifying formatting, but any text editor worth using will handle it fine. Also of note, written lines will have the opening brace on the same line as the key, instead of on a newline as it is written in the current database downloads. If you aren't a fan of the One True Brace Style, I'm afraid I don't have an easy way to fix this. Could be done if it really bothers people, but it would add a fair bit of computation to every write. (T) Synonyms Editor will throw lots of errors if you try to right click in it, since I reused basically all the code for the main window. A proper editor for those files is coming soon.
    Reporting Issues or Suggesting Features:
    If you find an issue that isn't listed above or have an idea for a feature that isn't currently planned, please tell me about it either in the Support Topic or on the Issue Tracker.
    If the issue involved an exception, please include the StackTrace and any steps required to reproduce the error. If the program didn't display the stacktrace, open command line, CD to the .jar's location, and execute it with "java -jar Apropos_Edit-1.0.1.jar >> output.txt". Perform any steps you need to get to the error, then edit the application, and find the output.txt file that will be in the same directory as the .jar. Attach that to any post or issue you make.
    The entire project is open source, and the included source zip is an importable Eclipse Project. Source files, commit log and release history is available on GitHub. If you're interested in contributing, feel free to fork and send a pull request.
    gooser for his work on the Apropos mod which is this program's sole reason for existing.
    Google and the 41 Contributors who made gson.
    Atlassian and the 16 Contributors who made commonmark-java.
    James McMinn for his EditableJLabel that provided the base implementation for the editable fields I use for every line.



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  24. SexLab Position Selector 1.0 - German


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  25. SpectatorCrowdsUltra 0.91b (FULL) - German Translation

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    Solltest du Probleme mit der Installation oder Bedienung der Internetseite haben, gibt es hier ein tolles Tutorial auf Youtube:

    Tipp: Ich empfehle nach der Installation LOOT drüber laufen zu lassen, um die Ladereihenfolge zu optimieren.
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